Sunday, May 31, 2009

Countries Which Celebrate Christmas

Christmas is a Christian holiday that celebrates the birth of Jesus. This feast was created by the pope to promote Christianity and remove pagan festivals celebrated at the winter solstice.

During the 4th century, the pope decided to bring the Christmas day on December 25th.

This day has always been represented by religious ceremonies and gifts and greetings exchange.

Here are some Christmas symbols:

* The Advent consists of a burning candle each Sunday four weeks before December 24th; which symbolize the rebirth of light after the winter solstice.

* The December 24th Midnight Mass; which celebrates the birth of Jesus.

* The Christmas Crib; which symbolizes the birth of Jesus in Christian homes.

* The Christmas tree, a symbol from the pagan celebration and representing life.

* The Yule log; which represents the log that we put in the fireplace to warm up on December 24th Eve.

* Santa Claus, an American creation, inspired by the Christian Saint Nicholas (celebrated in Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany and Alsace). This character wears a luxurious red cape, he has a long white beard and wears a red miter, he also holds a golden crosier. Saint Nicholas rewards good children while his companion Pere Fouettard/Black Peter punishes nasty children) and the elf Yule Goat, celebrated in Scandinavian countries.

Over the centuries, Christmas has evolved and December 24th Eve with our family, replaced the religious ceremonies.

The gift exchange: luxurious for the rich people and useful - sometimes only one orange - for the poor people, has been replaced by the modern marketing. People not only buys gifts but also spend lots of money in decoration items, food, drink...

The secularization of our society removed the true meaning of Christmas Time; which is, obviously, becoming a pagan feast.

Here are some countries which celebrate Christmas:


We have a festival especially dedicated to children; which is Saint Nicholas (Sinter Klaas) on December 6th. The Great Patron of Schoolboys, who is supposed to bring candies in their shoes, brings in fact toys by the thousands to our children.

In Belgium, Nol is rather reserved for adults: the streets are decorated and illuminated, we decorate our houses, windows, gardens, trees. Belgium seems to forget that it is a Catholic country and closes more and more churches, therefore, the Midnight Mass on December 24th usually happens at 6 or 8 PM. We then eat with our family and at 12 PM we exchange our gifts. Children usually receive a book or some clothes.

Christmas Day has little meaning but practicing Catholic go to church. Belgian people visit their family on January 1st. In the Belgian Ardens, people celebrate December 31st.


Nol is dedicated to children. The streets and the houses are decorated several weeks in advance. French people have lots of Christmas customs: Christmas Markets, tree, the Christmas Dinner, Pere Noel, gifts, stories, songs, turkey, The Christmas Crib, the Yule Log, and so on. In Alsace, however, Saint Nicholas predominates on Santa Claus.

The Netherlands:

They organize their St. Nicholas (Sinter Klaas) festival: the old bearded man traveling by boat and accompanied by many black aids, who distributes gifts to good children. Dutch people reserve the big gifts for Kerstmis Time because they profit for some great bargains after Sinter Klaas.


Weinhachten in Germany lasts two days. On December 26th they visit their family and their friends. Christ-Kind offers gifts to the children on December 24th families and friends. Germany has also a Saint Nicholas festival on December 6th.

Great Britain:

This holiday is celebrated in England with enthusiasm. Children sing "Carols" in the streets, they eat the famous "Xmas Pudding" at the end their family dinner on December 25th. In England, Santa Claus fills the English children socks with gifts. British people also exchange greeting cards; which are a British creation.


If Santa Claus has little importance in Spain (Magi distribute gifts to children on January 6th), Spanish people decorate the streets with lights during the month of December. The windows of the shops are filled with lots of gifts and Spanish celebrate the Navidad Evening with their family.


Natal Eve is a holiday. The Portuguese attend the Midnight Mass; which is the "Missa Do Galo". If there is no Christmas tree in Portugal, there is nevertheless a "Wooden Natal".


Natale lasts three days, from December 24th till 26th. However, Natale traditions vary from one region to another one and, depending on the region it is Babo Natale (Father Christmas) or the "Gesu Bambino" (Little Jesus) who brings gifts on December 25th. The Italian Christmas dessert is "Panettone".

Scandinavian Countries:

During the Christmas Dinner, Scandinavian people reserve a place for the souls of the deceased members of their family. Once they finish to eat, they read the bible. The whole family is singing Christmas songs and dance around the Christmas tree.

