Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Money Affirmations - Why Affirmations Will Change Your Life - Part II of II

In part I of this article, we learned that money affirmations, like all affirmations, are statements you choose to listen to or say for the purpose of changing the way you think.

And the reason you'd want to change the way you think is because...

your thoughts are what's behind you not experiencing what you'd prefer in life.

You see, since infancy, you've encountered different ways of thinking modeled by different people.

As a young child, some thoughts passed right through you while others remained to become "your thoughts".

Now, many years later, your thoughts continue to shape the way you view yourself and everything around you. Every day. Every moment.

While most people are unaware that any of this is going on, the fact that you're reading this sentence right now means you're probably at least intrigued by how you could consciously change your life by changing your thoughts.

Listening to affirmations is one way to do that.

Make the Formerly "Impossible" Possible

The more often you hear a certain affirmation (e.g., "life is easy"), the more likely you are to think it yourself.

Eventually, you don't even have to hear the affirmation that "life is easy" for you to automatically think it.

At that point, you begin to act as though life is easy, and feel as though life is easy, and expect life to be easy.

The result is that life becomes easy.

And if life truly isn't easy, you will unconsciously do whatever it takes to make it easy. You might discover a new bus route, join a car pool, or even start working from home.

Why would you do that?

Because you're convinced deep down inside that life is easy, and so life HAS to be easy, otherwise something is amiss.

The bottom line is that you act and feel and interpret life based on what you think.

And listening to affirmations in general (or money affirmations specifically) empowers you to deliberately choose thoughts that support you acting, feeling and interpreting in a manner that makes your life richer and more enjoyable.

Copyright (c) Grant Pasay 2009. All rights reserved. You may forward this article in its entirety (including author bio/links) to anyone you wish.

Grant Pasay is just one of the Team, whose lives have been radically changed by the continued use of positive affirmations for money and in every area of life.

Want to enjoy more money? First change your money thoughts. Go to today.

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