Sunday, April 19, 2009

Down With Pessimism

If there ever was a time to change our thoughts about what we want, it's NOW! As you can see & hear all around you, there is such a focus on all that is wrong in the world, especially with the economy.

You cannot pick up a newspaper, turn on the TV or radio, or even look on the Internet without all the focus on the economic situation. This negative focus does not serve us.

Yes, I know some people are being laid off from their jobs, business are closing, & other economic "markers" indicate a shift from our previous status. There are many who have to face major changes in their lives because of the transition that is occurring right now. We all have hope for those who have to make these changes that they will find their way though this period in their life & will move forward again. They will.

I gave much thought to the wording I used in the paragraph above. I wanted to be sure NOT to feed into the negativity that surrounds all the news that bombards us nor feed into the situations that some people are presently in.

Our thoughts & words have such power. How we choose to frame & label our life situation can be critical towards how we handle it Careful wording from the place we are presently at to where we want to be is all in how we choose to view it. The last thing someone needs when faced with a job loss or whatever one is facing is the continued negativity & pessimism that can be placed on these situations.

I know it's not easy to keep a positive frame of mind when faced with a challenge. You need to feel what you feel & not deny the experience. But then, at some point, we need to stand up & seek the light, the solution, the next step to improvement of the situation so we can move forward with our lives.

It will NOT help to continue looking at the news as all it will show you is more pessimism & doubt. It will not help to join with those who are wallowing in sorrow as they will just keep us in a continued state of pessimism & doubt.

"Oh, so I should put on blinders or rose-colored glasses & pretend that all is well?"
YES! In a way, that is what could help! It would do more good than keeping yourself in a state of pain & sorrow over your situation. By changing the focus of what we want, we have a better chance of creating a better situation. A little OPTIMISM, no matter how small, will do more good than to stay trapped in the muck of pessimism & hopelessness.

HOPE is what will take you from where you are to a better place. POSITIVE EXPECTATION will take you further than giving up. OPTIMISM will be a better seed to plant within you than continuing to wallow in pessimism. The feelings of hope, positive belief, & optimism are there if you allow them in.

Law of Attraction says where we place our focus will expand. If we keep ourselves aligned with the pessimism & doubt, we feed that energy & keep it alive. And it is also true that if we can align with hope, positive expectation, & optimism, THAT will be the energy that will THRIVE.

Find it within you to face the current transition we find ourselves in by embracing solutions. Face the changes with positive expectation, & address your issues with hope. Don't be a part of the pessimism & doubt that is present. Create the ladder to climb UP instead of grabbing the shovel to dig deeper.

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