Other European countries:

In Romania, on December 24th, there is a Christmas candle burning until the morning of December 25th. In Russia, Christmas Day happens on January 7th, according to the Orthodox calendar. In Greece the Christmas period begins on Christmas Eve and ends at the Epiphany. Christmas is less important than Easter.


The Saturday after Thanksgiving, Santa Claus is coming to announce the beginning of the Christmas shopping season. American people love to celebrate Christmas and set up a decorated Christmas in their home. Children hang empty stocks empty on the fireplace and on the Christmas morning they find them filled with candy and small toys.


Houses, shops and streets are decorated with lights. Canadian people decorate their house with a Christmas tree, a Christmas wrap, a Christmas Crib... After the "Midnight Mass" people have a Christmas Eve with their family. Turkey and the Christmas log are the essential ingredients of a Canadian Christmas Dinner. They send greeting cards to their friends and family who live far away.

South America:

Peruvian people have Christmas parties but also learn to live better on christmas time. Their Christmas season lasts a full week. Mexican people celebrate Christmas with Las Posadas (pilgrimages representing the path by the Mary and Joseph). They celebrate the last Posada on the Christmas morning and then start the Christmas dinner. I Guatemala, immigrants have imported their German customs and the Christmas tree is essential but the Christmas gifts are reserved to the children. Gift exchange for adults is on January 1st.


Christmas happens during the summertime, so Australian people celebrate Christmas at the beach. People eat cold turkey and pudding.

New Zealand:

If there are few decorations, New Zealand people organize Christmas parades and people sing in the parks. They also organize their famous "Christmas barbecue".


Christmas is merely commercial significance in Japan. This festival represents Saint Nicholas and it is an opportunity to offer gifts to small children.


If Christmas Day is not a holiday, Christmas is celebrated in Chinese cities. This festival was imported into this country by foreign missionaries. For the Chinese people who celebrate it, Christmas is a religious event.

Prosperity66 is an European History, Holidays and Tarot cards passionate. She writes articles and creates websites dedicated to these subjects.

For more Christmas Costume, Christmas Cards, Christmas Recipes, Christmas Traditions Information, feel free to visit Christmas Time Guide. You may also ask for a Letter From Santa To Your Child.

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Joseph Smith, the Mormon Prophet, in the Company of the Biblical Prophets

Perhaps no other American is as controversial as Joseph Smith, Jr., the founder of the Mormon Church and a self-proclaimed prophet. Such claims as he made, to have been visited by God, the Father, and Jesus Christ; to have been called to be a prophet to preach the Gospel to a world in apostasy are at least shocking and incredible and at most outrageous. Joseph Smith, his life and his legacy deserve close attention, then, for if true, his claims are the most important message since the discovery of the empty garden tomb.

To understand the issue, however, one must first understand what a prophet is and only then can Joseph Smith be measured against this rubric. To dismiss Joseph Smith as a prophet because he does not fit ones own definition of prophet is a circular argument since that wholly depends upon the persons preconceived image of what a prophet is. We must, therefore, look to the Bible, the record of Gods prophets to begin to understand what a prophet is. In the popular imagination the role of a prophet is to tell the future. This is, however, only one aspect of a prophets calling and likely not a major one. So, what does the Bible tell us a prophet will be like?

There are two words in the Bible that are translated as prophet. One is the Hebrew word Nabi (or Navi), and the other is the Greek Prophetes. Both have the basic meaning of spokesman or one who proclaims something. A prophet of God, therefore, speaks in the name of, and hence with the authority of, God. A prophet says, Thus saith the Lord. Joseph Smith was such a spokesman. He spoke in Gods name. To him, the Lord said, I give unto you my servant Joseph to be a presiding elder over all my church, to be a translator, a revelator, a seer, and prophet (Doctrine and Covenants 124:125).

This mouthpiece of God speaks Gods word. The Lord said to Moses concerning Aarons role as Moses spokesman: Aaron thy brother shall be thy prophet [hence, his spokesman] (Exodus 7:1). In a latter revelation to Moses the Lord said:

I will raise them up a Prophet from among their brethren, like unto thee, and will put my words in his mouth; and he shall speak unto them all that I shall command him (Deuteronomy 18:18).

