Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Money Affirmations - Why Affirmations Will Change Your Life - Part II of II

In part I of this article, we learned that money affirmations, like all affirmations, are statements you choose to listen to or say for the purpose of changing the way you think.

And the reason you'd want to change the way you think is because...

your thoughts are what's behind you not experiencing what you'd prefer in life.

You see, since infancy, you've encountered different ways of thinking modeled by different people.

As a young child, some thoughts passed right through you while others remained to become "your thoughts".

Now, many years later, your thoughts continue to shape the way you view yourself and everything around you. Every day. Every moment.

While most people are unaware that any of this is going on, the fact that you're reading this sentence right now means you're probably at least intrigued by how you could consciously change your life by changing your thoughts.

Listening to affirmations is one way to do that.

Make the Formerly "Impossible" Possible

The more often you hear a certain affirmation (e.g., "life is easy"), the more likely you are to think it yourself.

Eventually, you don't even have to hear the affirmation that "life is easy" for you to automatically think it.

At that point, you begin to act as though life is easy, and feel as though life is easy, and expect life to be easy.

The result is that life becomes easy.

And if life truly isn't easy, you will unconsciously do whatever it takes to make it easy. You might discover a new bus route, join a car pool, or even start working from home.

Why would you do that?

Because you're convinced deep down inside that life is easy, and so life HAS to be easy, otherwise something is amiss.

The bottom line is that you act and feel and interpret life based on what you think.

And listening to affirmations in general (or money affirmations specifically) empowers you to deliberately choose thoughts that support you acting, feeling and interpreting in a manner that makes your life richer and more enjoyable.

Copyright (c) Grant Pasay 2009. All rights reserved. You may forward this article in its entirety (including author bio/links) to anyone you wish.

Grant Pasay is just one of the Team, whose lives have been radically changed by the continued use of positive affirmations for money and in every area of life.

Want to enjoy more money? First change your money thoughts. Go to today.

Make Money at Home With an Online Business

In these times of financial uncertainty, more people than ever before are seeking to replace income from their day jobs with online businesses.

The freedom of being able to make money at home, coupled with the opportunity to be your own boss makes an online business the ideal solution.

Whether you want to work at home to spend more time with family, or you just want to escape the rat race, the internet has made it possible to earn huge incomes working online - as long as you have the right systems in place and the right information.

Why Is Online Business Better?

Making money with an online business is a great option for anyone wanting to get started in business.Running costs are very low and start-up costs are a fraction of buying a brick-and-mortar store.

The best part of running an online business is that you or your employees can work at your own pace according to your own schedule. You may never need a day off, never stops selling and can work 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, if you wanted to.

This is because your sales person is your website's sales page. As long as you have professionally presented, well-written sales copy, your product will appeal to your customers and they'll buy from your online store.

Who Works At Home?

Mothers with children tend to prefer the option of being available for their kids, so running an online business at home makes sense.

Anyone wanting the freedom to live a lifestyle away from the tedium of an office or just wanting to be your own boss will find running an online business a great way to make money.

How Do You Make Money Online?

There are so many different and varied ways to make money online in your own business, the choice of how you make your income is up to what suits you and your skills.

Be sure to research any online business opportunities thoroughly before signing up and search the internet for what other people are saying about the company. If the reports are good then chances are you've found an opportunity worth looking into.

What Kind of Online Business?

Once again, this option comes down to your own personal choice. You might decide to open an online mall, selling popular items from your virtual storefront using an online merchant payment processor. Perhaps you'd prefer to sell digital items so that you can almost completely automate your online business. Freelancing is an extremely popular way to make good money online and affiliate marketing is responsible for creating many instant success stories.

If you're the kind of person who doesn't like to sell, then an online business is perfect for you. Your staff are all automated.

Your website's sales page becomes your sales person. Your payments are processed by an online merchant account. Your products are delivered for you.

Your online business can be almost completely automated, leaving you free to spend your time either building up more customers or spending time with family and friends.

Want to learn to make money at home

Studying on Faith Alone - Education Can Often Be Hard on Religious Faith

It's probably hard to find facts if your mind is already made up. If you're trying to find information on anything, more than likely you will find exactly what you're looking for, if you look hard enough. With all the information out there, available in books, media, and of course the Internet, would we really know the honest to God truth if we ran into one.

Not something that man made up and forced our ancestors to believe in.

If you're studying on faith alone and trying to prove or disprove something, you will succeed. If you're reading the Bible and looking for answers to problems in your life, eventually you will find the answers. All you need is to believe in your God and he will show you the way. Has he truly shown you the way or are you basing your religious beliefs on faith alone.

I have studied the Bible for many years and came to the conclusion that, I was often blinded by the way I view the information and couldn't get the facts most of the time. I always enjoyed reading Proverbs and the story of Job, both of these books in the Bible inspired me to become a better person.

By studying the Bible without faith and looking for information based on facts, it wasn't long before I realized this book could be and I say could be a group of stories that man over the centuries combined into one book during the Council of Nicaea in 325A.D and became religious doctrine for Christians.

In order to study anything effectively, you need to keep an open mind, this might require you to reprogram your thinking. You have been taught for years that only your religion is correct and all other religions are wrong. You can't think like this and gather information effectively.

Studying on faith alone could close your mind and keep you on the path of spiritual resistance. You know you're on this path if only the things you believe in make sense. Nothing nobody else says can make much sense if you're studying on faith alone.

What would it hurt to read a life changing spiritual book on another religion or form of spirituality? If you can't read another religious book, because you're religious organization tells you to only read their spiritual books to gather information, you're following a path of spiritual resistance.

If you're really going to study on faith alone then I suggest studying with intention to learn instead of follow.

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development. Check out one of his recommended reading, Stories from the Old Testament

Greg is currently working on a religious and spiritual answers library filled with great subjects on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion.

Marriage For the Single Mother

In the world we live in today, there is a lot of prejudice when it comes to the single mother. But I think that it all depends on how you want to take things. When I got my baby, all I wanted is my baby and no man forever after. I was hurting so much and could not imagine myself committing to a man again. With time, God has been able to work in me and am realizing that God's will is for everyone to enjoy a happy marriage. No one should live alone. That's why he made Eve for Adam.

You might think that since you have children, no one will ever be interested in you. You are so wrong. God, when he was planning out your life knew that you will be a single mother at one time. He also made a man for you who can handle the situation. A man who will love you and your children unconditionally. It is never too late to start all over again.

God is a God of second chances. He can give you a second chance to happiness. God delights in your happiness. When you are happy, he is happy too. Just let your fears and worries on him and he will give you peace. Ask him for the man who will make your world go round. A man who will love your children like his own. I have seen what he has done for my friends and Pastor. He can do it for you and me. Just let him too.

Angela Mwema is a messenger to the world with the true and living word of God. Please visit her site for more spiritual nourishment. Gods-power

If The Greeks Were Wrong

Unlocking Your Spiritual Mind - Spiritual Video

Ahhhhh is the sound of God and can be used for meditation. Listen to this wonderful sound and try to find God in it.

Question Your Religion

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development.

Greg is currently working on a religious help library filled with great subjects on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion.

Voice Of Knowledge

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Start Your Day With Great Attitude and Discipline Way!

Each and every day can be a jump start towards getting everything you want out of life when you incorporate an attitude of discipline.

An Attitude of Discipline is greeting each day with gratitude. When you wake up in the morning, you are granted another day closer to living your dreams. Simply waking up each day is a poignant reason to be grateful. So many people will not wake up today.

An attitude of gratefulness is a daily discipline. Embrace an attitude of gratitude and notice how you speak differently using powerful words and how your body language greatly improves. For instance when asked how you are, what is your typical reply?

Common responses are: fine, good, OK, not bad, etc. However, with a radiant attitude of gratitude you will draw on stronger words such as: excellent, fantastic, great, etc. In addition, body language speaks louder than words. Therefore, your body language proudly highlights the jubilant words.

An attitude of gratitude becomes one of discipline with practice and daily implementation. Projecting a continuous attitude of discipline will ensure you feel better about yourself and in turn, increase your self respect, self confidence and self worth. Total your attributes and you yield your net worth.

Attitude is 100% within your control. It is a product of your beliefs. Your attitude is a reflection of your thoughts and self talk. You must be exceedingly aware of your daily thoughts, your internal debate and justly discipline your attitude in a precise manner.

Discipline is a commitment to the most important person in the world. It means doing what you have to do even when you do not want to do it. Discipline and attitude are 100% within your control.

By combining attitude and discipline, you acquire an attitude of discipline equal to a 200% increase in your overall performance. You are definitely on the path to living the life you so desire.

