Friday, July 17, 2009

Five Marvelously Simple Ways to Save Energy

With the economic slowdown, more people are wisely slashing down their budgets. But saving doesn't have to be painful. Try these five easy tips to save on home energy costs and you may actually free up enough cash for that cute dress you saw at Macy's or that long overdue vacation to the Caribbean!

The Tips!

1. Lights out

There are not enough ways to stress the importance of turning off a light to save energy. When you leave a room, remember to turn off the lights. And try to turn in early. This way, you not only save electricity but you also get a decent night's sleep.

2. Stay "disconnected"

You can save energy at home by turning off unused electronics such as the fan, the TV and your computers. Make sure you pull out the plugs too. Although they're innocuously in "off" mode, plugged equipment are still consuming energy, albeit at smaller amounts. These small amounts, when combined, can be substantial. If you hate pulling out the plugs, you can buy an adaptor with a switch. I use several at home. Then, you can simply flip the switches to allow or discontinue the flow of electricity.

3. Go CFL

Replace your incandescent light bulbs with compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFL). There are CFLs that give off that warm, sunny glow you so love in your energy-hungry incandescent bulbs. CFLs are also more durable than incandescent ones. With CFLs, you save up on both electricity and bulb replacement costs!

4. Insulate

Covering up all the little holes in your room can also cut down on heating and cooling costs. A lot of heat exchange occurs at these sites and this puts a strain on your air conditioner and heater. Foam strips can readily obliterate all these nasty openings and they're very affordable too. In the winter, simply use thicker blankets and snuggle up. You can then set your heater at a lower temperature and save energy.

5. Let the sun shine

Work during the day and open the blinds! This allows you to work without lights, set your monitor at a dimmer setting, and stay warmer in the winter. What more can I say? These are energy saving habits that you can acquire without altering your lifestyle. What's more, these simply marvelous ways require little or no effort to do. So save energy now and free up some of your budget!

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