Peter thus said in his epistle that prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost (2 Peter 1:21). The Doctrine and Covenants (hereafter D&C), which is a compilation of revelations given to modern prophets of the Mormon Church, echoes this statement saying that, whatsoever they [the prophets] shall speak when moved upon by the Holy Ghost shall be scripture, shall be the will of the Lord, shall be the mind of the Lord, shall be the word of the Lord, shall be the voice of the Lord, and the power of God unto salvation (D&C 68:4).

The Bible is a collection of the inspired words and deeds of prophets. Thus, the words of prophets become scripture. Isaiah was a man who saw great visions. Paul was a prophet whose inspirational teachings form the bulk of the New Testament. The revelations given to the Prophet Joseph Smith including the Book of Mormon and the visions and revelations recorded in the Doctrine & Covenants testify that Joseph Smith was a prophet. He spoke the words he received of God in visions and revelations. These words became scripture, just as in biblical times.

The message for which prophets are spokesmen is of the mission of Jesus Christ and the importance of obeying Gods commandments. In Revelation 19:10, an angel tells John that, the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy. A prophet, who must by definition have the spirit of prophecy, must also therefore have a testimony of Jesus. Jesus commanded His disciples to read the scriptures, comprising essentially the Old Testament, explaining that, in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me (John 5:39). He later testified that every prophet wrote about Him:

These are the words which I spake unto you, while I was yet with you, that all things must be fulfilled, which were written in the law of Moses, and in the prophets, and in the psalms, concerning me (Luke 24:44).

John the Baptist, of whom Jesus said, there is not a greater prophet, had as his primary mission to prepare the way for Jesus Christ. Of him, no record details miracles or great prophesies of the future. Instead, he taught the people to prepare themselves for Jesus coming and when that came he willingly stepped aside (see Luke 7:28 ff). Joseph Smith likewise testified of Jesus Christ. In a vision he received on February 16, 1832, he and an associate Sidney Rigdon saw Jesus Christ much as Paul had centuries earlier. They declared:

And now, after the many testimonies which have been given of him, this is the testimony, last of all, which we give of him: That he lives! For we saw him, even on the right hand of God; and we heard the voice bearing record that he is the Only Begotten of the FatherThat by him, and through him, and of him, the worlds are and were created, and the inhabitants thereof are begotten sons and daughters unto God (D&C 76:22-24).

For Joseph Smith, Jesus Christ was the central figure in every doctrine and deed. Joseph Smith taught that Jesus Christ atoned for the sins of all mankind and provides salvation to all those who love and serve him. Prophets also denounce sin and call people to repentances. In 2 Kings 17:13, we read:

blockquote>The LORD testified against Israel, and against Judah, by all the prophets, and by all the seers, saying, Turn ye from your evil ways, and keep my commandments and my statutes, according to all the law which I commanded your fathers, and which I sent to you by my servants the prophets.

It is the duty of prophets to call people to repent and return to God. This can be seen in many instances. In 2 Kings 12, we read that Nathan, the prophet, was sent to call David to repentance because of his sins with Bathsheba. Nehemiah was sent to call the people of his day to repent and rebuild the temple. Jonah was sent to preach against the wickedness of Nineveh. Joseph Smith said, This we believe to be our duty-to teach to all mankind the doctrine of repentance (History of the Church 2:255). It is the duty of a prophet to denounce sin, call people to repentance and to worship the God of Israel. This last duty, namely calling to worship the God of Israel is essential, for Moses warned that false prophets could accurately predict the future, but if they used these miracles to lead people away from the God of Israel, then they would be false prophets (Deuteronomy 13:1-10).

The Lord says further, If there be a prophet among you, I the LORD will make myself known unto him in a vision, and will speak unto him in a dream (Numbers 12:6). Prophets, then, have dreams and visions in which the Lord is made known unto them. Peter also mentions this as what may be termed the prophetic pattern. In Acts 10:39-44, Peter teaches that God reveals Jesus Christ to chosen witnesses, the prophets, who then teach the world about God. Every prophet is chosen by God, taught by angels or through dreams and visions and finally commissioned to teach others. Isaiah fits this pattern. In a vision recorded in Isaiah chapter 6, this great poet-prophet saw the Lord on His throne surrounded by angels. He is forgiven of his sins, and charged with a mission.