Any behavior that is recognized or rewarded gets repeated. If you recognize your tangible attitude and reward it accordingly, this progressive attitude gets repeated.

True discipline is being highly aware of your inner conversation and thoughts and rewarding yourself for that appropriate attitude. This is ultimate discipline and the gratifying attitude will be repeated time and time again.

The problem in today's society is most people are not aware of their attitude and possess little discipline. They tend to reward themselves without cause.

If you associate recognition and reward with behavior whether it is appropriate or inappropriate, it usually is repeated.

One of many daily disciplines is waking up with an attitude of gratitude. Live the life you crave by diligently working to develop an attitude of discipline. Another important daily discipline is knowing your most productive time of the day.

Once you know your most productive time of day, dedicate at least one hour of that most productive time to the most important person in the world - You?

Bob Urichuck is an International Speaker, Trainer and Best-Selling Author. Learn personally from Bob in the areas of Sales, Motivation, Leadership and Team Skills. Bob presents a series of great ideas and strategies with combination of facts, humor, and practical concept in a high-energy and self-discovery process that you can apply right away to achieve results. Subscribe to Bob's Free Newsletter, worth $297, visit Now!

Monday, April 27, 2009

Albert Einstein's Quotes

Imagination is more important than knowledge, try to figure that one out.

Seek the wisdom and the truth shall set you free.

Hope in Religion

What The Bleep Do You Know

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Make Money From Home - Have You Been Thinking Doing That?

More and more people are making the big switch. Defying the conventional, they are leaving their office-based jobs and seeking the comfort of their own homes. Back in the old times, such a move may be considered foolish, but not anymore. Now, this is the move that offers a bright and promising future - and a present as well! So the question is, "Why don't you make money from home?" There are plenty of reasons to do so.


When you make money from home, everything is at your discretion. You are more in control. You will be the one who will decide when to work, how long you will work each day, and when you can take a break. No one will be around to boss you around and pressure you. You can even decide whether you want to work for the day, or not. You can take a day off when you feel like it. One more thing that you can decide, of course, is how much you earn. All it really takes are the resources you need to make money from home and plenty of time management skills. If you're good at managing time, you can even squeeze in that vacation you've been pining for.


When you choose to make money from home, the cash will come in instead of going out. Think about all your expenses just to go to work? First, you have to buy power suits, or clothes appropriate for the office. Then, you have to shell out a lot for transportation expenses as well. On the other hand, when you make money from home, you will save a lot of money. Besides, if you think that working from home might increase your household costs, all you have to do is work more. Since you control how much you earn, you don't need your boss's approval to give you a raise. You can give yourself a raise anytime!


Some people mistakenly think that when you make money from home, you won't get the career benefits of someone who works in an office. When you work in an office, you can get promoted and reap the bragging right, the verbal praises from colleagues, and the financial benefits. But when you work at home, there are no such things, simply because you are your own boss. When you make the decision to make money from home, it is just like promoting yourself to the topmost level of the career ladder.


Every minute is quality time spent with your family when you decide to make money from home. A lot of people face the challenge of trying to balance between their personal lives and careers. Most families have broken up because of a person's dedication to his job or career. Ironically, the person is also working as much as he can to earn more money for his family. When you make money from home, this becomes a far-fetched scenario. You can take an hour off anytime to play with your kids before they go to sleep. You are working and earning more to give your family the things they need, but you are also giving them the most important thing they want from you: your time.

Those are just some of the reasons why you should definitely make the switch yourself, just like many others have already done. Back when the concept of making money from home was still relatively new, people were quite apprehensive about making such a career-changing decision. Now, however, there is no need to wonder what will happen if you choose to make money from home. Learn from example. Simply look at the more comfortable and more fulfilled lives of home-based professionals who are now reaping plenty of benefits just because they made the big decision to make money from home. Now, it's your turn.

The benefits of making money from home are all yours for the taking! Find out how to get hold of them here. Click on Make Money from Home now and be one step away from financial freedom!

Problems With Catholicism

Make Money Without Money Through Affiliate Marketing

This may sound too good to be true, but the truth is, wait for it; you can make money without having money! If you are most people, you are probably thinking that this article is just another one of the numerous internet scams. Well, you could never be further from the truth. This article will showcase the different ways of utilizing affiliate marketing programs to make money, even without having money.

What you require

To be eligible to join an affiliate marketing program, you will be required to have a website, or be present in any other form in the internet.

There are many different kinds of website. Examples of website include fan websites, personal websites, blogs, and company websites.

If you do not have any of the above, any other form of internet presence will do just as well.

Why Affiliate Marketing

Right, so you have established a web presence, only thing is you don't have any goods or services to offer for sale. So, where do you go from here? This is the point where affiliate marketing comes in. With affiliate marketing, all you have to do is to find companies seeking affiliate partners. These companies can be dealing with either goods or services.

Affiliate Marketing, What is it?

As a webmaster/website owner, you qualify to become an affiliate if you meet the requirements of the company who have the product or service that you are seeking to market/sell on their behalf. You can then develop a business relationship with the parent company. Such an arrangement will provide that you get a percentage of the business you bring the parent company through you website/web presence.

Mechanics of Affiliate Marketing

As an affiliate, you will promote the parents company products or services on your website. These promotions can range from something as simple having links that link back to the parent's company's website to the more complex generation of thousands of unique impressions on a monthly basis by visitors visiting your affiliate site.


All it takes to make money using affiliate marketing is a little effort geared towards marketing of the product. Many companies will be more than glad to take on board an affiliate partner. This is because affiliates will enable such companies to scale down on their marketing costs and are guaranteed of returns on their investments. The companies determine before hand how much there are willing to spend on such programs either as commissions or flat rate. When all these are taken into considerations, finding a affiliate program that suits you will be so easy.

If you need money now, like I mean in the next hour, try what I did. I am making more money now than in my old business and you can too, read the amazing, true story, in the link below. When I joined I was skeptical for just ten seconds before I realized what this was. I was smiling from ear to ear and you will too.

Imagine doubling your money every week with no or little risk! To discover a verified list of Million Dollar Corporations offering you their products at 75% commission to you. Click the link below to learn HOW you will begin compounding your capital towards your first Million Dollars at the easy corporate money program.

Creating Success For Teenagers

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Who Can Make Money From a Blog?

Firstly You Need To Question Whether You Want To Monetize Your Blog?

Different people have a variety of strong personal feelings about making money from their blogs. If you think commercializing your blog is immoral, unethical then don't monetize it.

Earning income from your blog is not easy, so you don't want to be dealing with self-esteem issues about doing so. You should feel genuinely good about earning an income from your blog before you proceed. So take a few moments and think it through before proceeding.

If you do decide to generate income from your blog, you need to go boots and all into fully commercializing your blog. Don't be shy about it, at all, in fact be very proud of it and see it as providing a service to internet users. If you decide to put up ads, then put up ads in the best locations and make them bold. If you're going to sell products, then sell them hard and don't be ashamed of it. Only sell and the best quality products you can find and give your visitors convincing reasons to purchase.

When you commercialize your free site, expect that some people will complain, depending on how and when you do it

It Is Possible For Some To Make Money Online From Their Blog?

Yes you absolutely can and will make money if you do it correctly and with a passion and conviction. Realistically you should be able to make tens of thousands of dollars per blog if they are commercialized properly and with a lot of skill. Don't expect that initially and don't expect that from your first blog. 90% of people will never make that much from a Blog. But do aim for that after you learn the ropes as it is possible. If you work full-time , it will take much longer to generate a high income from blogging, but it can still be done.

Who Can Make Money From A Blog?

Not everyone will successfully make a living form their blogs. In fact blogging is so over crowded with people trying to commercialize their blogs that a good 75% of people will never make any meaningful living from a blog.

Making a living from a blog requires a good level of intelligence, decent It skills, a great knowledge of internet marketing and a very open context to the way you think. For this reason most people will struggle with making a good income form commercial blogging.

These are just some of the essential skills you will need to make money from blogs:
RSS/ feed syndication, feed aggregators, pings, track backs, full vs. partial feeds, blog carnivals (for starting your blog's traffic), search engines, blog publishing software, HTML/CSS, blog comments and spam prevention, SEO, page rank, social book marking, tagging, contextual advertising, affiliate programs, traffic statistics, email, auto-responders, links, link cloaking pod casting, instant messaging, some web scripting languages.

If reading these skills above scares or confuses you then I do not recommend you try to make money from blogging just yet. There are far easier ways to make money online requiring far less skills.

