Saturday, June 27, 2009

The Importance of Becoming Emotionally Self Aware

Emotional self-awareness is the foundational competency of the Emotional Intelligence (EI) model I have worked with for over a decade. This competency provides a solid base upon which to build and enhance Emotional Intelligence competencies including emotional self-management, emotional self-motivation, empathy and nurturing relationships. Yet many of us go through our day unaware and very accepting of the emotional roller coaster daily events evoke. And without recognizing where we are expending our emotional energy, it becomes difficult to progress to developing other EI competencies.

As we all deal with stress on a daily basis, we become accustomed to the pressures and hardly notice when the heat is turned up. Our stress levels rise when we experience negative emotions and are unable to cope with the challenges of our environment. We've all heard of the damaging effects of stress, but what's surprising is that many people don't realize they are experiencing negative emotions. If you don't know what emotion you're feeling, you don't have the information you need to decide whether to stay in that emotion or change or transform it.

Jane's Story:

One of my EI workshop participants, Jane (not her real name) worked in a technical field. It seemed far-fetched to Jane that emotions and emotional intelligence could be important to performance. The concept that emotions played no role in her work was reinforced by both the company culture and the extremely objective, rational nature of her profession. This impression also carried over into her personal life. When we had our goal-setting interview before the workshop, Jane told me that she didn't notice emotions and emotions played no role in her work. She also told me that her colleagues were difficult to work with. Disconnected from her emotions, Jane didn't see the emotional impact she had on others. Additionally, her boss perceived Jane as causing all her problems. He felt the difficulties Jane was having were due to her distant behavior and lack of emotional self-awareness and insensitivity to others.

During and after our first training session, Jane started practicing techniques to help her become more aware of her emotions. At our first coaching session, Jane, with tears in her eyes, revealed that she finally recognized that she did have emotions and those emotions, the negative ones, were hampering her work and home relationships. She realized that distancing herself made her peers feel that she was inapproachable. Jane confided in her boss about her revelation. Before this discussion, Jane's boss had no idea that she was clueless about her behavior and its impact on others. This understanding shed a new light on what was going on and, with this different perspective, the boss became more willing to listen to Jane and support her.

Jane's story is not uncommon. Many of us lack an awareness of our feelings and how those feelings may be affecting our work and our relationships. Disregarding emotions and focusing on getting the work done, especially in technical roles, seems to be a cultural predisposition. What we don't realize is that disregarding emotion is detrimental to effectiveness and productivity.

Without the awareness of the importance of emotions, we do not have insight into how our responses to negative feelings are affecting us and those around us. On a personal level, negative emotions spark a cascade of 1400 biochemical events, some of which result in physiological changes such as increased adrenaline, heart rate, blood pressure and cortisol (the stress hormone). This negatively affects your physical energy, mental clarity, and personal effectiveness. Experiencing these negative emotions, can cause us to become defensive, short with people and sometimes angry. And when others observe this response, we can loose their valuable suggestions, insight and help as they start avoiding us.

Even with the awareness of how important emotions are, people may experience a personal anxiety or hesitancy to openly advocate for developing EI skills. Some of my workshop participants have reported significant benefits from using the EI techniques I teach, yet, particularly in a technical field such as Engineering, are hesitant to promote an EI program for others. While there certainly is a bell-shaped curve of those who do or don't make a choice to benefit from the development of EI skills, not providing the opportunity is an opportunity lost for everybody.

What Can You Do?

Start by identifying typical situations at work or at home in which you feel negative emotions such as anxiety, frustration, anger, fear, or sadness. For example, you may feel frustrated when people who have important information don't show up for a meeting. Or you may feel angry when you see a certain person because he always wastes your time. Or you may feel anxiety when your boss approaches you about a particular project. Or you may feel depressed on Sunday night when you think about all the work facing you the coming week. Identifying these situations helps you realize those events that trigger negative emotions.

Next, pay attention to and name the emotions the identified triggers evoke. Also recognize and name the positive emotions you experience during fun times such as playing with a puppy, sharing dinner with friends, or just sitting in the sunshine. Start developing an emotional vocabulary and expand upon it as the occasion permits.

Create a baseline of where you are expending your emotional energy now. Draw a four-box grid, labeling the two right boxes as positive emotions and the two left as negative emotions. Label the upper two boxes as high-energy emotions and the lower two low-energy emotions. Recall the day's activities, interactions and events. For each, identify your emotion and write the emotion in the appropriate box on the grid, noting how long you were in the emotion. For example, hesitant would lie in the lower left box while anger would lie in the upper left box. Peaceful would lie in the lower right box and excited in the upper right box. Annoyed, depending on your level of annoyance, would lie somewhere in the left two boxes.

When you finish you will have an emotional map of your day. You were in the zone of peak performance if the frequency and duration of your emotions lie on the right side of the grid. If they lie on the left side, you are in a stress zone. As you develop your EI skills, periodically recreate this map. Over time you will want to see yourself more frequently in the two right quadrants by choosing to transform negative emotions into positive, productive emotions.

Byron Stock guides individuals and organizations toward excellence by helping them develop their Emotional Intelligence skills as a powerful tool to achieve strategic objectives, lead change and create resilient, high-performing organizational cultures. Learn about Byron's quick, easy, proven techniques to harness the power of your Emotional Intelligence at .

You Are a Beautiful and Important Person!

I am a mother of 5 children and we all known how difficult it is sometimes to raise them when they are teenager. They have to fight against the entire beautiful girl in their class that are looking like model, or even dress like if they were rich. Believe me, there is one thing we should always remember is to make sure that everyone knows they are worthy. I woke up in the morning and see myself in the mirror and tell: Hey good morning gorgeous, you look beautiful this morning'' yes and I believe it! Why?

So many reasons, we are looking at our exterior, what is inside is much more important than the other. Your soul, heart, thoughts, qualities, talent and much more are important. In a minute looking at myself in the mirror I can see all that different things. Of course some of us will see the hair not fix; the face not make up, the mark of the pillow... never mind that is not what is important. I saw in my life someone handicap, she was not able to use her arms or even talk she was paralyzed, but this person was so worthy to know she was so brilliant, she was beautiful inside and outside of course cause her happiness were reflected to the outside.

Today I challenge every one, look at yourself on the mirror and find at least 5 great things about yourself, you are a beautiful person, you are worth to be known those are the first part of a self esteem. Being able to love our self!

Suzanne Carpentier, mother of 5 children and grand-mother of one precious little girl. Have dedicated myself after my big depression to change my attitude and to help others find the beauty in this life. May my article could give you some piece of comfort. We are the only one who could change this world by changing and improving yourself.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Did Jesus Pray to God - Christianity

When Jesus was a little boy, did he know that he was God? He was obviously Jewish and we can't argue with that, but did he pray to God when he was little or even when he was older. Do you think Jesus's mom had him pray even though she knew that he was God, the creator of everything. Did Mary pray to Jesus when he was a baby? It was obviously established very early in his life that he was a king or someone special to his parents.

I can of course based this on the visit from the wise man or the three Kings from the east. Why these people never came back to visit or find out what happened to Jesus is another story.

I want you as a Christian to put yourself in my shoes for a moment and try to visualize the statement that I am about to make. If Jesus is God, what good would it do for him to pray to himself. I know, it probably makes sense to most Christians and they can probably make sense out of it but for a moment, just think about it. Stop reading and reread the first sentence in the paragraph.

If Jesus wasn't God, it would make sense to see him praying or even read about him praying in the Bible. It wouldn't however make a lot of sense for him to pray to himself. Maybe he was trying to create an illusion for his followers and was just going through the motions or pretending like he was praying so that they wouldn't feel out of place. I don't really know and am only guessing why there are so many pictures of him praying in churches all over the world.

If there truly is a Trinity and this consists of the Holy Spirit, God and Jesus, do they pray to each other? Does the Holy Spirit pray to Jesus or when Jesus is on earth he prays to the Holy Spirit or God. I don't want to start confusing anyone but I would like you to think about this when you're reading the Bible, was Jesus praying to God and if so why.

A little bit of thinking can go a long way and often change someone's point of view.

If you want to read something funny and get your daily laugh in, you need to read this, it's funny Using Religion Responsibility. It's based on overindulgence.

You are free to copy this article to your site as long as you include the following resource information with an active link to my site:

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing and personal development.

Would you still be reading this article, if you had no desire, for better life. Find out more by visiting changing life skills.