This vision and the charge given to the prophet is the Sowd, the sacred and oftentimes secret intimacy that prophets obtain with God. Sowd in Hebrew translates as counsel, assembly, secret, or divine intimacy. At its root it refers to private correspondence or counseling. The Prophet Amos said, Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret [Sowd] unto his servants the prophets (Amos 3:7). That is, the Lord will not act until He has revealed His counsel, His plans, and His secrets to the Prophets. Thus another role of a prophet is to be a diviner, through revelation, of Gods deed present and future. This can refer to prophesying the future, or to determining what work is of God right now and what His will is regarding human actions.

Joseph Smith and his mission fit this ancient pattern perfectly. As a young man, confused but full of faith, he prayed to God. According to href="">Joseph Smiths own account, he saw in vision, just as Moses, Isaiah, and Stephen had, the God of Israel. Just as was the case with Isaiah his sins were forgiven and like Moses he learned the true nature of God. In subsequent visions he was taught the Gospel of Jesus Christ by angels and through multiple revelations which are recorded as sacred scripture in the Doctrine and Covenants. He was commissioned by God to translate the Book of Mormon as testimony to Jesus Christ and to Joseph Smiths own divine commission. He was shown Gods counsel and href="">prophesied many things that have since occurred.

In connection with this divining of counsel, it is interesting to note that the Samaritan women whom Jesus met at the well in Sychar said, I perceive that thou art a prophet (John 4:19), when He told her about her life previous to meeting Him. Prophets, then, are given such spiritual insights as necessary to fulfill their missions. In this capacity a Prophet may rightly be called a Seer. When Saul sought out a man of God who could give him advice on what course he could take, the record states, Beforetime in Israel, when a man went to enquire of God, thus he spake, Come, and let us go to the seer: for he that is now called a Prophet was beforetime called a Seer (1 Samuel 9:9). A Seer, then, is one who sees what is ahead, who understand the operations of God in the world. He sees accurately not only the future, but also the present and the past. Through this divine insight he can perceive Gods workings in the world.

In a revelation given to Joseph Smith in November of 1831, the Lord said of Joseph Smiths mission:

Wherefore, I the Lord, knowing the calamity which should come upon the inhabitants of the earth, called upon my servant Joseph Smith, Jun., and spake unto him from heaven, and gave him commandments (D&C 1:17)

The reasons given were:

  1. That every man might speak in the name of God the Lord (v. 20)
  2. that faith also might increase (v. 21)
  3. That mine everlasting covenant might be established (v. 22)
  4. That the fullness of my gospel might be proclaimed by the weak and the simple (v. 23)

Joseph Smith was commissioned to be an instrument in the hands of God, but only one of many, who would lay the foundation of Gods Kingdom here in these days. As a Seer and Revelator he taught truth and revealed many things to come, as a Prophet he preached repentance in Gods name and taught the testimony of Jesus Christ, and as translator he translated and published the Book of Mormon. Finally, as a prophet he was a leader. In Hosea we read:

And by a prophet the LORD brought Israel out of Egypt, and by a prophet was he preserved (Hosea 12:13).

A prophet is set to lead the covenant people of the Lord. Paul said that the household of God is built upon a foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone (Ephesians 2:19-20). Apostles, as can be easily shown, are prophets also, since they have the spirit of prophecy which is the testimony of Jesus Christ, but as apostles they have a special mission to go forth and proclaim Jesus Christs resurrection (see Acts 1:22). Prophets and Apostles lead the people of God. In this capacity, Joseph Smith was the leader of the Mormon Church, called of God, and ordained an apostle of Jesus Christ, to be the first elder of this church (D&C 20:2). Until his death in 1844, he led the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints as a Prophet and Apostle of god. Joseph Smith guided the Mormon Church through persecution and trials.

It must be remembered, however, that prophet are human agents working for God and are thus fallible. James said of Elias (i.e. Elijah), that he, was a man subject to like passions as we are, and he prayed earnestly that it might not rain: and it rained not on the earth by the space of three years and six months (James 5:17). Commenting on this passage Joseph Smith said:

I was this morning introduced to a man from the east. After hearing my name, he remarked that I was nothing but a man, indicating by this expression, that he had supposed that a person to whom the Lord should see fit to reveal His will, must be something more than a man. He seemed to have forgotten the saying that fell from the lips of St. James, that Elias was a man subject to like passions as we are, yet he had such power with God, that He, in answer to his prayers, shut the heavens that they gave no rain for the space of three years and six months; and again, in answer to his prayer, the heavens gave forth rain, and the earth gave forth fruit. Indeed, such is the darkness and ignorance of this generation, that they look upon it as incredible that a man should have any intercourse with his Maker. (Joseph Smith, History of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 7 Vols. 2:302)

Of himself he later said, I never told you I was perfect; but there is no error in the revelations which I have taught (Joseph Smith, History of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 7 Vols. 6:366). The Prophets and Apostles of God are human and hence fallible, but the inspired words they reveal, as Peter said, come from the Holy Ghost who is a revelator to mankind. Like Isaiah, Samuel, Moses, Noah, Paul, and Peter before him, Joseph Smith had his faults, which makes his miracles and teachings all the more amazing and inspiring, for God works always through weak and erring servants to accomplish His great purposes.