If you are going to retails digital ebooks, from your blog, you will need e-commerce, SSL, digital delivery and online MySQL databases as well as the skills above. You can outsource most of this, but that does increase your start up costs significantly and then you run the risk you may actually be unsuccessful if you fail to turn a profit.

Successfully monetizing a blog is a delicate balancing act between meeting the needs of yourself, your visitors, search engines, those who link to you, and others those who use your blog. You need to be able to interpret this balance and apply it.

Simple things like creating a title for your blog are an extremely important decision that can make or break the success of your blog. The title of the blog should be based on meeting a customer need. Your title must attract customers, be SEO friendly, be appropriate to certain adverts, suit the theme of your blog, and encourages people to link and bookmark with your blog. You need to be capable of doing the research to see which blogs in your field are currently successfully monetized and base decisions on those.

Every article on your blog must provide genuine value to your visitors. Create titles for your articles that balance these various needs. "How to" type articles are perfect traffic drivers that balance the needs of visitors and advertisers, as well as product sales from your. To be successful you need to be able to research and write credible "How to" articles based on the latest commercial opportunities that become available.


People can in fact make money from their blog. However as outlined in this article it requires a lot of skill to make good money from blogging and it is beyond the skills and time commitments that most new internet marketers are prepared to invest. There are far easier ways for new marketers to begin making money online, like affiliate programs and using AdSense. For more detailed ways see the links in our bio box.

Here's To Your Success!

Do you want to know about a system that new internet marketers are using to make well over $10,000 per month? If so go to

Teenage Pier Pressure

Make Money With Self Storage Auctions

Entrepreneurs! Self-Starters! Independent Business Persons! It's time to make some "easy" money with storage units.

Well, OK... maybe it's not so easy all the time, but it's certainly entertaining.

Every year (and especially in bad economic times) regular people fail to make their monthly payments to Self-Storage facilities all across the country. The reasons can be quite varied: divorce, death, and job loss are but a few. But when people do fail to make those payments the clock starts ticking. They are called, and sent formal papers. And ads get placed advising the world that an absolute auction will take place to liquidate (sell) their stuff.

There are auction services that put on 50 or more auctions daily, and almost all of these are completely cash... all sales final. You go to the unit; they open it up; and the auctioneer starts the bidding. You get only less than a minute to "evaluate" the goods. Most times, things are stacked up, boxed up, and generally "difficult" to figure out their true value(s). The bidding may last up to two minutes before you hear SOLD! -then it's on to the next unit.

Bring your cash to the office, and in a few minutes the office is telling you you have 24-48 hrs to remove your treasures. You'll end up paying up to 10% more than the end price as an auctioneer's fee, and you might have to pay sales tax, too. Many bidders bring their enclosed truck or trailers with them, so as to limit transportation expenses.

Now, the dream of every seller is to find hidden guns, cash or jewels in the mix; but it's been my experience that people who have left such nice things generally have the money to pay their rent. What you do find, on a regular basis, are things like spare furniture, X-mas decorations, clothes and almost everything you would see at a flea market or garage sale. And by the way, you'd best value things in your bids accordingly. Stories of bidders "overbidding" are common, but so are the exotic Japanese Sword finds, or the complete set of The Incredible Hulk comics, etc.

You must have a strong stomach, too. Many people use their storage units as a trash dump, with things strewn everywhere. And it's up to the buyer to sweep the unit clean. Don't be surprised to find very, very personal items, too. We've seen artificial limbs, sexual toys, and enough "porn" to start an x-rated store.

What has made us money is furniture. Not all bidders relish the labor required to remove and move whole house-fulls of furniture, but I've found furniture to be a consistent earner. Next are the electric items; lamps, toasters; clock radios seem to go quickly. Almost nobody leaves "real" jewelry. No gold, a little silver, mostly quartz movement watches. Just don't overpay. I haven't seen a "drug dealer's money box" in storage units I've purchased, but then, I wouldn't be telling anybody if I had! Happy bidding!

Jake Earl is a staff writer for

Living With What If In Your Life

How Positive Thinking Can Work For You

Endless books throughout the years have been written about this subject. Without fail, they all state that positive thinking is the key to all success. Whether it be spiritually, financially, self improvement or whatever it is you desire, whatever department in your life that needs can obtain it all through the process of positive thinking.

The process of maintaining a positive state of mind has been shown time and time again that it has all of the necessary ingredients to bring about improvements into anyone's life who has chosen to work with it's fundamentals. By using some basic, but very powerful techniques, positive thinking can and will manifest into your life all of the things with which you desire the most. Often, within just a short period of time, you may well find yourself feeling much better about yourself and life in general.

Some results will come easy and quickly, while others may take longer and require a bit more of effort, but with consistency and belief, they will all come about. For years, many people have used this unseen power to improve health, booster one's attitude and to promote self growth, only to mention a few of the unlimited possibilities that patiently await your request.

Perhaps one of the most effective and simplest ways of instilling positive thoughts into your mind is through the use of positive affirmations. This technique of reprogramming your thinking process on a daily basis can and will work. However, in order for your positive thoughts to work their magical power, you must first eliminate any negative thoughts that may be currently dominating your life.

By utilizing positive affirmations, you will be creating a new habit, which in turn, will begin developing a more powerful and positive attitude into your life, but only if they are used correctly.

This process requires that your affirmations are done with a continuous and pronounced effort, forcing you to remember and repeat the very same affirmations over and over again...everyday.

One such affirmation to use may be, 'I am hopeful, optimistic and a positive thinking person'.

Of course, this is not always as easy as we would like it to be. More often than we would like, we find that our thoughts are more of a negative nature than they are of a positive one. Most likely, these negative thoughts have been around for a long time. They might of originated from a combination of our early childhood and of life's experiences.

As human beings, we may have our share of good days and bad days which can make it even more difficult to maintain our positive, daily practice . When an unexpected negative thought or event enters our world, it can quickly negate all of our positive and hard work that we have been earnestly putting forth.

These negative thoughts are very powerful within themselves and have the power to totally cancel any and all of our positive thoughts. Therefore, we must make it a priority to eliminate all negative thoughts as much as possible. Fortunately, there are several ways to do this.

When catching yourself thinking of a negative thought, stop yourself right then and there and replace that negative thought with a positive one. This will also help you to create a new, 'positive' thinking habit.

If you were to also delve into self study a bit further, you will discover that by observing your thoughts even more closely, that you will have the ability to completely eliminate the negative ones just as quickly as they arrive, thereby allowing your open mind to being receptive only to the positive ones.

To further enhance the magic of getting what you want, combine your positive thoughts with the visualization of having already received what you desire and also (most important), feel with emotion as having received them as well.

Want To Learn More About How You Can Easily Increase Your Self Esteem And Become More Effective In Obtaining Your Goals and Ambitions?

Thinking Like God

The Universe Knows Best

Several years ago, I needed a new car. Excuse me, a new "pre-owned" car. I wanted an economy car. So I researched what I could, with "Consumer Reports," to find the most reliable, most inexpensive cars. I picked about five that I decided to look for, with one model being the most desirable. Throughout the process, I kept affirming that I found the Divine Right car, for the Divine Right price. The car that was best for me, reliable, mechanically sound, economical to drive.

I checked all the local dealers, and found a couple of my "most desirable" cars, the one I really wanted. But one of those had some definite body problems, and the dealer wouldn't negotiate at all. The other dealer tried to pull a fast one on me, and I walked out.

Eventually, I traveled to Phoenix, one hundred twenty miles to the south, to wander their car lots. None of the cars on my list were available. I was getting very frustrated. In early December, I test drove a car at a local dealership that was second on my list. It just wasn't right. I gave up the search over the Christmas holidays, and just continued affirming. I'd done all that I could, now it was up to the Universe to find and deliver the right car to me.

Just after the first of the year, the last dealer called. "Have you found a car yet?" "No." "We're going to a car auction this week, and we'll get one for you." The next week, I went in, checked out the car that was my second choice, and bought it for under wholesale Bluebook.

When we get out of the Universe's way, we manifest what is best for us, not necessarily what we think is best. The Universe has information that we couldn't possibly have. My experience wasn't a random event. Recently, a friend was going through the same process I went through a few years ago. Since he'd gotten a new job thirty miles to the north, in snow country, he needed reliable transportation. (Yes, Arizona gets snow. We even have several ski areas.) He was looking for a new "pre-owned" car, and selected three models he thought would be the best and most economical. Interestingly, his research had verified that the car I got was much better mechanically than my original first choice.