Brick Stencils - Faux Painting Made Easy

One of the easiest faux painting finishes is faux brickwork. It can add interest to a dull flat wall or drab concrete surface, either in the home or in the garden or patio area. The great thing about it is that reusable stencils, easily available from many retailers, make the job really quick and easy, even for beginners.

Brick Finishes

An uninteresting floor or wall can become an eye-catching feature with a brick finish makeover. Indoors, the unpainted brick look is trendy and modern with the warm colors of brick complementing other decorating styles. Outdoor spaces can also be enhanced. Brickwork (especially aged brickwork) has a soft, warm appearance whereas plain, untextured concrete floors can be stark and ugly.

Using brick stencils is useful if you want to extend existing brickwork without the effort, expense and mess of actual construction. (And you may not be able to find bricks that match.) Brick stenciling is also an alternative to restoring existing brickwork. Brickwork that has been damaged or previously painted is notoriously difficult to restore but can be rejuvenated with clever use of paint.

The Pros and Cons of Stencils

Especially if you're new to faux painting, brick stencils have many pluses and few minuses. In some cases (for example, if you need to match existing brickwork) you may have to mark out your design manually, or create your own stencil to match what you already have. If you can buy a stencil to suit your purpose you will save a lot of time. The only real downside of stencils is that their fixed size can create problems with corners and edges (especially curved edges, for example around a circular or arched window).

Which Design?

Brick stencils come in a staggering array of different designs, with different brick sizes and paving patterns. Choose your design carefully to fit in with the room or surface you plan to transform.

Make sure that the scale is in proportion. Consider the space available. You may not want large bricks in a small room or small blocks in a bigger space. The size of the brick is one factor influencing the degree of texture that results. Some manufacturers offer customizing and re-sizing of stencils.

Also consider how the pattern will match your architecture, dcor or space. Modern home with clean lines may invite a plainer, more geometric pattern. That could be simple rows, but a herringbone design can also look neat. Circular or swirling patterns can soften a space with hard lines, or complement older architecture, rustic dcor or traditional gardens.

Have Some Fun with It

Brickwork doesn't have to be reds and browns. Other colors can simulate brickwork that has been painted over. You can also choose between a clean, new brick appearance or create a soft, aged look by using paint techniques to create a distressed effect. Stencils are the core of the process but you still have other fun options to choose from to create your ideal look.

Find more brick stencil ideas from That Painter Lady. Then claim your free "Insider's Guide to Faux Painting" and avoid all the common mistakes, get success tips, find the right products for the job and more.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Exterior Waterproofing And Drainage DOs And DON'Ts

Keeping water away from your foundation is a good way to prevent it from leaking through to the basement. However, this helpful technique is not the single answer to fixing a wet basement. Basement Systems has outlined some tips on lightening the load on your sump pump with these foundation waterproofing tips.

What Causes Foundation Leaking?

A home's foundation has the odds stacked against it from the day it's built. When a home is excavated to make room for the foundation walls, space is left between the outer edge of the foundation wall and the earth around it. This area is then backfilled with excavated soil, creating an area of loose, fluffed earth. This earth is more absorbent than the unexcavated soil around it will ever be, and because of this, a false water table is created around your home. In most yards, whenever it rains, more water collects in the area immediately around your foundation than anywhere else.

As this water builds up, it exerts pressure on the foundation walls. This water will pass through the foundation walls in any way it possibly can- through cracks in the foundation walls, the basement or crawl space floor, or most often through the foundation wall floor joint. Additionally, water can be pushed through porous concrete and grout, entering the basement or crawl space in the form of dampness and humidity.

In order to solve this problem, water must be kept away from the area around the foundation whenever possible. And when this isn't possible, that water must be removed.

Foundation Soil Grading

Over the course of several years, the excavated soil around the foundation will begin to settle. As it does, it will create a "dip" in the yard around the edge of the foundation that will collect water from rain and snow. This encourages water to collect around your foundation and will make your problem even worse.
If your foundation soil is pitched towards your home, it's recommended that you add dirt to the area until the slope moves away from the house (this is known as "grading"). This soil should be dense- preferably clay soil. Adding sand and mulch will drain water straight through and around your foundation, ultimately making the problem worse. It's also important to make sure that the soil does not reach up to the siding. A four-inch gap between the soil line and the siding will ensure that it will not rot or become a pathway for termites and carpenter ants seeking to enter your home.

Curtain Drains

If a home's yard is located at the bottom of a steep hill or incline, then curtain drains are often installed somewhere along the edge of the incline. Curtain drains are created by digging a trench in the yard some distance from the foundation. Once dug, a pipe is laid in these trenches. Stone covers the pipe and fills in the area, appearing as a stripe of stone in the yard. While these drains are an effective way to limit water pooling in the yard, they don't stop water from reaching the foundation from other directions around the house, nor do they stop water from reaching the foundation from the sky or passing through the ground beneath the drain. In short, they're a poor way to keep a basement dry. Water will continue to build around the foundation, and it can still easily make its way into your basement. And while curtain drains prevent pooling on the short-term, these drains can clog with dirt and roots quickly and are not a reliable first line of defense.

Downspouts and Gutters

If a gutter is clogged with leaves and debris, it won't be able to do its job for you. Make sure to do routine maintenance to be sure that it's working smoothly and properly at all times, and, if possible, they're screened to help prevent leaves from clogging the drainage. Once the gutters are working properly, however, you may notice a secondary problem; the water that runs through your downspouts is being ejected directly against your foundation! If this is the case, be sure to extend your downspouts as far away from your foundation as possible.

Unfortunately, downspout extensions are generally considered unfashionable. The reason for this is because installing one means adding an unsightly pipes or other fixtures at several points around your home. As well as being ugly, these pipes are a tripping hazard, and they create a constant and frustrating hassle when mowing the lawn. Purchasing a recessed downspout extension or an extension that can be buried without clogging with debris will keep water from the downspouts away from the foundation without interfering with the yard's beauty or accessibility.

The Foundation Waterproofing Solution

Foundation repair and waterproofing includes soil grading and downspout extensions that will certainly help keep water away from your home. However, in the end, the best way to keep your basement dry all the time is to install a basement waterproofing system along the inside of your basement or crawl space. If you have any leaking along the interior at all, then the best downspouts and foundation soil grading in the world is not going to stop a major rainstorm from flooding your basement. Be sure to install an interior perimeter waterproofing system like Basement System's WaterGuard- an innovation on old-fashioned French drains. It's also wise to use only the best cast-iron sump pump and battery backup sump pumps, as plastic sump pumps and do-it-yourself sump pump kits keep plumbers working around the clock during storms when they fail. Basement Systems offers free estimates and personal inspections at no obligation whatsoever. Call us today for a visit!<

~Jacques Bouchard
Basement Systems

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

A Friend and I Learn How to Build a Fireplace

Learning how to build a fireplace is not a simple matter for anyone I know of. Most people that I know would love to hire out these kinds of projects. There are always those very exceptional folks who enjoy taking on these kinds of projects for the sheer accomplishment of it. I have a delightful friend who begins many of these tasks, but never quite seems to finish them. When I go to his home, it's like visiting a warehouse for misplaced and unused objects. It makes me stop and wonder!

His most recent project, and now mine, is in learning how to build one's own fireplace. I know nothing about this which I suppose says a good deal about what I do know! Of the many things I have read on the subject, one of the most important things to realize is that a sound foundation is crucial. The foundation needs to be made of something that will not burn. Sounds obvious and reasonable but apparently not so to everyone. Another important consideration in learning how to build a fireplace is to recognize and understand what your local code enforcement rulings are. It is best to accept what they are and work with them, not against them. Time is short and so is money. So, don't create a structure that has to be torn down in the end because you didn't think someone would come around and check out your construction.

Also, I really want to nail down the basics regarding safety considerations. I want the smoke and other fuel by-products to vent out properly. I don't want to be suffocated after all of my hard work! I suspect that the neighbors don't either. The rest of my concerns are more easy to manage. I know what my budget will allow for and I know what component materials I want to use. I have a preference for brick, red brick to be specific. I can't imagine having a fireplace made of any other material. Well, I am ready to begin the actual building of my fireplace and I am excited. Wish me well!

Simon Harris writes about how to build a fireplace at

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Difficulty Accepting Change in the Workplace

We are the slaves of our habits. We get up at the same time every day, we dress in relatively the same manner, we tie our shoe laces in the same fashion, and we mostly like to eat the same breakfast each day.