Perhaps it is the faults of the prophets that make some people reject them. Jesus Christ once remarked that, A prophet is not without honour, save in his own country, and in his own house (Matthew 13:57). To neighbors, Jesus was merely a carpenter, the son of Joseph, but to those with faith He was the Messiah, the Son of God. Similarly with the prophets who, unlike Jesus, were not sinless, they are often rejected for trivial reasons. Some rejected Joseph Smith as a prophet because a business venture he participated in failed, or because he enjoyed playing sports. Others were offended by his denunciation of their actions. Finally, on June 27, 1844, Joseph Smith was murdered by a mob with faces painted black while he sat in jail awaiting trial on false charges. Like Paul before him, Joseph Smith was jailed, persecuted, and finally killed. Many prophets and apostles have been killed because of their teachings and deeds and Joseph Smith was no different.

In every possible test Joseph Smith compares favorably with the prophets of the Bible. Like them, he spoke in Gods name and the revelations given to him have become scripture just as Paul or Moses did. He had the testimony of Jesus Christ, the spirit of prophecy, and so devoted his ministry to testifying of the divine mission of Jesus Christ. He was commissioned by God through visions and the visitations of angels to do Gods work here on earth and so received authority to act and speak in Gods name. He was a prophet, a seer, a revelator, a translator, a missionary, an apostle, and a martyr for he was hunted and murdered by angry mobs because he dared to speak against their traditions and because his teachings and deeds stirred up controversy.

Ultimately, one must look at the fruits of Joseph Smiths mission. To know if Joseph Smith truly was a prophet of God, one must study his teachings and his deeds. These can be found first and foremost in the Book of Mormon and the Doctrine and Covenants. If the Book of Mormon is truly the word of God, then Joseph Smith truly was a prophet of God and while argument and evidence may be compiled for pages upon pages, only the Spirit of God will ultimately reveal to a person whether or not Joseph Smith was a prophet. Why this matters, even and perhaps especially for Christians, is that if Joseph Smith was a prophet, then Jesus Christ has a message for the whole world and especially for those who claim to believe in Him. This message is that His Church has been established by prophets and is now being led by them through inspiration of God. For non-Christians, the message is one of faith and hope, that Jesus Christ lives again and through His power all may be resurrected and saved.

Jonathan F. Barney was born and raised in Mapleton, Utah and graduated from Springville High School. He attended Utah State University on full scholarship and graduated in 2004 with a degree in History and Linguistics. He is currently pursuing a Master's Degree in Near Eastern Studies, emphasizing the Arab World at Princeton University. From 1999 to 2001, he served as a volunteery missionary for the Mormon Church in Ohio. In 2003 he studied for one semester at the American University of Cairo in Egypt. In his spare time he enjoys reading, hiking, calligraphy (both Latin and Arabic scripts), and writing

To learn more about Joseph Smiths life and teachings visit these excellent sites:

Joseph With pictures, writings, and biographical information about Joseph Smith

Joseph with Joseph Smith's writings about his life

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The Light Of God's Word

But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his son cleanseth us from all sin (I John 1:7).

The word of God is light (Psalm 119:105) and the scripture tells us to walk in the light as God is in the light. In other words, we are to walk under the same light in which God dwells and functions. This means we are to walk in the light of God's word. The people of the world can not understand that light since they are not born into that realm of life. But we can walk in the light and have fellowship with God, because we are born of he world (I Peter 1:23).

Walking in the light as God is in the light means your judgments and opinions are based on the light of God's judgments and opinions are based on he light of God's word. Under that light, you do not see poverty, sickness, disease, death, failure or impossibilities. When you agree with what the word says about you, and then confess it and act that way, you are walking in God's light. God has given you his word to light up your path, so there would not be darkness or uncertainties as you journey through life.