After we unsuccessfully investigated local dealerships, we drove to Phoenix. He was getting panicky. He had to have this car by the time he began his new job in one week. I kept reassuring him that he'd find the Divine Right car. We drove one of the cars he had on his list, but wasn't impressed. At the next dealership, the salesman drove us around their acres of "pre-owned" cars. Some were going to auction.

He pointed out a car not on my friend's list, but it had all-wheel drive. All-wheel drive would be great for snow country. The salesman originally said the price on the windshield was as low as they could go. Once back in his office, however, the salesman dropped the price by several hundred more. The car had been on the lot for a long time, and they wanted it gone. My friend bought the car for under wholesale Bluebook. His Divine Right car wasn't even on his list, but the Universe knew what he needed, and It provided for him.

When we trust that we'll be Divinely guided to the right car, or house, or job, or whatever, we will manifest it. That doesn't mean that we don't have to do the analytical research and make choices as to what we want. We just need to keep our pre-conceived notions out of the way.

Affirm "This or something better," and be willing to recognize when the "something better" is right in front of us. Though I really wanted the first car on my list, I let the Universe guide me to the best car that really fulfilled my affirmation requirements. As long as we don't get too attached to whatever our research, or our desire, has shown to be "best," and let the Universe handle the details of what is "best," we will manifest the truly best thing for us.

A nationally known hypnotherapist, writer, speaker and coach, Linda-Ann Stewart helps people rediscover their power and sense of self-worth. For a copy of her free ebook, "Secrets To The Law Of Attraction," visit

Awfulizing Creates Negativity

How to Get an Ex Boyfriend Back - The Spiritual Side of Breaking Up

Hope is often what drives many of us to go after things that seem out of our reach. Wondering how to get an ex boyfriend back requires looking inward and looking up through a season of both waiting and healing. The pain that comes with breaking up does not go away after one day and the will to move forward seems impossible early on. It is easy to forget the spiritual side of breaking up and neglecting to heal wholly with the hope of getting back together with an ex boyfriend.

The Importance of Looking Up

All good things come from above. Through faith God gives our life both meaning and purpose. God also showers us with so many blessings that we cannot begin to count them. The reason for the breakup might remain a mystery for awhile but God promises us that God can take any situation and bring about 'good' for those that love Him. While looking inward is important to understand the reason for a breakup we first must look up.

You will not hear this advice in many circles on the internet but yes you must look up and pray. Re-establish the most important relationship you are meant to have and that is with your Creator, a God who loves you. Through prayer God will give you the strength you need through your breakup and also the wisdom to grow and mature from the disappointment that breakup caused you. Only God can take things that are broken and shattered and make them whole again. Looking Up will soon cause you to move forward.

The Importance of Looking Outward

God's desire for our life is never to be an island and isolate ourselves from everyone. The greatest command God gives us is to love him but the second is to love others. After we are looking up we must follow that with looking outward. We must invest ourselves back into the lives of our family, our friends, and seek to improve the life that is TODAY and move forward. We can carry the hope of reuniting with our ex but the burden is a lot lighter sharing it with both God and those that love us no matter what.

The truth is couples reunite all the time and you can as well. Many factors contribute to winning back your boyfriend and experiencing the joy of making up. The time part is essential for growth but at the same time do not push him farther away. It is important to know all the steps to winning your ex boyfriend back as well as the important lessons to learn for yourself while you are healing from the hurt of the breakup.

You can learn all you need to know to recover from a breakup and win your ex boyfriend back here at Saving Relationships 101 Guide at once and begin taking the steps to win him back! Learn more about Get An Ex boyfriend Back.

Fighting In Gods Name

Animal Spirit Guides & Totems

Animal spirit totems can be viewed in different ways according to each of us as individual people. The basic principle of an animal totem is an animal spirit who gives us insight into ourselves, a glimpse of the divine powers at work in our world, and can transcend us to a place of healing for ourselves and other people.

The author of Animal-Speak, Ted Andrews defines animal totems as such: "Any natural object, animal, or being whose phenomena and energy you feel closely associated with during your life". A totem is considered to be a power, also called 'medicine' and is capable of walking down our path with us on our spiritual and personal journey in this lifetime. We can tap into the energies of the animal totems for strength, healing for ouselves, and for others. Higher level beings along with Spirit Guides can shapeshift, transforming their energy bodies into animals and sending us important messages that will guide us along and teach us what we need to know.

How many of you have been attracted to particular animals over the course of your lifetime? Own figurines of a certain animal, hang pictures up of them, watch them at the zoo? How many of you see a particular animal on a regular basis and at times thought it seemed 'out of the ordinary' for this to happen? Many of us overlook and miss the animals when they are speaking to us. Because of today's busy society and hectic lives we often take natural, spiritual occurances and sluff them off or don't even notice them at all.

If we take the time and effort to connect with Mother Earth and her animal children we can learn to harness the medicine that comes with these wonderous and intelligent creatures of nature, enlightening our perceptions, spiritually and personally growing as people, and sharing that new found source of energy with others in the world.

Our animal totems and guides choose us according to what is necessary for growth at that particular time. We can also have one main power totem who does not come and go but encompasses 'who we are'. This animal will many times be the one who you have felt connected with most strongly during your life, but doesn't necessarily have to be. Develop a relationship with your animal totems. Study the animal's behaviors, hunting habits, natural instincts, life rythym cycles and how it lives. Honor them by keeping physical reminders of them near you such as figurines, pictures that you can draw, etc...Even if you don't physically have the animal in your geographical area you can still draw pictures of them. Meditate and calm your mind, ask Spirit for help and you will draw what naturally comes to you.

Everything in nature is connected....There is one hoop for everything, and everything has it's place and purpose. You may want to study the location of where the animal lives, nearby plants, streams, lakes, rocks, stones, cliffs, trees etc...By doing so you are keeping the sacred balance of all things and learning all there is to know about your totems. Make an effort to communicate with the animals. Pay attention to your surroundings and know what animal(s) speak to you. You will be on your way to connecting with your personal animal totems if you do these things........

Lisa Hoskins is a jewelry designer who owns Animal Spirit Jewelry. She has studied animals her whole life and is now blessed from Spirit to be able to create jewelry based upon the spiritual principles revolving around animal totems and guides.

You can find her website at

Lou Holtz

Saul of Taursus - Notable Lifetimes of the Ascended Masters

Saul of Taursus is a pivotal figure in the early formation of the Christian church. His conversion and resulting new life as Paul, author of many key writings and letters in the New Testament, are some of most well-known events in Christianity. His views and opinions have shaped Christianity for over two thousand years.

Saul of Tarsus was a determined persecutor of Christians, originally seeing them as a rebellious faction and a danger to the government and society. He consented to the stoning of St. Stephen, the first martyr of the Christian church. Although they were alive during overlapping time periods, Saul never met Jesus in person.

After the death and resurrection of Jesus, Saul was traveling on the road to Damascus when a vision of Jesus appeared to him, saying, "It is hard for thee to kick against the pricks." Saul was temporarily blinded after this vision. Saul took the name Paul, and resolved to spread the word of truth throughout the Mediterranean and the Middle East. Three years after his conversion, Paul spent three years in seclusion in the Arabian Desert. Some believe he was in communication with Jesus through visions and meditation during this time.

Paul worked tirelessly to spread Christianity for the rest of his life. Many people believe that Paul achieved sainthood in that lifetime. Others believe that he needed additional lifetimes to perfect himself and atone for his responsibility for the torture of Christians. Those who believe that Paul needed additional lifetimes now acknowledge him as Hilarion, the master of the fifth ray of healing.

Rose Greenwood is a freelance writer specializing in spirituality and natural health. For more information about Hilarion and other ascended masters see The Hearts Center offers an opportunity for seekers to receive up-to-date inspiration from the ascended masters and other spiritual beings. To purchase books, CD's, DVD's, art, and more, please visit

Discovering Spirit And Sound

Friday, April 24, 2009

Choose to Thrive Not Nosedive in 2009

Even though the 6:00 news preaches doom and gloom daily, you don't have to buy into it. There are millions of people in our country that get up and go to work, find new jobs, buy homes, start a family or start new relationships every day of the week. They do not succumb to the prevailing negative attitude espoused by those who would have you believe only they can make it better.

Yes, you may have to work a lot harder to find a new or better job. Yes, you may have to change your appearance and thinking to begin a new relationship or fit into a new employment situation or to deal with all of the changes and challenges facing you. But you can do it by taking control first of your thinking, then your actions and surroundings so you can create the future you want in 2009.