People will resist changes, if they do not immediately like their new job, new role, or new working conditions.

They may choose to change by altering their behaviour and their working patterns.

In rare cases, there are some people who choose to accept all the changes without any protest or resentment, but this is not the norm.

People DO resist changes: they DO NOT like to get out of their comfort zones.

Many people leave their jobs as they are unable to cope with the new changes that their job demands:

travelling long distances to work as a result of re-location

reporting to more than one boss as a result of requirement to work on multiple projects

being unable to work with a new team as a result of a merger, especially if that team has been together for some time

no longer working with the old peer group

not doing the work which they liked and instead obliged to do something less interesting or pleasing

being resentful towards a change in policy which directly affects the conditions under which they now have to work

Other changes which make it impossible to continue with the new job, such as

"I do not like to travel a lot to get to work! The office is too far now."

"I do not like my new boss."

"I do not like my team members". "I loved my old group of peers!"

"I do not find my work interesting anymore"

These are just a few instances.

The reasons to resist changes at workplace may be innumerable.

Human psychology is very complex and human behaviour is totally unpredictable.

Adjusting to changes means compromising the predictability associated with the old ways.

It may also mean losing your old identity, losing old relationships, and facing the uncertainty of something new.

The 'future' is always uncertain and people prefer to endure the 'present'.

RiseSmart, a job search site, found that almost 30% (one in three) people already employed spend an hour a day looking for a new job.

So, we can conclude that most people have a resistance to changes in the workplace as they are used to certain habits, comfort zones and paradigms.

The key is to break the cycle of habits and adopt and adapt to new changes.

This paradigm shift can only occur if you change your mindset and way of thinking about the concept of change in the workplace.

Any factor that upsets our routine tends to upsets us. We make a habit of taking the same route to work every day and we want to work on what we are used to each day.

Even with a slight change in our work routines, we become upset.

Why are we the slaves of our habits?
Why can we not be daring and do something different each day?
Why do we see people constantly resist change in their workplace?

The answers to these questions and concerns are not easy.

We feel secure following set patterns in our personal and professional lives.

Our minds are conditioned to certain ways and we find it comforting to do exactly what we know we have to do.

That is why we resist change; we like keeping within our comfort zone.

It has been said that your place of work is like your second home.

You have a certain job profile and your duties and responsibilities fir into in that mould.

You knows what your manager expects from you and how you have to work and interact with your team-mates.

Some of the factors that can cause changes in your work environment are:

1. A change in your job title

This, of course, means that your duties could completely change and you may need to upgrade your skills.

2. Working with a new boss or being part of a new team

Everyone gets used to the comfort of predictable group dynamics and find it daunting when there are changes.

3. Changes in policies that affect your work and processes

This is particularly difficult when the changes have been made from above without any input from you or your immediate colleagues.

4. A change in your job location, work hours, working conditions and your pay

Relocation seems to be becoming prevalent.

Accepting flexible working hours to fit in with clients in other parts of the world are also on the rise.

Synonymous with this are also changed working conditions.

5. A change due to a merger, takeover, or a diversification

This last point is the most difficult to come to terms with if it is your company that is being merged with another.

If you possess and habitualise behavioural and mental flexibility, you will be in full control and even enjoy changes when you are part of them.

Gloria M Hamilten is a recognized authority in disciplines within Personal Development and People Skills for Business Professionals, such as Time Management, Negotiation Skills, Developing High-Performance Teams, Assertion Skills, Building International Rapport, Conflict Management and Resolution, Presentation and Platform Skills.

Her studies in Neuro-Linguistic Programming and Psychology have lead to her researching brain disorders such as AD-HD and its relations.

She has her own training business, and conducts courses for Corporate Organizations, Sporting groups and Tertiary Educational Institutions in Australia.

Her professional experience covers over 30 years of study, research, one-on-one coaching, group coaching, presentations and workshops. Her clientele includes children as well as adults.

Gloria Hamilten has authored the eBook: "Successful Self-Hypnosis" and many Reports and online articles.

Her websites provide a wealth of informative articles and resources on everything within these genres.

Visit her websites:

This article may be freely reprinted or distributed in its entirety in any ezine, newsletter, or website. The author's name, bio and website links must remain intact and be included with every reproduction.

Three Revenue Generating Ideas

Many of Google's products have revolutionized the idea of Internet marketing, and AdSense is no exception. If you already have a web site or are serious about putting one together that has good search engine optimization, there are some excellent ways to make money with AdSense. Here are just a couple.

Distribute Free Articles

In order to increase traffic to your AdSense site, your top priority needs to be spreading your URL throughout the Internet. The more people who come across the URL the more chances you're going to have people who will be able to reach you. However, if you don't know how to boost that traffic, one of the easiest ways is with the distribution of articles. Many sites will allow you to submit articles for free. Then these articles can be duplicated for free by other users as long as they include your resource box. Within that resource box, you need to include that URL.

When people follow the URL back to your site, they will also find the AdSense articles and will be more likely to click on them and earn you some much desired revenue. Remember the better your keyword selection and the more targeted your traffic the better the results are likely to be. That's one way to make money with AdSense.

Head to Message Boards

Another good way to generate greater exposure for your site on the Internet is by spending a great deal of time at message boards and in forums. Each time you post in these forums or ask a question, you have the chance to include a signature line that can include almost anything you want, including links. You can even add the link into your reply to another question. For example, if your site is about weddings and you have AdSense ads about wedding stationery, you could answer questions about this topic by directing people back to the site and to the ads. This way to make money with AdSense requires a little bit more work because you need to be in those forums regularly to get your message across but you can always hire a couple of trusted people to assist you in your endeavor.

Work on SEO

Another good way to gain exposure for your site and to increase your ability to make money with AdSense is by improving your search engine optimization. A well optimized site is going to rank higher than the competition thus it will have more traffic. Plus, if you've done a good job with your keyword research that extra traffic is going to be targeted and will be a better return on your investment than others. The bottom line is that SEO is definitely a good way to make money with AdSense.

Bottom Line

If you are interested in being one of thousands of people who have started earning a steady stream of revenue through AdSense advertisements on their site, then the ideas above will definitely help you boost those numbers.

Do you want to Make Money With AdSense? Don't hesitate. Head over to for more information today.

How to Tell If Your Website is Really Able to Make Money Online

To make money online requires a healthy conversion rate, which shows on what qualitative level the site is. If you have not used conversion rate to make money from home, or more money, you are not the only one. Most small business owners have not used that, which of course offers you a great chance.

1. You Should Improve The Conversion Rate All The Time.

If you think the idea of how to make money online, it is all about trust building between your website and the site visitors. To be able to make money online means to be able to build trust or credibility and to be able to stand out from the crowd offering useful things to the visitor.

I know from my experience that small improvements can unlock the full potential of your site and can offer at the same time ways to make extra money. The interesting thing is that it increases the number of repeated visitors, i.e. means ongoing residual income. The target is that a visitor gets a positive visit experience.

2. Avoid Small Credibility Destroyers.

Website visitors can be really skittish. Even a tiny impropriety can make them to leave and push the back button. So it is very crucial to test all the elements, even the small ones, on your website and to improve the conversion rate to find out better ways to make money online.

Showing your contact information, picture and telephone number can be a strong sign of opennes and reliability, and can open the gates to make money at home. Also publishing testimonials and customer cases can be a sign about the popularity and, yes, about trust.

3. The First Impression Must Show Quality.

No one wants to visit in a disorganized online shop or in the shop, where you do not really know what are they selling, is there anything for you. If you ask how to make good money online, one of the most important factors is the layout, copy and the overall impression, that your site will give to the visitor.

Technically your site must be in shape. There just cannot be broken links, confusing layouts or incorrect or incomplete product information. They are all signs about a bad owner and will lower the trust factor considerably.

4. The Conversion Rate Can Be Increased By Do It Yourself Method.

Do not imagine that there would be some secret formula or software with which you could improve your conversion rate overnight. The only secret formula is your own common sense and your earlier experiences. A good way is to test and to compare your site with the competing ones, especially with those, which succeed better than you do. What a healthy exercise! But that is the way to make money online, more and more!

Juhani Tontti, B.Sc., Marketing. If You Think Better Ways To Make Money Online, The Conversion Rate Increase Offers Good Ways To Make Money Online. Visit: Make Money From Home

Thursday, June 18, 2009

The Ultimate Illumination on Mary Magdalene

This video has more information on Mary Magdalene, great video on advanced spiritual thinking.