The Bible lets us know that when you walk in the light, the blood of Jesus Christ automatically cleanses you from all sin. The world around us is full of sin: the newspapers, films, people and even the very air we breathe are defiled and God knows it. Then often times, we do things that are wrong without knowing, but thanks be unto God! He says when you walk in the light, you won't need to keep asking yourself, "what sin have I committed today?' the blood of Jesus Christ cleanse you automatically!

Learn to walk in the light as he is in light. That way, you will never be weighed down by the burden or yoke of sin, rather, you will be free to serve God and runt he faith race without hindrances.

Anita passionately writes to teach people all over the world about Jesus Christ. Recommended: Visit for more gospel news, devotional and biblical articles that will bring the richness of God's Word into your life.

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Misquoted Bible Verses or Misused Bible Verses Which is Worse

A clich is a trite expression or idea conveyed so often it becomes common. Clichs usually lack interest or originality but their real failing is that they are rarely ever questioned or investigated. They have a way of creeping undetected into the everyday language of the people. The sheer force of repetition establishes a clich until it is held as something sacred or immutable. For example take the common saying "God helps those who help themselves." This saying is repeated by thousands of people the world over and most of them think it is taken from the Bible. It is not a Bible verse but it has taken on almost as much authority as one. This clich is not just a few degrees off the mark but it is diametrically opposite the Bible teaching. God is a helper especially to those who cannot help themselves. The simple, the fatherless, the widows are all promised special help from God because of their helplessness. Christians have their share of unquestioned clichs. While many of them have some measure of truth in them they beg to be more meticulously scrutinized. Here is one very important example.

"Never Take a Scripture Verse Out Of Context"

This clich is often used when we are trying to establish whether a teaching or doctrine we've heard is true. It is often used to pinpoint the errors of the cults and the so-called pseudo-Christian religions.

The truth is that it is often necessary to take a verse out of its context to convey its most basic meaning. To include the verse preceding or following some verses would tend to cloud their truest meaning in literally hundreds of instances. The scriptures for the most part are not written in a narrative form. This is especially true of the New Testament epistles. A few examples are as follows... In Proverbs 11: 28-30 are three verses that are totally unrelated. If we were to be emphasizing the necessity of keeping peace in the home verse twenty-nine would be a good verse to use.

He that troubleth his own house shall inherit the wind: and the fool shall be servant to the wise of heart. (Proverbs 11:29)

Verses twenty-eight and thirty have absolutely nothing to do with keeping peace in the home. We are forced to extricate or disengage the verse from its context to gain the fullest use of it. We can carry our example still a step further to illustrate the weakness of the clich. The first sentence of verse twenty-nine is separated from the second by a colon. The second sentence is in no way thematically connected to the first. In order to get the greatest impact from this verse if we were stressing the idea of peace in the home it would be necessary not only to remove the verse from the context of the passage but we would be forced to split up the verse and leave part of it out altogether. Hundreds of Bible verses are found in similar complexity

Subject matter changes so frequently in the New Testament that it becomes necessary to remove a whole passage from its context to gain the full meaning of it. The weakness of this clich is perhaps best seen in the sayings of the Lord himself. He was notorious for dangling quoted verses in mid air without supportive contextual inclusions.

Many times Jesus would say, "It is written" or "Have ye never read" and quote a single verse taken right out of its context. He made no apologies for not including the preceding or following verses and the effect of his single verse sayings often stopped the mouths of his enemies or illustrated a great principle to his followers. Sometimes the verses he quoted were taken from texts that originally had nothing to do with the subject he was dealing with. Such is the case where Jesus was criticized by the Pharisees for accepting the praise of the little children in the temple...

And when the chief priests and scribes saw the wonderful things that he did, and the children crying in the temple, and saying, Hosanna to the son of David; they were sore displeased... (Matthew 21:15)

Jesus answered with a single verse taken from Psalm 8:2 that in its original context had nothing to do with establishing the inspiration or accuracy of a child's spontaneous praises. Psalm eight is a song of recognition of God's glory because of His wonderful creation and a query of the invested powers given to man by God. Yet out of this seemingly unrelated passage Jesus extracted and wielded a single verse to the shame of his enemies, the Pharisees.