Change Your Thinking

Because we live in extraordinary times, ordinary thinking no longer works. Shift your thoughts to the unusual, unexpected and uncommon. If you are looking for a job and your usual process is to email your resume and it's not working, call the firm or deliver it in person. You might land a brief in-person interview. Post your profile information on free networking sites for the business community like where recruiters regularly look to find qualified people.

If you are seeking a new relationship or a better relationship with your spouse, evaluate carefully what is important in a relationship. Perhaps it is your outlook and expectations that need to change first before you can focus energy on your desires.

It's important to remember that what you focus energy on is what you will get. Everything you currently have in your life is the direct result of the seeds you've planted over the last several years of your life. If you plant the seeds of doom and gloom in your life that is what you will reap. If you plant the seeds of a good job, more income and better relationships that is what you will reap. If you change your thinking you will change your results.

Take Action

It's one thing to think about creating a better tomorrow but for many it's another thing to do something about it. Nothing will change from the way it is today if you don't act upon your new thoughts. Once you've decided exactly what you want to create in 2009, focus all of your energy on it and make it happen. Engage all of your senses into creating a plan and then act upon your plan to create your future. This puts you in control of tomorrow not the 6:00 predictors of doom and gloom.

It is important to engage your feelings as well as your senses in this process to assist you in creating your objective. Feel the emotions of accomplishment now to help you reach your goal. Visualize it, hear it, smell it. Get a very clear picture of the end result and your subconscious mind will get to work with your conscious mind to help you create it.

Then take action. If it means making 20 phone calls per day then do it. If it means joining some social organization to meet new people, stop talking about it, do it. If it means getting a job through a temp agency so you can find a new job, do it. No idea whether large or small is of any value unless acted upon.

Create Supportive Surroundings

Surround yourself with nurturing and encouraging energy especially when times are financially stressful. There are a number of ways which can help you get through the difficult times while uplifting your spirits to carry on. Follow the Feng Shui principles below to help you take control of your future.

Paint the walls in your home warmer colors in the earth tones family - get rid of the high energy unfriendly cold whites. Peach and salmon are coming back because they nurture relationships, family life and security. Aqua is also coming back because it provides the feeling of a day at the beach with no worries. If you cannot paint the walls or are on a limited budget, use a few accents in these colors such as throws, pillows and pictures to shift your energy.

Use candles abundantly in safe containers throughout your home. They provide soft lighting more reminiscent of calmer and safer times. Even articles from your childhood or that of your parents can be placed with the candles to add warmth and the feeling of safety or comfort. Forget the binge eating of comfort foods - candles work great to provide you nurturing energy.

Create an intentions board out of a simple bulletin board with push pins. Stick onto it pictures, symbols or words of everything you want to create in 2009. If you want to buy a house, stick a picture of a house on it. If you need income, put a $ sign up, maybe even the amount you want to receive. If you want a new or improved relationship, place something there that represents what you want in your future. Hang this board where you will see it morning, noon and night to remind you to stay focused on your objectives and to provide you supportive energy.

By choosing to thrive and not take a nosedive in 2009 you have already placed into action the thought process of taking control of and creating your future. Change your thinking as necessary; don't get locked into the old ways of doing things. Make a plan then take action. Finally protect yourself by creating supportive nurturing energy in your surrounding.

You will be in control of your future, create what you want so you can thrive in 2009, not succumb to the doom and gloom of the news cycles.

Pat Heydlauff, all rights reserved 2009

Pat Heydlauff, president of Energy Design, uses Feng Shui design principles to eliminate chaos and stress at home and within oneself. More than a Feng Shui expert, Pat is a consultant and speaker who helps remove clutter and negativity while encouraging personal growth, improved relationships and prosperity. Her forthcoming book, "Feng Shui: So Easy a Child Can Do It" shows how small changes can lead to a big improvement in one's personal and professional success. For information on her consulting, speaking and artwork, visit:

You Can Heal Your Life: Never before Seen Interviews

You Have To Watch This Video

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development. Check out one of his recommended books, You Can Heal Your Life Moving

If you want to read something funny and get your daily laugh in, you need to read this, it's funny Using Religion Responsibility. It's based on overindulgence.

Followers Or Leaders
Magical Numbers

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Self Improvement - 3 Effective Ways To Change For The Better!

Self help and self improvement are things we work towards throughout the course of our lives. If you are new to this process, you may get a little impatient at times, but do remember this - you cannot get your self esteem low overnight and neither can you get it alive and kicking in a day. So work towards self improvement patiently and diligently. Once you make it a habit to be good to yourself, you will slowly but surely begin to see a positive change in every aspect of your live, be it at home or in the office, be it a personal relationship or a professional one.

As adults we often become so accustomed to our negative ways of life that it takes more than just a simple one day effort to change that. More often than not, you will not succeed in your self help plan unless you make yourself outlines and guidelines to work within. Just like a business plan, it wouldn't work if you go to step ten before you've completed step two. So, be patient and work through the different stages of self improvement at a steady pace.

We have to accept the fact that with whatever you wish to achieve in life, there is something that you would have to lose in the bargain. The good news is that when we want to achieve good things in life, we need to do away with the bad ones. If we are on a path where we are battling alcoholism, then we need to make sure that we keep our selves away from people and places that cause us to consume alcohol. Here are a few steps that define the stages of self improvement:

A. Defining your goals
B. Transforming your decision into actions that help you on your path to success
C. Keeping the goal always in sight

The third is where most people fail. Many people lose the willingness to remain on the path to self improvement after they achieve a minor success, or sometimes a minor failure. In the former case, they feel that they've done enough, and fall right back into the ditch they just got out of.

Self Improvement is not an issue that can ever be closed. The minute you lose control of your self help, you are right back where you started from. So ke1C49ep your goals always in sight, and when you reach one goal, make yourself another positive goal to work towards. You need to look within and ask your self about what positive goals you need to accomplish for your life, and this should not be something that you stop asking your self after the first success.

Abhishek is a self-proclaimed Personality Development Guru and has written several books on this topic! Visit his website and Download his FREE Personality Development Report and discover some amazing self-improvement tips for FREE. Become the best you can become and reclaim your life! But hurry, only limited Free copies available!

Free Advice for All Ages by E-Mail and Forum

In the days before the internet and World Wide Web people would write to newspaper columnists such as Ann Landers and her sister Abigail Van Buren for help. The advice giver would pick out representative letters to answer and the answers would appear daily in the paper. Similar advice columns now appear on the web, sometimes answered 2238by an individual such as those working with Mike Hardcastle on About's Teen Advice. Carolyn Hax dispenses advice on her website from Seattle. Her column appears with those of Dr. Joyce Brothers and Rev. Billy Graham.

Amy Alkon, calling herself The Advice Goddess, writes a column which is intended to be both funny and appropriate advice. Amy Dickinson gives advice under the rubric Ask Amy.

If you type in the word ADVICE in Google or another search engine, you will find lots of opportunities to receive advice, including all the ones mentioned above. An unusual one is Elder Wisdom Circle. The advice is provided by people who are 60 years old or older who have been selected to offer their wisdom accumulated during a lifetime of activity and learning experience. Every letter is answered by email. You can read sample letters and answers on the website.

If you are troubled by any kind of problem at school or at home or work, about personal concerns, family matters, sexual worries, etcetera, and feel that you have no one to talk to about it, try one of the many advice columns and websites available to you via the internet.

Jack Wilson is a writer and artist in Tempe, Arizona:

The Magic of Coaching and Why I Do What I Do - Here is My Story

The past few months I have been sharing with you insights and tools to help you design a life of your choosing without really telling you anything about me and why you should believe what I say. So I thought today I would share with you my story. I remember very distinctly something my mother told me once - she said I came home from school one day and said, Mom, I just dont have enough hands for all my friends to hold. Somewhere along the way I lost that part of me. I began to believe that I was not good enough, that I had to conform to the views and beliefs of others so they would love me. Eventually, I had far too many hands and not enough friends to hold them.

I lost even more of myself when I became a wife and a mother. One day my daughter said to me, Mom, youre never happy anymore. Talk about a defining moment! I started to realize that everyday I woke up thinking is this all there is? That is when I started to take a look at my life and decided to find out who Lisa really was. So I started on my self discovery journey. I read tons of self-help books, watched many hours of Oprah and Dr. Phil trying to uncover who I was and where I wa5B4nted to go. By doing this I began to regain my self confidence and got reacquainted with me. I also started working on my physical self and began faithfully working out with The Firm.

Life was good again - I was getting healthy both on an emotional level and a physical level. It turned out that the healthier I got the unhealthier my marriage became. About two years into my self discovery my marriage fell apart and my husband told me he was leaving. I am sure you can figure out what came next. Yes, I started questioning whether I was wrong to pursue this self growth. After all, if this was right for me why is my marriage and world falling apart?