If you're really seeking the kingdom of heaven, the glory of God and the true vision that Jesus had, check out some great Christian articles . These articles are designed to teach and educate Christians.

Starting With Simple Things

Small Commercial Elevators

Small commercial elevators are designed to improve accessibility in a building and to provide economical, safe, smooth and reliable vertical transportation. They can be used both in existing buildings and new ones. They are ideal for commercial buildings with two or three floors, churches, businesses, and so on.

A Variety of Models and Loading Configurations

Small commercial elevators are characterized by several loading configurations to suit a wide variety of construction and budgetary requirements. When compared to the typical commercial elevator, small commercial elevators are so made that they would take up less space, and use fewer overhead clearances and less shaft. They are also less expensive. A customer can opt for one in standard or custom design. Nowadays, a variety of models of such elevators with standard and optional features are available. The models differ from each other in terms of design, speed range, color and cab finishes. Most ADA compliant small commercial elevators offer a smooth start and stop for a comfortable journey.

Noteworthy Safety Features

Small commercial elevators come with safety features such as:

Emergency backup
Programmable logic controllers
Overspeed governor
UL approved safety door interlock
Motor brake
Cab lighting with stop buttons
Lockable control panel
In-use indicator lights on hall stations
Battery emergency lighting and lowering
Slack chain brake system
Anti-creep operation

Standard Specifications

The standard specifications of a small commercial elevator may include:

Fully automatic operation
Hydraulic drive system
Energy efficient variable speed motor drive
Wide stable rail design
Attractive elevator style cab fixtures and call stations
Modular rail sections for quick installation
Automatic cab on/off lighting

Make Better Use of Your Available Space

Small commercial elevators come to the rescue of people who value accessibility but
are faced with limitations of space and distance. Depending on your budget, you can find the right elevator for your commercial establishment from a quality manufacturer.

Day Elevator & Lift, leading supplier of commercial accessibility solutions specializes in offering the best installation and maintenance services for small commercial elevators. The range of product that we supply for commercial applications includes elevators and wheelchair lifts.

Drywall And Framing Mold

Vegetable Gardening For Beginners

Thinking of growing your own vegetables? There's very little to compare with the joy of gathering harvest from your own vegetable garden and eating it fresh! Add a selection of herbs and some tomato plants and you are growing a feast to delight a king.

Where in your garden should you have your vegetable bed? Find a spot that has good sunlight and, ideally, is conveniently near the kitchen. When selecting the area be aware of shadow from buildings, walls, trees, etc. Your food plants need at least six hours of direct sun per day to yield a satisfying crop. Some days will be sunnier than others but aim of a minimum of six hours of full sun on average. Water drainage is important as soil that is too wet can cause the vegetables to rot in the ground.

You may have to compromise on convenience, sometimes proximity to the kitchen is not the deciding factor. Should the soil itself not be generous or suitable do not lose heart. You can, of course, always improve on poor ground by buying soil and adding your own home made kitchen and garden compost.

Plants need fresh air around their leaves but if you live in a particularly windy part of the country protect your vegetables from strong winds. Special fencing is available as a windbreak. Too much wind tends to dry out the plant; it can also break the delicate stems.

Keep an eye on your vegetables as they grow. They love being nurtured. In dry weather, keep them well watered as they can wilt easily. They will need approximately an inch of water per week, especially during the fruiting season.

Notice if they are being attacked by pests and if so use an organic spray before too much damage is done.

You probably already have an idea of what vegetables you want to grow based on your family preferences. A good variety is pleasing and fun to grow. You will need to give more space to favored foods. Some vegetable seedlings benefit from being given a start indoors while others need to be sown directly where they are expected to grow.

Watching your vegetables grow is delightful, anticipating the delicious experience of enjoying them at the table. Watering is of prime importance, keeping them moist. Mulching helps retain moisture if placed in between rows. Mulching also provides a convenient pathway as you tend and harvest your crop.

Mike Ward here: Did you find this article useful? You'll find a lot more information about planning and creating a new garden and how to maintain it here...

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

What Advice Would I Give to New Article Marketers?

It's important for us all to share our knowledge, often it's not easy, either, because people are not ready to receive the information, or they really do not wish to hear the hard cold truth. However, I imagine that if you are reading this article you are interested in any advice I might give to my fellow online article writers.

So, I hope you are well and this information is some of what you need going forth with your online article writing and marketing endeavors. First, let me tell you that I am retired now, so, my focus maybe somewhat different than yours. You are probably wanting to know when it became apparent to me that article marketing worked?

Well, it took a while, about 200 articles before I noticed significant traffic and better search engine rankings for our Think Tank. The web and ezine publishers began noting my volume and now my average article is syndicated some 20 times. There are several uses for the article directory site venues.

First, understand the issue of "link-backs" which improves search engine rankings. Second, realize that well-written articles that are not too long get picked up by others and re-used, hopefully carrying your links. Third, realize that pop-culture articles get much more traffic in general, but the best traffic is targeted traffic and those articles are especially suited for selling things on the Internet.

Interestingly enough, I do not sell anything on the Internet, thus, I have an advantage over others, as I am not worried about censoring my articles or custom tailoring them to any type of person or trying to hit the average displacement and political correctness of the masses. Please consider this.

Lance Winslow - Lance Winslow's Bio. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance;

Article Writing For Profit - 4 Sure Ways to Explode Your Article Writing

Article writing doesn't have to be difficult. It's not like a composition that you had to write in the sixth grade - nobody really cared about how you spent your summer. But people do care when they read your articles because they want to learn information or solve a problem.

Here are 4 tips to explode your article writing:

  • Show That You're Really a Person. Speak to your readers just like you would speak to your friends, not like some computer data base spitting out dull information. Place an email address in your article where they can contact you with comments or questions. And, make sure you answer their email questions! How many times have you sent an email to a company for information, e.g. about a certain product, and never received a reply. I'll bet you never did business with them again and probably even ignored any of their ads thereafter.
  • Impress your readers. Show your readers that you really know your stuff! But, don't put any fluff in your article -- it's up to you to demonstrate to your readers that your article solve their problem. Give them good, relevant information about your subject - hopefully something that they can't get anywhere else.
  • Keep Your Article Short. In this fast paced world, most people don't have the time to completely read your article at first glance. They usually will look at the title and probably the first paragraph and scan the rest with their eyes. Try to avoid highly technical terms as it makes your article harder to read and the last thing you want to do is bore your reader. If it passes this test, your article might be completely read on the spot or at least printed out or saved in a computer file to be read at a more convenient time.
  • Promote further reading. If your reader has completely read your article and agrees that you know what you're talking about, it's time to get them to continue reading your articles. At the end of your article, be sure to place a link to another relevant article written by you or place a link directly pointing to your website for even more information about the topic.

Writing articles can be an inexpensive, yet lucrative portion of monetizing your website. For more information about article writing, I just completed a new ebook

Download it free here:

Sharon Zolna and Larry Zolna are authors of numerous articles as well as instructors of website creation for an online business and other related fields. Please visit our website at: and sign up for frequent tips on creating your own online business website.

Giving A Speech

It is said that next to death our greatest fear is making a speech. For most of us being asked to speak before an audience causes us to panic. Our stomachs freeze up and our heart races.This can happen even if we have experiences of successful speeches. Fear freezes us up.Unlike most people I actually enjoy being in front of an audience. I suspect that like people who enjoy writing there is a 5-10 % of the population who enjoy speaking. It's interesting that people who write well are not necessarily good speakers. I owe my love of writing to my mother who made me write weekly letters to her mother.

Like most people I was scared of speaking in public since I was shy. One of my high school teachers thought the best thing was to deceive me into debating. He made me a researcher for the debate team. I worked closely with the three man team and was quite animated in private while arguing points. A few hours before the debate my teacher said that one member of the team could not made it. Therefore I had to go on and do his bit.It so happened that the 'missing' person was the leader and so I had to speak first.

Several decades later I an recall vividly how scared I was. My teacher assured me I would do well.His first advice was to view the audience like my friends and family."You are quite fluent among your friends. This is just a slightly larger group."
Then he gave me a tip that was a virtual lifeline. " Choose a friendly face in the audience and speak as if you are talking to that person."

