Sunday, June 21, 2009

Difficulty Accepting Change in the Workplace

We are the slaves of our habits. We get up at the same time every day, we dress in relatively the same manner, we tie our shoe laces in the same fashion, and we mostly like to eat the same breakfast each day.

People will resist changes, if they do not immediately like their new job, new role, or new working conditions.

They may choose to change by altering their behaviour and their working patterns.

In rare cases, there are some people who choose to accept all the changes without any protest or resentment, but this is not the norm.

People DO resist changes: they DO NOT like to get out of their comfort zones.

Many people leave their jobs as they are unable to cope with the new changes that their job demands:

travelling long distances to work as a result of re-location

reporting to more than one boss as a result of requirement to work on multiple projects

being unable to work with a new team as a result of a merger, especially if that team has been together for some time

no longer working with the old peer group

not doing the work which they liked and instead obliged to do something less interesting or pleasing

being resentful towards a change in policy which directly affects the conditions under which they now have to work

Other changes which make it impossible to continue with the new job, such as

"I do not like to travel a lot to get to work! The office is too far now."

"I do not like my new boss."

"I do not like my team members". "I loved my old group of peers!"

"I do not find my work interesting anymore"

These are just a few instances.

The reasons to resist changes at workplace may be innumerable.

Human psychology is very complex and human behaviour is totally unpredictable.

Adjusting to changes means compromising the predictability associated with the old ways.

It may also mean losing your old identity, losing old relationships, and facing the uncertainty of something new.

The 'future' is always uncertain and people prefer to endure the 'present'.

RiseSmart, a job search site, found that almost 30% (one in three) people already employed spend an hour a day looking for a new job.

So, we can conclude that most people have a resistance to changes in the workplace as they are used to certain habits, comfort zones and paradigms.

The key is to break the cycle of habits and adopt and adapt to new changes.

This paradigm shift can only occur if you change your mindset and way of thinking about the concept of change in the workplace.

Any factor that upsets our routine tends to upsets us. We make a habit of taking the same route to work every day and we want to work on what we are used to each day.

Even with a slight change in our work routines, we become upset.

Why are we the slaves of our habits?
Why can we not be daring and do something different each day?
Why do we see people constantly resist change in their workplace?

The answers to these questions and concerns are not easy.

We feel secure following set patterns in our personal and professional lives.

Our minds are conditioned to certain ways and we find it comforting to do exactly what we know we have to do.

That is why we resist change; we like keeping within our comfort zone.

It has been said that your place of work is like your second home.

You have a certain job profile and your duties and responsibilities fir into in that mould.

You knows what your manager expects from you and how you have to work and interact with your team-mates.

Some of the factors that can cause changes in your work environment are:

1. A change in your job title

This, of course, means that your duties could completely change and you may need to upgrade your skills.

2. Working with a new boss or being part of a new team

Everyone gets used to the comfort of predictable group dynamics and find it daunting when there are changes.

3. Changes in policies that affect your work and processes

This is particularly difficult when the changes have been made from above without any input from you or your immediate colleagues.

4. A change in your job location, work hours, working conditions and your pay

Relocation seems to be becoming prevalent.

Accepting flexible working hours to fit in with clients in other parts of the world are also on the rise.

Synonymous with this are also changed working conditions.

5. A change due to a merger, takeover, or a diversification

This last point is the most difficult to come to terms with if it is your company that is being merged with another.

If you possess and habitualise behavioural and mental flexibility, you will be in full control and even enjoy changes when you are part of them.

Gloria M Hamilten is a recognized authority in disciplines within Personal Development and People Skills for Business Professionals, such as Time Management, Negotiation Skills, Developing High-Performance Teams, Assertion Skills, Building International Rapport, Conflict Management and Resolution, Presentation and Platform Skills.

Her studies in Neuro-Linguistic Programming and Psychology have lead to her researching brain disorders such as AD-HD and its relations.

She has her own training business, and conducts courses for Corporate Organizations, Sporting groups and Tertiary Educational Institutions in Australia.

Her professional experience covers over 30 years of study, research, one-on-one coaching, group coaching, presentations and workshops. Her clientele includes children as well as adults.

Gloria Hamilten has authored the eBook: "Successful Self-Hypnosis" and many Reports and online articles.

Her websites provide a wealth of informative articles and resources on everything within these genres.

Visit her websites:

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