The answer came to me when I attended the Fearless Living Foundation Workshop and met my life coach. Through the workshop and the coaching sessions I learned that when I take care of me and become healthy, then the old unhealthy things will fall away allowing room for the good to come in. That is exactly what happened. The unhealthy relationship that was my marriage was removed and I was able to design a life that is healthy and fulfilling for me. Thanks to the work with my life coach, I was able to move forward without regret or bitterness inhibiting my way.

From this experience I was able to finally determine my life purpose. In the back of my mind I always knew that I wanted to help people and make a difference in their lives. When I experienced the magic of life coaching I5B4 knew that was it - that was how I was going to fulfill my dream. So I enrolled in the Coach Training Alliance coach certification program and became a coach. Now I am living the life that I love, working with amazing people like you who are dedicated to doing what it takes to live the life that you were meant to live.

Experience the magic of coaching for yourself - sign up for a sample coaching session by completing the contact me form at or email me at

Lisa A. Fredette is a CTA Certified Life Coach and a member of the Relationship Coaching Institute as well as a graduate of the Fearless Living Workshop. She is the owner of Passionate About Life Coaching and Passionate About Life Coach Divorce Recovery Coaching Club. Lisa provides one on one and group coaching, workshops, teleseminars, ebooks, ecourses and a coaching club for her clients. Her main focus is on supporting women who are motivated to take their divorce recovery to the next level and singles who want to attract the right partner. Sign up for Lisa's free report "Be the Navigator: Six Easy Steps to Getting Back into the Driver's Seat of Life" at or sign up for the Passionate about Life Coach - Divorce Recovery Coaching Club at and gain the support you need to turn your divorce into a celebration of life.

Keep Your Self-Esteem To Yourself

Walk into any bookstore these days, and what do you see? About half an acre of "inspirational" works: self-help manuals, guides to life, motivational books and books-on-tape-the literature of uplift.

Who are the "authors" of these molehills that make up a mountain? Doodlers with a knack for sugar-coating, for assuring us this is the best of all possible worlds, that man is the pinnacle of God's creation and that each and every one of us is endowed with touch of the divine, not to mention a generous helping of genius just waiting to be tapped.

Every age gets the philosophy it deserves. Ours is one that can be summed up in an advertising jingle: Feel good about yourself.

About 120 years ago, Ambrose Bierce, known today mainly for his Devil's Dictionary and as the hero portrayed wholly inaccurately by Gregory Peck in The Old Gringo, wrote a regular newspaper column in The San Francisco Examiner. America in the 1890s was, in some respects, much like it is today: on the brink of a new millennium, it was struggling with the idea of freedom-wildly optimistic on the one hand, terribly insecure on the other.

Bierce, who had a low opinion of hu5B4manity in general, had his own view of freedom. He thought most Americans unfit for it.

"I don't believe in the greatest good to the greatest number," he wrote. "I believe in the greatest good to the best men. And I would sacrifice a hundred incapable men to elevate one really great man."

Every age also gets the cynics it deserves. Ours has Andy Rooney, the Lovable Grouch ("Have you ever listened to cell-phone conversations?...")

The United States today is the Land of Importunity, obsessed with the Self. It is a place inhospitable to genuine cynics.

The true cynic refuses to place too great a value on anything, his own person included. He is not at home in this republic, which flies the flag of Self-Esteem. He is a stranger to the society of family values, forced geniality, compulsory inoffensiveness.

The Cynic's Creed goes something like this:

1) Put your faith in man. You can be sure that, sooner or later, he'll let you down. A corollary to this is:

2) Don't believe anyone, or anything, you hear without sufficient evidence. Depend upon facts, not emotions. And furthermore:

3) Avoid experts at all costs. Keep in mind that no one knows much about anything.

4) Face facts, however disheartening. Strive to look life squarely in the face. As Bierce wrote, try to "see things as they are, not as they ought to be."

5) Respect your limitations. Consider the possibility that you might564 not be the apple of some god's eye. Humbly admit that, contrary to popular sentiment, you cannot do, or be, anything you want. Even a milking-cow knows it cannot climb the Matterhorn.

6) Finally, don't worry about your self-esteem. You are as insignificant as anyone else.

I'm a writer living near Nashville, and maybe the only one within a 50-mile radius who's never written a song. Writing fiction is my preference, but journalism provides my daily bread. I'm from the Clark Kent school of journalism -- I never carry a pad to take notes, but rely on my super-memory. Actually, in my stories I make up quotes, making people sound more interesting and well-spoken than they are, so they never object. You know how Truman Capote ("In Cold Blood") gave birth to the "non-fiction novel?" I'm working on popularizing the "fictional news" story.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Questioning About Your Religion - Movie Video

Are you one of those who believed in your religion wholeheartedly and never has doubted it. Watch this video to gather some more information about questioning your religion.

Start Living Your Dreams Today and Create a Wonderful Life For Yourself And Your Family. Greg Vanden Berge is one of the best inspirations on the planet. You will be hearing a lot about this guy in the future. You can count on it.

Florence Scovel Shinn

Questioning About Your Religion - Movie Video

Are you one of those who believed in your religion wholeheartedly and never has doubted it. Watch this video to gather some more information about questioning your religion.

Start Living Your Dreams Today and Create a Wonderful Life For Yourself And Your Family. Greg Vanden Berge is one of the best inspirations on the planet. You will be hearing a lot about this guy in the future. You can count on it.

Do I Go To College

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Tricky Home Improvement Projects - Poway Remodels

As homeowners, we have all gotten in over our heads and found ourselves overwhelmed by those tricky home repairs and improvement projects. Deciding we are fully capable of accomplishing a project, we often find ourselves wishing we had hired more capable hands. Contractors are skilled and experienced in their respective fields and are always on hand to provide excellent service to those in need.

Home improvement is often riddled with unforeseen problems that an inexperienced homeowner cannot anticipate. Contractors, with their abundance of experience, can often anticipate problems before they occur and find solutions to any problem that may arise. This is the difference that many homeowners do not consider before making the decision of whether or not to hire a professional.

With a great deal of problems that may arise, more complex projects such as home exterior painting should always be left to professional contractors. Sometimes, a homeowner will be skilled and experienced in a certain field, such as home painting, and in these cases, doing the work oneself may prove to be a better option. However, these skilled homeowners are few and far between, so for the majority of you homeowners, hiring a professional to do the home improvement work on your house will pay dividends in the end. Not only will the project look much better upon completion, but having a professional do the work will allow you to relax and trust that your project is in excellent hands. With so much experience and training in the field, contractors are valuable assets to any project.

More information on College Works Painting home improvement for your home is just a click away.

Modular Home Construction Techniques

The truth, is that while modular homes have become more popular and can be seen dotting the landscape with far more regularity, most people are completely unfamiliar with modular home construction techniques. How is it that a modular home can be constructed so quickly and still retain their structural integrity and high over all level of quality.

Modular Home Construction Factories

By and large, modular homes are constructed indoors in a warehouse setting. In some factories some work may be done outdoors and in others the work may be done in it's entirety indoors on the factory floor.

An Assembly Line Process

They basically move down the assembly line in the same way that automobiles are built. Because modular homes are built on a steel frame and have their own wheels, they are simply pulled along to each work station by a forklift.

First Things First

It begins be constructing the steel undercarriage. This is then rolled onto the factory floor where the floor is next sheeted. After the floor is sheeted, measurements are taken and chalk lines are snapped to delineate where each wall will be placed.

The Walls are Stood in Place

In most modular home factories the walls are framed in a separate station and then brought to the modular home where they are stood and securely attached. After all the walls are attached, the plumbing, ductwork and electrical wires are all ran.

The Last Finishing Touches

Finally, the siding is applied, the finished flooring is laid down and all of the appliances and fixtures are installed. The very last thing that will be done on a modular home is a final exacting cleanup to remove any small spots and then it is given it's final inspection.

Written by Jayden Jefferson. Come over to my site to get the best articles on custom home construction plus prefabricated modular homes.

Are You Having Foundation Problems - Home Contractor Advice

Foundation settling or shifting can be caused by many variables. Before any repairs can be made these variables need to be identified and understood. In medical communities the saying is "cure the disease, and then treat the symptoms". This applies to foundation repair also, we need to find out what is causing the problem, why is it causing a problem and then finding a solution to the problem.