I chose the sister of one of my school friends. Little does she know that her smiling,comforting face prevented me from collapsing on stage. That night I spoke in passionate tones to just one member of the audience. Following my teacher's advice I spoke slower than normal and imagined my voice hitting the wall at the end of the room and coming back to me. When we finished that night my friends crowded around me and congratulated me on leading the debate team to a big win. Among that group was the leader of the team who was 'ill'.My teacher then confessed his ruse to get me going as a speaker. I have not looked back since that first time. Though when I still remember how I feared the room would open up and swallow me.

Among the things I would emphasize is the need for preparation and structure . It is often amusingly said that all you have to do is tell the audience what you are going to say,tell them and then remind them at the end of what you told them.This is like a famous folk story about the success of a village fool as a teacher.

The Village Fool wandered to a town far away from his home.The town was expecting a famous scholar and mistook the Fool for him.They rushed him to the town hall and implored him to teach them.

Stunned, but living by his wits, the Fool thundered to his rapt audience:" Do you know what I'm going to teach you?"
" No,we don't,"they replied adoringly.

" You are too ignorant for me to teach" said the Fool storming out of the hall.

The audience rushed after him begging him to teach them again. He agreed to do so a week later. In the meantime he attended many events but spoke sparingly. All were convinced of his wisdom.

The next time he ascended to the platform and gravely asked the same question as he did the previous time.
" Do you know what I am going to teach you?"

This time the audience shouted gleefully: " Yes ,we do."

The Fool smiled and said as he left," Then my work is done. You already know all. "

The audience was amazed and thought that the Fool was truly wise so they asked him to speak to them one more time as they felt they knew the best response to his question.

So when the Fool got up and asked in his confident way,"Do you know what I am going to teach you?" half the the crowd said "Yes" and the other half said "No".

The Fool smiled. Then said " Well, those who know will teach those who don't know."

The Fool then left the town with all in awe of his wisdom.

Another useful tip is to establish rapport with your audience, say something that links you to them.Also it's never a good idea to try to speak about something you are not passionate about.You need the energy of you belief to move you and your listeners.It is absolutely critical that your speech has 'bridges' in it to help your listeners to cross from one idea group to another. You must give clear indications when you are moving on. So transitional phrases like "As an example of this" or "This brings us to the larger problem of," assist in understanding.

Do develop a sense of your listeners' engagement with you. Keep an ebb and flow as you go though the stages of your speech. In time you'll learn to create anticipation For example I have listened three times live to Harv Eker's Millionaire Mind Evening speech and I always marvel at how comfortably he paces the speech.Observing him close up I noticed that he seemed to 'play' the audience's energy level.Like actors, successful speakers have a great sense of timing. They speak 'to' people not 'at' people. They are aware that they have to fine tune their ability to receive responses from their audience and keep reacting to them.

When you are preparing you speech establish clearly what your central speech focus is.In one sentence, like a corporate mission statement, you must be able to say what your speech is about.Preparation is in two main parts --content and delivery.After you have got clear what you want to say practice and practice often.Observe yourself in a mirror. Try different shadings of voice. Observe your facial and body movements as you say certain parts. Record yourself on video and critique yourself. Don't be too harsh on yourself. Pay attention to what you are doing right and build on that.Above all remember that you must make eye contact with the people in front of you. Don't make the mistake of keeping eye contact with the paper on which your speech is written!

My advice is to have key points and an outline on index cards.It is possible to train yourself to speak from memory especially if you rehearse often. Work on having a memorable ending. Study good speeches and model your ending on theirs. Your audience should leave with a feeling that their time was spent in a worthwhile way.

Finally ,today, I recognize that the best way to work with people is to deal with their fears about speaking and doing well before others. I use a simple tapping and affirmation process called Emotional Freedom Technique. It has helped many with performance anxiety.

Milton Drepaul is co-author of CXC English and CXC English B . He is an Career Consultant,Educator,Writer,Business Consultant and Resume Expert. Clients can view his website at

Sunday, June 7, 2009

What Happens to Non-Believing Christians - Bible Reading

This is a question that comes up frequently with me, while I'm talking to Christians and other religious followers from around the world. We can go on and on, with questions and answers about why I choose not to believe in most organized religions and they can go on and on trying to convince me, why I should join them, but it's a waste of time for both of us.

Muslims and Christians are always trying to convert nonbelievers to their faith. Most of the time it's out of fear, these people care about you and have a genuine interest in your afterlife. If they can convert you to believe in their religion, they have just saved someone from burning and suffering, in the afterlife.

Now get this, if you're a Christian and you have been faithful, honest, pure at heart and have worshiped God on a regular basis, you just might get to go to heaven. If there is a room of course, only 144,000 people who have lived on the entire planet get to go to heaven. I'm sure that there are still plenty of room in heaven though for you. Maybe not your entire family or all of your Christian friends, but there's probably enough room for one more person. If there are 8 billion people on the planet today, that would be one out of every 55,000 people who are alive today, I didn't add in, all the people who have ever lived, throughout our history. That would probably be about one in 100,000 people.

Most Christians don't want to be bothered by numbers like these anyway and can often come up with excuses like, there's going to be more than 144,000 people in heaven, that's not what it really means, when you read the book of revelations or how about this one, the Bible tells me, that if I accept Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior, I will never die or thirst again. This sounds pretty good to most people.

Well now for the bad news for those who are non-believing Christians. Revelation 21:8 says "But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and all liars-their place will be in the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death."

The un-beleiving, non-followers of Christianity are going to be put in the same category as murderers, sexually immoral, people who practice magic arts, liars and idolaters. Now I want you to think about this for a second, if I knew someone who was more giving, loving, compassionate and they're only sin in life was that they stole an apple from the store once and has never had an evil thought in their entire life, but chooses not to believe in Christianity, because of the contradictions within the Bible.

Does this make sense? Well it does to most Christians, and as a matter of fact it makes sense to other religions throughout the world. I'll tell you one person that it doesn't make sense to, ME.

You are free to copy this article to your site as long as you include the following resource information with an active link to my site:

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development. Check out one of his recommended books, You Can Have It All

Greg is currently working on a spiritual advice articles filled with great subjects on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion.

Awfulizing Creates Negativity

Adding On

About half of the work in our office is new construction and half renovations and additions.When designing a home from scratch some of the most important elements to study(besides the clients wishes) are views, site features, sun and wind direction, and the approach to the site.

The most important single element in an addition/renovation is the existing building. Sometimes the portion you save and restore is key to the rest of the project.Although it is almost impossible to perfectly match the 200 year old materials which have aged in place, flooring recycled from salvaged barn beams comes pretty close.In the northeast we are particularly lucky to be working with craftsmen who take their work as seriously as the people who built the original homes

A case in point is a project we recently finished which included additions, renovations and restorations.Like most old homes it had been added onto by successive generations of home owners.Also like most old homes, some additions were done well and others were not thought out quite as fully.The historic portions of this home set the tone for the rest of the project.In addition to relating to the existing home and meeting the spatial requirements of our clients, it was critical that we save two large very old very large oak trees.Needless to say the oaks are doing fine.

When adding to a very old home every wall that is opened reveals the secrets of the carpenters which has been hidden away for sometimes centuries.Those carpenters often recycled posts and beams from even older structures.When times were tight, it seemed they used every piece of scrap wood they could cobble together to make the building stand.Most of all those explorations inspire awe and respect for the people who built these wonderful buildings by hand.

Not every renovation/addition project has a great existing building to take inspiration from.Often the portion which is added becomes the stronger design element and therefore influences the rest of the existing home.I don't know if that is the tail waging the dog, but sometimes perhaps the tail should do the waging at least in home design.

I must admit, that adding onto an historic home is like working with a colleague whom I respect and admire.We are challenged by those homes to do our best. James M. Crisp, AIA is an architect working in New York, Connecticut and Massachusetts.

Shear Panel With Mold

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Flower Garden Layouts

The home flower garden is one of the best ways to spruce up your home and to lend it a bit of "curb appeal" It is used by those who dress up homes for sale. The flower garden layouts that you use will depend a great deal on the size of your yard, and how much room you can dedicate to flowers or flowering herbs. It's not common sense of course to cover the lawn with errant blooms; however settling them into niches or small areas that will enhance the overall look of your home is smart thinking. Each small flower can be part of the overall look that you are trying to achieve if planned out well.

Your flower garden, depending on the size of your yard and the style of your home, may not only enhance the home atmosphere, making it seem far more warm and welcoming but may in fact increase the value of your home by making it more desirable to potential buyers. Therefore taking the time to develop a good plan of attack when it comes to settling on flower garden layouts will be time well spent.

Your perfect flower garden layout will ideally begin in winter time and may be done if you like using some of the many different types of software that are out there to help you plan things such as variations in color, texture and height for your garden.

There are, as well as software to assist you in your home garden layouts, also several sites online which will offer example garden layouts, and help you to select plants and colors for your own garden to make the most of the space that you have available to you.

The flower garden layout that you use will be with you for most of the summer and perhaps several years so making sure that it's something you want to live with long term is in order. For this reason it is quite often a better idea to use a means of design that will let you view what the garden is going to look like when the plants are in full growth and bloom, and will give you some insight into whets in store for you with this type plant.

Too, decide on the plants that you will house their carefully, choosing them on not just colors and textures but also on the level of care that they will require, since if you're inordinately busy, you probably don't want to plant something that requires daily care to flourish.

You may select to use containers or raised beds to give you more bang for your buck when it comes to choosing the garden layouts, or to make smaller beds work for you.

Ian Pennington is an accomplished niche website developer and author.
To learn more about flower garden layouts, please visit Best Sustainable Gardening for current articles and discussions.

Inspiration Ideas and Motivation at the Movies

Finding something you don't like about yourself is usually very easy for most people. Most of the time you don't even have to ask your family or friends because you have heard them complain about the same thing for years. How many times have you heard someone mention, I need to lose weight?

There are plenty of things that people would like to stop doing or start doing. If you're a smoker and you seem to shop excessively near the casinos, I would advise you to start with something small and work your way up to the big stuff.

What are you going to change today about your life? Make a list of things that you're not happy with about your life and start making the changes today that you need to create the life you deserve and desire.

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development.

Greg is currently working on a personal development video library filled with great movies on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion.

Getting Up Earlier
Getting Up Earlier

Optimist Or Pessimist - Self Help Tips

For myself, I am an optimist. It does not seem to be much use being anything else. -Sir Winston Churchill-

Even though most of us know the above quote is true, it is still easy to become a pessimist in the world in which we live today. We know that it generally makes things worse to always look on the negative side of things, but many times it seems much easier than the discipline it will take to think positive.

All good change has come to the world by different people who had a vision and carried it out. Most inventors are called eternal optimists because they are passionate about what they do and truly believe they can make the world a better place.

The problem with pessimism is that you confine yourself to only what you can see with your physical eyes, and much of it is negative. You then make all decisions based on that information instead of focusing on how things could be made better.

Our natural inclination is to look at what we see around us and take it at face value. We rarely think that God could use one person, namely us, as an instrument for positive change.

The Holy Spirit can give you a vision as to what you need to do for the future, and give you the faith to bring it to pass.

God has an awesome plan for the life of every Christian, because we are all part of the Body of Christ. He has given us certain gifts in order to carry out His work here. Our job is to discover those gifts and let Him use us in the areas where He sees fit. No earthly person can see the BIG PICTURE, so it is hard to imagine how everything will fit together when the work has been completed.

Some jobs will be tough and others easy, and you might never see exactly how things will fit together in the end; but you can have the assurance that God is in control and whatever He does is always perfect and good.

Perfect satisfaction, peace, and joy can only come from being in the center of Gods Will and submitting your whole life to Him. Only people who have a vision can change the world. Ask God to show you His Vision for your life; then ask Him to give you the faith to attain it.

Choose to think positive and see the great things God can do through your life.

Cathy Deaton is the author of Handbook for Victorious Christian Living, practical ways for the Christian who is seeking God to learn to live in victory in every area of their life.

Check out her site at

Also check out her blog at

God has done remarkable things in her life and she has found that He is truly a God of wonder and amazement, and wants to bless His children in more ways than they could ever imagine.

Her site Blueprint for Victorious Christian Living takes passages from the Bible and gives the meaning of key words in the Greek or Hebrew. The articles are short and can be printed out easily for study, or be read online in about 5 minutes.

Recommended Teen Reading List

Being Happy Regardless of Your Circumstances

We all want to be happy but very few of us consistently are. The World Health Organization predicts that by 2020, depression will be second only to heart disease in terms of global illnesses. Our happiness, when it occurs, is usually the result of outside events, such as when someone is kind to us, or when some opportunity is presented to us. That state of mind is fleeting. Our goal should be to be happy no matter what happens to us.

People whose happiness is not dependent on what happens to them actually bring happiness to their experiences rather than trying to get it from them. They still have bad emotions but experience an underlying state of peace and well-being. They have a sense of lightness or buoyancy, feel love and compassion for themselves and others, feel passionate about their life and purpose, have a sense of flow and openness, feel alive, vital, and energetic, are at peace with life, and are fully present in the moment.

Unfortunately it takes conscious effort to become happy. Our minds are wired to be fearful. We are much more likely to notice and remember something that frightens us than something that brings us joy. This works well under very bad circumstances, but with the constant barrage of stresses seen in modern times, most people's dominant way of thinking has become one of being on guard for trouble. In addition, our egos, which are just a collection of beliefs about who you are based on your past experiences, are always afraid of death. Being consistently happy doesn't come easily. Like most worthwhile things, it requires a lot of effort in order to achieve it.

It turns out that you have a happiness set point that works like a thermostat. Whenever the temperature in your room gets more than a certain amount outside the temperature you set on your thermometer, the thermometer tells it to return to that set temperature. In the same way, no matter what happens to you in your life, you return to your pre-set level of happiness. You can change that pre-set level however, if you make a deliberate effort to change it. It turns out that although 50% of your pre-set happiness level is probably determined by genetics, and 10% is determined by our current circumstances, the other 40% is determined by your habitual thoughts, feelings, words, and actions. Those things you certainly can change.

You can't just decide to be consistently happy. The best way to achieve that is to practice the habits of happy people. You need to become aware of which habits support happiness in your life and which ones don't. (Two of the worst habits are having the beliefs that you will be happy when... and you will be happy when you have more money or success). Then you can gradually eliminate those bad habits and cultivate the good habits. When you've done that, you can reach the state of consistent happiness you've always wanted.

For more ideas about how to be successful and have a better life, visit

Spiritual People I Admire

Are You Mentally Constipated? Economic Stress Relief

This article was originally released in March of 2009. We seem to be at the end of a 20 month recession and most people are completely frazzled and seem to be at their wits end. It seems like everyone I talked to, whether it's at a restaurant, grocery store, gas station or work, are upset with the current economic conditions. When is it going to end?

So I'm asking you, quite frankly, are you one of the mentally constipated people? Is your mind so tired of being behind on your bills, worrying about your job and whether or not you're going to have it next week, are you one of those people who was about to retire until the stock market dropped and now you need to work a few more years.

When are things going to become better and how did they even get to this in the first place? Most of the average educated people with a pretty good heads on her shoulders can't answer this question. They have no idea why the economy does great some years and horrible during others.

I often wonder why economics isn't taught in school, something basic. I think it's because, the people who are in charge really don't want us to know what's going on and even though some of the extremely wealthy people have lost some of their money, they will probably make even more once this rebounds.

It's the people like me that I'm worried about, the average person, the person with the mortgage, car payment and utility bills that I'm talking about. These are the people that seem to be mentally constipated and tired of what's going on. These economic cycles seem to take their toll on us.

It said that God only hands out what he thinks you can handle. If this is true, I can't handle any more and I hope that he knows it. While we're waiting for things to get better, keep this in mind, this is the third major recession that I have been through in my lifetime and have survived through them, only by eating away at my life savings. Right as soon as I seem to be sitting pretty good and my bank accounts look nice, something like this comes along and like a giant vacuum starts sucking and cleaning out what I have worked so hard to save.

I, like most of us are tired and worn down, but not worn out. The stock market is starting to come back up and it looks like there's light at the end of the road. Hang in there and if you need to empty your mind and end the mental constipation, start reading a good motivational story. Something happy and positive. This could empty the reservoirs of your mental bowels and provide some relief during these tough economic times.

Another way to exercise the mental garbage is by journaling. Start writing and don't stop until it's out.

You are free to copy this article to your site as long as you include the following resource information with an active link to my site:

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development. Check out one of his recommended books, You Can Have It All

Greg is currently working on a self help library filled with great subjects on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion.

Changing Bad Habits

The Source of Motivation and Determination

When a person persists at a task, we say that person has determination or motivation. But where does that determination come from? Some would say it comes from dedication, commitment, or sense of duty. But I believe that Core Desires are the sole source of both the determination and the motivation that are critical for success. If you are not pursuing a Core Desire, you won't be very motivated or dedicated. You won't pursue something relentlessly unless it is a Core Desire.