The most common cause of foundation problems is moisture. Sometimes it is a lack of moisture and sometimes it is too much moisture. Problems with gutters, downspouts or drain tile are very common. Clogging is usually caused by leaves, debris, or collapsing. In some cases the clog causes the sump pump to recycle water that erodes and saturates soils along the foundation. Rain water needs to be diverted away from the foundation to prevent hydrostatic pressure on the foundation and floors. In times of drought water may need to be applied near the foundation to maintain more consistent soil moisture content.

Many times foundation problems manifest themselves in the form of severe cracking of slabs or basement floors. Basement floor slab cracking can occur for several reasons. They can be significantly thinner than the blueprint called for or the sub base of stone may be significantly thinner than originally called for. Heaving often results in cracking as well.

Binding or inoperable doors and windows, distorted glass panes and wedge shaped gaps at the top and bottom of doors and windows is a common complaint of homeowners, especially settling homes. Sticking doors and windows are symptoms of foundation problems. As the structure settles differentially, sticking doors and windows become a nuisance.

Most drywall cracks appear in the corner of doorframes or windows and result from differential movement between framing and the drywall. Some wood frame movement can be caused by normal processes such as shrinkage or temperature expansion.

Houses with crawl spaces generally show recurring damage patterns. Often a few vertical cracks in the crawl space open and close seasonally. Due to their shallow foundation nature these cracks grow significantly during extreme periods of drought or rain. Among several potential factors , these shallow footings may rest on expansive soil that experiences more acute cycles of shrink and swell, which is often aggravated by landscaping.

Damage to exterior flatwork is also a common sign of foundation problems. Cracking of concrete can have a variety of causes including swelling soils, grade, concrete shrinkage, settling, frost heave, tree roots and poor quality of concrete or installation. Concrete that slopes toward the foundation and cracks channel water against foundation walls and footings causing cracks.

Repairing damaged foundations represents the greatest engineering challenge for a known problem. Improperly supported pilasters, concrete piers , random crack filling, misapplication of carbon fiber strips and the engineering conviction that wider footings prevent settlement are ? examples of potential ill-conceived foundation repair methods.

The art of foundation repair begins with a complete foundation investigation by a competent foundation engineer. This engineer will visit the symptoms and measure the settlement of the structure while reading the signs of damaged foundations. Upon completing his investigation he will then give a written description of the issues along with recommendations for a cure.

Potential cures can be steel resistance piers, helical anchors, tie-backs, plate anchors or waterproofing. Along with proper drainage, when these underpinning products are installed, per manufacturer's specifications and under the guidance of the foundation engineer you can be assured that your problem will be solved.

So, if you are having foundation problems, don't panic. There are solutions to help you, there are qualified engineers to help you and there are competent foundation repair contractors available to enact these solutions.

About the Author:

Jeff Tully invites you to view his website if you are having any foundation issues including bowing walls, cracks in your foundation or any type of settlement issue. On this website you will find the truth about foundation repair methods and what you should expect. There are many misconceptions about foundation piers or tie backs, get the straight answers here.

This site was designed and built with the homeowner in mind is the only true source for foundation repair and waterproofing information. From determining if you really have a structural issue to hiring an engineer or foundation expert, you will find the answers on my site.

Building a Porch

If you are a do-it-yourselfer, you probably don't want to call a contractor to build a porch onto your home; not when you know that building one is something you are perfectly capable of doing yourself. After all, it is something anybody can do, provided that they have the right tools, a high patience level, some people to help with the lifting and a good set of instructions or plans.

Building a porch is a fantastic project, but it requires a lot of work. It is a lot different than building a simple front stoop. After all, it is going to serve as an extended entry way to your home. You want it to be well built and have some character.

You will need to decide how big you want it to be. Go outside and measure out just how much square footage your porch will need. You will need to know this information when it comes time to buy the materials needed to complete the project.

Before you start building one, however, you will want to make sure that you have the legal right to do so. Adding anything onto your home usually takes permits from the city and sometimes the county. There are regulations that will need to be followed and you will need to have your property inspected before you even begin your materials shopping.

When you go to buy the materials make sure your materials are pressure treated or is wood that has been given some elemental protection so that it will be able to stand up to the weather for a long time. You might also think about getting some protective paint or stain. In addition to the flooring, you will also need to buy enough wood to build the frame and supports. This will take wooden beams in various dimensions. If you do not have experience in this sort of thing, a call to a contractor or an experienced lumber person will be able to tell you what you need.

Another option when it comes to building a porch is to build a concrete floored one. Of course, in order to do this you will want to have had some experience with mixing and pouring concrete. If you do not have experience with this, you will want to enlist somebody who does have experience to help you.

Depending on the size, building a porch can be a huge undertaking or merely a weekend project. Small side ones shouldn't take long, but one that is larger takes time, effort and a few permits. You will still be able to save a lot of money by building it yourself. After all, anybody can do it. It just takes the right materials, the right tools and a few people to help you lift the heavier materials. When you are done, you will have a porch that your family will enjoy for years to come.

For more information on how to build a porch and other porches related topics visit The DIY Home Guide at

Right Materials with Peachtree Doors and Windows

Homeowners who are looking to redecorate or add a new touch to their home should pay special attention to the kinds of wood used on door and window frames. Doors and windows receive the most punishment from inclement weather, meaning that this wood will be the first to feel the effects of time and wear. Well known companies such as Peachtree are a sure way to find the best quality doors and windows on the market.

When choosing wood, there are many different choices for buyers to look at. Peachtree Doors and Windows is one of the best companies in the market for finding the highest-quality wood to use to protect your home against the elements. A door or window frame that corrodes over time can mean higher energy costs for homeowners. When a door frame allows in heat or cold, it takes more energy to keep a home warm during the winter and cool during the summer.

Also, choosing the right glass for your window or door is another important step in ensuring that your home is as energy efficient as possible. Double-paned glass is often the best choice for a home that is located in an area that sees huge changes in temperature throughout the year. With a double-paned glass, the heat inside the home during the summer has less chance of escaping. This type of glass used on windows and doors can also serve to keep the cold or heat outside, and allow you to enjoy your home in comfort without wasting hundreds of dollars in extra costs.

When preparing to remodel your home, take a look at your window and door frames to determine if they need to be replaced. Wood that is rotting or cracked should be removed and replaced with a new frame to maintain the windows and doors sealed from the elements. Use a sealing component to make sure that your wood is protected and will be maintained for years to come.

With energy prices at record levels, we can all benefit from upgrading our doors and windows to keep our monthly bills down. A new door and window, including the frame and glass, can drop your energy bills by hundreds of dollars per year, making this investment one of the smartest choices that homeowners can make when deciding to upgrade their home. An initial investment of a few thousand dollars can pay for itself in just a couple of years, and any savings after that will go right into your pocket.

Need more on windows and doors? Cal Windows and Doors specializes in windows and doors in Irvine, CA and anywhere else in California. Learn how to prepare your home for sale with upgraded windows and doors and other great tips on how to get beautiful windows for your home.

Dryer Vents - Reduce Fire Danger

The dryer vent pipe is an often overlooked fire hazard and energy eater. Moisture and lint can gather in the folds causing a potential fire hazard and restricting air flow making your dryer run longer consuming more natural gas and electricity. I see over 200 houses every year and one of the most common and potentially dangerous problems are incorrect dryer vents.

You need to replace your dryer vent pipe if it

  • is made of flexible plastic or foil
  • has more than two 90 degree elbows
  • is more than 12 feetlong
  • uses metal screws
  • the laundry area is moist, humid and covered in lint

Flexible foil or plastic vent pipe looks like the arms on the robot from the TV show Lost In Space. People use these because they are so easy to install. Every turn or elbow will slow the exhaust air. Longer lengths will cause moisture in the air to condense giving lint a chance to catch and build up in the pipe. The longer length will also make your dryer work harder. The sharp point of metal screws in the pipe will catch lint. If there are leaks in the pipe the added humidity will provide a perfect environment for mold and mildew growth and Carbon Monoxide will also be pumped into your house if you have a gas dryer. Asthma and allergy sufferers should pay special attention to the dryer vent pipe.

A proper dryer vent will

  • be made of solid metal pipe
  • not have more than two 90 degree elbows
  • not be more than 12 feet long (check local building codes at your city building inspection department)
  • use metal tape to seal and secure all joints

All the supplies and tools can be bought at the local hardware store. Aluminum pipe is much easier to work with. It comes flat for cutting and then is rolled so one edge can be inserted into the other crimped edge. Pre-made elbows are used. The pipe and elbows both have one end crimped so you can fit the smaller crimped end into the larger non-crimped end.