Once you learn to unleash the power of your Conquering Force by drilling down to the Core Desires in all areas of your life, you will find your life filled with more joy, satisfaction, and balance. Notice that I said learn. Tapping into your Conquering Force happens automatically once you learn to correctly identify your Core Desires.

Motivation from the outside (extrinsic) usually only scratches the surface. That's why it has little or no lasting power. But when you're driven from within (intrinsic) by a Core Desire, nothing can stop you.

When you know exactly what you want, the Conquering Force becomes available to you at full strength. All great accomplishments are the result of extraordinary determination and drive, both of which come from Core Desires.

You, too, can become an extraordinary person-achieving all your heart's desires-when you harness your Conquering Force. It even creates new talents and characteristics as needed. The Conquering Force engenders enthusiasm, determination, commitment, creativity, discipline, and drive, and it leads to great satisfaction and joy. Any person who is in the process of achieving a Core Desire is already an extraordinary person.

I'm often asked, "What motivates you?" My answer is simple- I'm motivated from within by my many Core Desires. I clearly recognize my Core Desires, and then I act upon them because doing so brings me great rewards and joy. My Core Desires are written on my heart, and what is written on the heart always comes to pass.

A man once told me, "I don't understand how I can be something that I'm not or do something I'm not comfortable doing. I'm not confident, I'm not dynamic-I'm just a low guy on the totem pole. I can't take advantage of opportunities that come my way. How can I make the kind of money I want and need when I can't even earn enough to pay all my bills every month? In the past, I've never earned more than thirty-two thousand a year, and I'm limited because I don't have a master's degree." His list of reasons why he couldn't be more successful or earn more money was never-ending.

I asked him why he was letting his past determine his future. He couldn't answer, so I continued by talking about Core Desires and the Conquering Force. But he confessed that he had no hope and no chance because all the good opportunities had already passed him by. He felt his life was devoid of all happiness and joy.

Many people think opportunity only knocks once; others believe it knocks many times. But I say that opportunity doesn't knock at all. You must knock. When you are driven by a Core Desire, your Conquering Force won't allow you to knock lightly or timidly. You're anxious to get that door open because you want what's behind it, so you knock hard- with force and determination-until the door opens. You might even break the door down or pick the lock-you'll do whatever it takes to create the opportunity.

By Jack M. Zufelt
Mentor To Millions

Jack M. Zufelt is a bestselling author and has achieved worldwide recognition for teaching people the true cause of all achievement. His life's mission is to impart the truth about-and dispel the myths surrounding-success and achievement.

Want to achieve better results?

How about live a fuller life with more happiness, joy, and satisfaction? Discover Jack's DNA of Success and live the life you've always wanted... Click Here ->

Norman Vincent Peal

Friday, June 5, 2009

The Bio-Neurobiology Of The Self

Like always My eyes see, my ears listen, my nose smells, my fingers touch and I cannot help cognizing and ask questions of my everyday experiences and experiences of others that reach me through one of my senses, some of them or all. So like then now it is my eye that caught some written material and threw my selfish self in to examining them in an effort to may be understand more than anything my selfish self. As I read through the material I thought if I could only understand my selfish self and be able to see it from outside of it and from a neutral vantage point what else would there be that I won't master at all. Nonetheless wherever I went and whatever I did and am able to do got me always wrapped up in my selfish self and it more and more proved to me that it is all there is in whatever ways and how it was said and done.

""The most obvious thing about you is yourself." "You look down at your body and know it is yours"." Todd Heatherton. I thought of the statement and wanted to be certain of my knowledge of myself and wished if the self within me was only the physical self and wanted so bad to fully comprehend it and master it if I may and be certain of my knowledge, but hard reality hit me so hard that it was not meant to be. It turned out that the self was much more than the macroscopic physical. It also has what is called the spiritual psychological and more aspects to it. The certainty of the self by the self simply dissipates in to the thin air as I try to examine it even further and the self assurance about the knowledge of the self appealed to me as somewhat far fetched. The day to day discoveries and the new lights that are being shed about the inner and outer workings of our self tells a story of even more unknowns and what we know of our self is barely a scratch on the surface of a very large stack yet to be known and ever.

"When you wake up in the morning, you don't have to interrogate yourself for a long time about who you are." Todd Heatherton. The statement makes it as though we have never had a question or a doubt about who we are and why we are , but the fact remains that the overwhelming part of out every day activities are related and are about finding our self, making our self, changing our self sustaining our self and maintaining our self, all in all whether we say it in a single sentence or thousand paragraphs, whether we ask it directly or not the selfish self often and always takes precedence and primacy. In our daily all encompassing and comprehensive activities, actions, reactions, Cognitions and recognitions we do define and redefine ourselves and I am afraid if we are so sure of why we do so with certainty. If there is anything certain that we have asked enough times who we are and why we are, where we came from and where we want to go and are going, these are questions that are in every ones head without being framed may be in an elitist word framing. And what everyone does revolves around the same issues with varying probability of knowing the answers, but with certain truth of never certainty. Even the questions we ask of others come around often as question about our self and we can't escape the fact that it is all about the selfish self. It often is about acquisition of knowledge, material, position, notoriety or something of value here or in the hereafter. The complete knowledge of the self is the ultimate and as such remains always less than certain.

As we go through life every day we wake up, I feel like, what we do is interrogate our selves of who we are, how our poison has changed and how to best react to it contrary to the statement quoted, in all and many things we do, think and imagine. Indeed we have the greatest interest in ourselves and interest is dependent on the degree of exposure to the subject of interest, and the self more than anything else is exposed to the self itself. May be the root of selfishness lies in the exposure of the self to the self more than the not self and there is no way of exposing the not self to the self more the self itself to the self, thus instilling the selfishness permanently in the self and may be a falls sense of complete self awareness as well. "" Heatherton himself shied away from direct study of it for years, even though-"My interests were around the self but not around the philosophical issues of what is the self."

Things have changed today, Today Heatherton, along with a growing number of scientists, is tackling the question head on, seeking to figure out how the self emerges from the brain. In the past few years, they have begun to identify certain brain activities that may be essential for producing different aspects of self awareness. They are now trying to determine how these activities give rise to the unified feeling we each have of being a single entity. This research is yielding clues to how the self evolved in our hominid ancestors. It may even help scientists treat Alzheimer's disease and other disorders that erode the knowledge of the self and in some cases destroy it altogether." It is rather the philosophical self that interested me the most than the mechanical descript self, not that I understood it but I am intrigued by it. It raises questions more than I could speculate and ask of the readers of this article and knowledgeable people if I may and pose them directly. Is the self a collection of memories? Cognitive and reactive process?, Will the self cease to exist when the mind (brain )ceases?, When the subjective self (mind or brain, or consciousness and memory) ceases will the objective self turn in to an automaton and mechanical being?, Are other animals, plants and inanimate that go through motion purposeful, intentional, disciplined, ordered and unique motion self aware?, If not why not?, When the self that is self aware ceases will the self that is not self aware remain? Is the objective self a reality of the subjective self or is it the subjective self the reality of the objective self? Or does the objective self exist independently of the subjective self and the vice versa? Is the subjective self the extension of the objective self or is it the objective self the extension of the subjective self?

As a matter of everyday practice it seems the subjective self to act as its sole purpose and intent to protect, preserve, sustain and propagate the objective self. If subjective reasoning alone were enough to answer it all, I would have had mine, but reason fails short and reality often times defy reason and it is often reality that has to be reasoned than reason define reality, therefore a dose of objective reality may be is in order and in time for a comprehensive understanding of the issues raised and points reiterated. " Further clues have emerged from injuries that affect some of the brain rejoins involved in the self .Gage, a 19th century railroad construction foreman who was standing in the wrong place at the wrong time when a dynamite blast sent a tamping iron through the air. It passed through Gage's head, and yet, astonishingly, Gage survived. Gages friends though noticed something had changed. Before the accident he had been considered an efficient worker and shrewd businessman. Afterward he became profane, showed little respect for others and had a hard time settling plans for the future. His friends he was "no longer Gage." Cases like Gage's showed that the self is not the same as consciousness. People can have an impaired sense of themselves without being unconscious." As is indicated by the awareness of the amnesiac of all things about him it rather seems as though the self is a physiological and psychological construct of information that precedes it. As such as long as the physical construct of this precedent information is intact the self will retain its self awareness which is ingrained in its genes. This self awareness which is to serve in the fulfillment of the selfish needs of the self necessitates the awareness of the environment in which the self finds itself in. it is therefore this secondary awareness that is to be called consciousness. It is an awareness the helps the self act and react in ways and times that its interest are best served by. As every existence is a relativistic phenomenon, it would rather make the complication easier to understand if we have to conclusively argue whether the self is absolute relative to the not sell or the self is yet a relative reality to the not self. If we claim the self is an absolute reality then the self exists independently of consciousness and if we claim the other way around then the self ceases upon cessation of consciousness. As indicated in the article , the retention of the information about the self while all memory is wiped out by amnesia seems to attest to the fact that the self does not exist because X or Y existed, but because of the information upon which it was constructed that determined its intent, shape, color, purpose and destiny and consciousness helped best accomplish these predeterminations in an environmental constraints.

"At the university college of London, researchers have been using brain scans to decipher how we become aware of our own bodies." This is the very basic law-level first point of the self "UCLA's Sara Jayne Blakemore says. When our brains issue a command to move a part of our bodies, two signals are sent. One goes to the brain region that control the particular parts of the body that need to move, and the other goes to the region that monitor the movement. Our brains then use this copy to predict what kind of sensation the action will produce. If the actual sensation we receive does not closely match our prediction, our brains become aware of the difference. But if the sensation does not match our prediction at all, our brains interpret them as being caused by something other than ourselves. Blakemore and her colleagues documented this shift by scanning the brains of subjects they had hypnotized. When the researchers told the subjects their arms were being lifted by a rope and pulley, the subjects lifted their arms. But their brains responded as if someone else were lifting their arms, not themselves." As untenable as it seems it rather is a fact that the objective self is existent independently of the subjective self (the mind) but too mechanically. The subjective self does not only interpret coordinate and give meaning to the environment the objective self is in but also gives the essence of the self itself in relation to everything and anything within its environmental constraints and how it reacts to and interacts with the elements of its environment. The brain that generates the subjective self seems rather an information in, information processing and information out center that where when and how it gets its imputes determine how it will react and what it puts out when it puts out what it does as its purpose and duty.

"Heatherton and his colleagues at Dartmouth have been using the technology to probe the mystery of why people remember information about themselves better than details about other people. They imaged the brains of volunteers who viewed a series of adjectives. In some cases, the researchers asked the subjects whether a word applied to the subjects themselves. In others, they asked if a word applied to George W.Bush. In still other cases, they asked simply whether the word was shown in uppercase letters. They found that questions about the self activated some regions of the brain that questions about someone else did not their results bolstered the "self is special" hypothesis over "the self is familiar" view." The special self and the familiar self are separate and in essence and are intertwined in purpose.

While the special self is the information upon which the physical self and the psychological self is constructed on, the familiar self to me is the conscious self that determines the position of the special self in relation to its environment and helps act in the best interest of the special self. There is no time or space separation between the self and the information about the self. The information about anything else is separated from the self by distance and time. The self is constantly accumulating and accessing information about itself. The self and about the self are intertwined and inseparable unlike the self and about the not self. Information may be filled separately and in categories, yet the fire about the self may be the most important and may be the most significant of them all. "When we are in new circumstances, our sense of our self depends on thinking explicitly about our experiences. Soccer players know whether they are athletic, strong or swift without having to consult their memories." It is rather indicative of the fact that the special self is very much dependent on its consciousness of the environment it find itself in to react in ways and manners its interests are best met. When the self knows and knows well and is familiar with the environment it finds itself in, thinking becomes un necessary, logical construction becomes redundant and the facts become self evident. "The primate ancestors of humans probably had the basic bodily self awareness that is studied by Blakemore and her associates." I wondered if at all there is any living thing that is not self aware. How is this awareness expressed other than being active in the self preservation and primacy of the self? All living things are self reproductive, self preservative and self protective and knows its relative position in its environment and acts and reacts in ways and manners it is able to survive and thrive; what possibly be the so called self awareness if not all these and more? "The self requires time to develop fully. Psychologists have long recognized that it takes a while for children to acquire a stable sense of who they are. "They have conflicts in their self-concepts that don't bother them at all."Lieberman comments. "little kids don't try to tell themselves, 'I' am still the same person.' They just don't seem to connect up the little pieces of the self-concept."" If I am spared of the possible label of someone playing in semantics and engaged in hair splitting I would like to not that there is nothing at all that had happened happens and will happen in no time and in no stages. Even instantaneity is a relative short period. I cannot agree any less that self awareness takes time while the self is a physical construct of the information that preceded it, it does not only predate self awareness, but is there from the initial date of its complete construction when ever that may be. It seems the self goes through stages of cognition of its environment, compilation of the facts of its environment, understanding of its environment, determining the self's position in the environment and acting in the best interest of the self within the environmental constraints.

While the last two of the process described are attributable to self awareness the former four stages are only precursors to self awareness. May be children's conflict of self concept that don't bother them are indicative of the developmental stage to self awareness than it is physiological (biological) (self) developmental stage. The self awareness of the self goes way passed the developmental stages of the brain to the very origin of life itself as a product of self awareness .As it is attested to and proved over and again programs of self propulsion, development, reproduction and ability to choose are ingrained in the fundamental elements of life precedent cellular construction. It poses a dynamism where change in quantity and quality in time and space are among the prevalent character threats. As stated by Robert Shapiro's " A simpler Origin for Life" Scientific American June , 2007 " Muller's Remarks would be in accord with what has been called the NASA definition : Life is a self sustained chemical system capable of undergoing Darwinian evolution" I as a lay person wouldn't have agreed less except for the two things I need to elaborate or needed be elaborated by some who are more able than I. It is the convergence of among the chemical, mechanical, electrical and even gravitational self sustenance as we prove in to the very fundamentals existence and succumb to simply in to being a product of change in space in time following or governed by a precedent information. As it is guided and goes through self sustaining change in time in space gathers information that helps it undergo Darwinian evolution in effect Darwinian evolution is cumulative information gathered to help self sustenance in time and space.

Planting The Seeds Of Suggestion

What Are Ways to Repair Credit?

Are you looking to repair credit scores and making good on past debts? Perhaps it was a long and rocky road into your current situation, but maybe things have changed and you're in a position to make your accounts current and repair your credit. First, you should get organized. Sit down and write out all your monthly income from employment and if you're married, then include your spouse's income.

Also include government checks, pension, entitlements and tax breaks. Next, write out all your fixed expenses, such as utilities, mortgage/rent, auto loan, insurance, gas, groceries, etc. and write out all your variable expenses. Keeping track of what you spend each month is the best way to get a reality check and see where your weaknesses or trouble spots lie.

Secondly, you can try to negotiate directly with your creditors to repair credit history. If you were previously a good customer, then you should have no problem calling your creditors and requesting that they remove the incident from your report. Usually, if you explain the situation, speak courteously and pay them immediately upon realizing your error, they'll do this for you. Even if you've missed a payment here and there in the past, you can sometimes coax them again.

If you have a delinquent history on their account, as well as others, and a low credit score, then you can try writing a letter to ask that a charge-off be changed to "paid as agreed" or "paid in full, on-time." This can be done with collection agencies and law offices as well, but you must do your negotiating before you pay a single penny or you'll lose all your bartering power. If you're responding to a settlement letter, then you won't be able to take advantage of the credit card debt reduction offer and enjoy a clean credit report as well. You must choose.

The third way to repair credit history is to start a fresh history of good credit. Credit repair company experts say that a healthy credit portfolio includes both the unsecured credit card and secured loans, like an auto, home equity, mortgage or student loan. On average, most people have two or three credit cards they regularly use. Your balance should never be more than 30% of the maximum credit offered and should be paid on-time and in-full each month.

While past mistakes will remain on your record for seven years, the good news is that the past 48 months carry the most weight, so within a year you'll see large improvements if you keep up with all your payments. Some people take out self-financed loans by taking $1,000 out of their savings and repaying themselves each month, while the bank reports all these timely payments as good credit history to the bureaus.

One last way to repair credit is to check your free annual credit report for important omissions, as well as inaccuracies. If you have a new job, then have that income added to the credit bureau reports. By law, you are allowed to send in additional information that may repair your credit report. If you've repaid a loan in a timely fashion, if you've received a raise or if you have a good standing with your bank, then you can report all of this to add some substance and stability to your report.

Visit Mike Selvon portal to learn more about ways to repair credit, and claim your free credit repair tips bonus reports.