The metal tape has a backing that peels off and sticks to the pipe holding it securely. You will need to buy tin snips or aviation side-cutters (this type looks like it has a 45 degree bend and will keep your hands above the material) and a crimping tool to reduce the diameter of cut edges. Remember to fit the small end of the pipe into the large end so the edges do not block air flow and catch lint inside the pipe!

I once saw a condominium with a vent pipe that was over 30 feet in length. You may have to move the dryer across the basement near an outside wall which would mean the gas and electric supplies will have to be altered by a licensed contractor. Homes with first or second floor laundries may need special attention. And never exhaust the dryer into a garage or attic!

Frank Kalinski is a licensed builder in the State of Michigan and has run a gutter repair service for five years. Now doing home residential rental inspection for property owners he has seen many homes and how people live in them. He sees many products and designs years after construction; some things work well and some not. Simple, basic, tried and true generally last the longest and are most economical. Please visit my new web site at

Tuscan Architecture

Tuscan architecture combines modern and classic elements that make up pure Old World Europe. The beauty of architecture Tuscan style comes from the typical custom crafted natural stone. This includes limestone, travertine and marble. Terracotta floor and roof tiles are often used to give the antique feel. In Tuscan architecture, wooden beams are often refurbished from Tuscan farmhouses.

Tuscany architecture involves fine Italian building materials that create beautiful marble fireplaces, wrought iron gates and amazing fountains.

Integrating Tuscan elements brings a sense of Old-World charm and mystique to indoor and outdoor aspects of your home.

Exterior architecture typically include:

Tile roof Wrought iron front door entrance Walls covered with vines Crumbling stone walls that outline patios and walkways Beautiful travertine cobblestone driveways Brick or stone set garden paving Tuscan Landscape : Lavender, rosemary and sage can be found surrounding a Tuscan style home. Old lemon pots and antique jars give the feel of a Tuscany garden .

Interior architecture typically include:

Walls: Plaster walls with hand painted wall treatments. Usage of warm colors that represent the rolling hills of Tuscany bring the feel of basking under the Tuscan sun! Mediterranean decor involves subtle earth tones. These are standard in French Country decorating.

Ceilings: Textured richly. Stenciled borders can be found along the ceilings. Paneled or vaulted ceilings are a typical choice in decor as it creates pure Tuscany architectural framework. Wooden or chestnut beams provide a rustic feel to the Old World style home.

Floor: Glass, stone and tile are often used to create amazing mosaic art for flooring, which works well with table tops. Terracotta tiles, marble and ceramic flooring marks true Tuscany home decor . Selection of marbles that blend nicely with your Tuscan color palette.

Tuscany architecture uses pale travertine in home flooring. Marble Chips, stucco and crushed stone are polished nicely creating terrazo floors.

Your home can be so beautiful when choosing architecture Tuscan style!

Patrice D. Walker is an Architect student who specializes in Tuscan Decorating. Visit: for more Tuscan interior design tips and information.

Getting Your Swimming Pool Ready For Winter

The information you are about to read is from years of experience. If you follow these steps, you will accomplish a safe and worry free, pool closing.

The first thing you want to do is test the water and make sure all levels including pH are normal. Next you're going to want to shock your pool, and then run the filter for 24 hours. Now it's time to start closing your pool, clean out any leaves or debris and vacuum your pool thoroughly. Now you want to pour in the contents of your closing kit.

The next step will be to blow out lines or evacuate any water that might be in the lines. You can do this without emptying pool. You will need either a shop-vac or a compressor. With a compressor, you will take an old winterizing plug and remove the center screw then push a quarter inch compressor hose male adapter in the center of the winterizing plug. A # 9 plug is most efficient. You can now use this in any of the plumbing on the filter. The first way to blow lines out leave all the plugs in the filter and the pump, set the multi-port valve on filter, and close all of the plumbing line valves except for the line you wish to blow out. Open the air release on top of the filter and push the winterizing plug with the compressor line and pump air into the filter. This will push all the water out of the filter and push the water out of the line. Once you see air bubbles install the winterizing plug, do this for the skimmer and returns. Open just the main drain valve force air into the line until you see air bubbles. Then immediately close the valve this will hold air in that line and prevent water from rushing back in. If you have step jets simply open the air vents, remove the jet and plug up the fitting. Then open up the jet valve at the filter, then force air this will push all of the water out of the air vents once the water is stops coming out remove the compressor close the air vents and you're now done with blowing your lines out. Check all plugs for air bubbles.

Now you must remove to plugs in the pump remove the winterizing plug at the bottom of the filter. If you have a chlorinator, you must remove any plugs or remove the chlorinator itself. Make absolutely sure that you shake out any water that may be trapped inside the chlorinator. Set the multi-port valve in between any two selections this will hold the valve open and prevent internal damage.

Do not cover the pump for the winter. It is important that the pump to be able to breathe you do not want the inside of the pump to oxidize. If you have a heater make sure you turn off the gas, turn the gas valve off and remove the winterizing plug under the manifold. It is a good idea to cover the heater. Heater covers are available in our online catalog. This will prevent acorns and any other debris to get inside of the heater, and possibly cause a fire on start up.

Should you choose to use a vacuum to clear the plumbing lines, the easiest way to do that would be to get your-self a couple of pieces of schedule 40 PVC pipe, count how many returns you have and that is how many 1 1/2" 90A streets you will need. Count how many skimmers you have, and that is how many 1 1/2" male adapter's your need. For the skimmers measure how many inches it is from the bottom the skimmer to the top of the water, and add 2". Cut a piece of PVC at that measurement, glue the male adapter to the PVC, wrap the threads with Teflon tape and screw it in the suction whole at the bottom of the skimmer. You may also use our blow out gizmo. Make sure you use Teflon tape on the threads. This will allow you to blow out the skimmer, and it will act as a baffle to prevent the skimmer from cracking if it freezes. Now measure the return holes to top of the water and add 2 inches. Cut the PVC at this length glue the 90A streets wrap the threads in Teflon tape, and screw this in the returns, make sure the pipe is sticking out of the water. Now you can winterized the plumbing, open all the valves go over to these pieces of pipe turn your vacuum on and suck all the water and lines. After the water is out of the lines use a number eight winterizing plug in the PVC and tighten.

Open the pump trapped put the vacuum hose in the opening open the main drain valve. Reverse the vacuum and blow air into this line. You may not see air coming-out of the main drain, but let it go for 30 seconds and then shut the valves. This will push any water below the freeze level and prevent freezing. (Note some concrete in-ground pools may have to be evacuated or blown out by a compressor). If you have a problem removing any plugs or you notice places were water may end up laying it is advisable to buy our any freeze. Just for this anywhere there may be a problem. If you use the PVC in the skimmer, you must take a quart bottle, such as an empty algaecide bottle. Fill it halfway with small stones install the cap turned upside down and put it in the skimmer. This will prevent the skimmer from cracking when it freezes.

To remove handrails and ladders, simply lift the decorative cover, loosen the bolt approximately a quarter inch up and then hammer it down. This will free your ladder or handrail. Then simply lift it out of the cup. If you have a vinyl pool, do not empty it below the skimmer keep the water level as you would in the summer. This will prevent the liner from shrinking in the corners and shortening the life of the liner. There is no reason to lower a vinyl pool. Vinyl manufactures will not cover warranties on pools that have been lowered. If you have a concrete pool, you must lower the pool, at least 1 foot below the skimmer. This will prevent the bond beam from cracking causing the tiles and coping to fall off. Now you're about ready to put the cover on.

For water tube type covers, fill all the water tubes only three quarters of the way, install the cover and place the water tubes on the cover around the perimeter of the pool. Make sure there's enough water tubes used that they are touching. It is not advisable to put the water tubes in the cover loops. Should the cover blow in during the winter, if the tubes are attached to the cover this will drag the cover down making it almost impossible to reinstall the cover with the water tubes.

If you have a safety cover raise all of the brass anchors install the safety cover as you normally would. If there are any loose straps, you should tighten them.

For water tube covers place the cover pump in the center and pump the cover off when ever it rains. Do not pump the cover, when the water is frozen, this will damage the pump. If you have a safety cover and a vinyl pool, install a cover pump in the skimmer. This will prevent the water from being pumped out too much and allows you easy access.

For concrete pools, it is important you keep the water level below the tiles, if you have a step install a cover pump on the second tread down.

Should you have any questions feel free to contact 1800 Pools

Steve Merillat has been in the Pool industry for 35 years. He has pioneered many pool installation techniques that are used in the industry today. You can learn how to properly take care and maintain your pool yourself saving time and money, from on of the most experienced people in pools