...And Jesus saith unto them, Yea; have ye never read, Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings thou hast perfected praise? (Matthew 21:16)

If he had included the preceding and following verses of the passage it would have made absolutely no sense. Jesus in fact quoted verses taken out of context over twenty times as recorded in the four gospels. While some are repeated in the parallel gospels this only serves to verify that he did make a general practice of it. Even more amazing is the fact that unlike the apostles, Jesus never quoted more than one verse of scripture at a time. The apostles quoted two or three but never more than four at a time.

The apostles and the writers of the New Testament epistles far exceed the Lord's proclivity for taking verses out of context. Over ninety times from the book of Acts to Revelation verses are pulled out of context and used as proof texts. Less than ten times do they include more than one verse of scripture. The closest some of them come to even identifying their source is with such phrases as "David saith" or "Isaiah saith it" The rest of the quotes begin with such phrases as "he saith also in another place," "Wherefore he saith," "What saith the scriptures," "Wherefore as the Holy Ghost saith," "The prophets saith," "wot ye not what the scripture saith," "The scripture saith" and "What saith it." Thirty-eight times the above sayings were used to quote a verse out of context. Only a well studied student with an excellent memory could even hope to guess at where such scriptures might be located. Keep in mind also that they were quoted over thirteen centuries before the printing press was invented. The hearers had to depend largely on the integrity of the speaker or writers for the accuracy of the quote. They couldn't whiz through the pages of their Bibles and read verses preceding or following the quoted verse. If taking a verse out of context is the crime we hold it to be then not naming the source of our quotation must be a cardinal crime and all the writers and figures of the New Testament were guilty of it.

The term used most profusely in the New Testament in connection with a verse taken out of context is "It is written." Every verse Jesus quoted was preceded by it and the apostles used it over fifty times themselves. It is the equivalent of a more modern saying that we are all familiar with, "The bible says." We have all heard preachers who warn that a verse should never be taken out of context and then we hear them say, "The Bible says," literally thousands of times in their teachings This is one inconsistency we should be thankful for because without it teaching would often be incomprehensible and quite dull.

It has become an accepted fact among believers that the enemies or false teachers are the ones who make the habit of taking verses out of context. But by contrast we can see that it is in fact the believer or the Lord himself who have exercised this practice most often A few times the Pharisees said, "Why did Moses write..." or a similar expression and it is recorded twice that the devil said, "It is written." Beyond doubt we can see that the opposing forces of the kingdom rarely practice this most dreaded habit. The reason for this is plain. Paul once said that some men were preaching the Gospel out of envy hoping to add further affliction to him by stirring up the anti-Christian forces. He concluded that it didn't matter why they were doing it. The effect was the same. Souls were saved. (Phil. 1:15-19) Satan doesn't like to quote any scripture even if it is out of context.

For this very reason, in many of the cults the scripture quotes are reduced and often not quoted at all. Another authority or special spiritual experiences often replace them. In reality false teachers do no more than the true teachers when they take a verse out of context. The difference is in the intention. Where there is an evil intention even verses quoted in context can be twisted and misused. We should be far more involved in discerning the spirit in which we are taught rather than the letter. If our teachers have a history of giving sound teaching, and have recognized and certified ministries shouldn't we allow them reasonable latitudes? We should give them the freedom to extract verses for our learning even if they must occasionally resort to the dastardly Practice of "taking a verse out of context."

Rev Bresciani has written many articles over the past thirty years in such periodicals as Guideposts and Catholic Digest. He is the author of two books available on, Alibris, Barnes and Noble and many other places. Rev Bresciani wrote Hook Line and Sinker or what has Your Church Been Teaching You, publisher, PublishAmerica of Baltimore MD. He also wrote a book published by Xulon Press entitled An American Prophet and His Message, Questions and Answers on the Second Coming of Christ. His book is now being heralded as the clearest book on the subject of the second coming of Christ since Hal Lindsey's "Late Great Planet Earth" Rev Brescianis website is,

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Separation of Church and State? Says Who?

Excerpts from fellowship about the real Jesus and the role of Christians in society today:

If you understood that Yeshua is the I AM - He not only had the Canaanites destroyed for their pagan religious practices, He sent Israel and Judah into captivity for refusing to follow His biblical religion and as Yeshua drove out of "My Father's House" the moneychangers with a whip in His hand! Certainly that was met with raised eyebrows and shaking of heads, not to mention FEAR! Yes, fear religion!

And anybody who is a Christian who dares to deny that Christ will rule, as necessary with a ROD OF IRON, enforcing PEACE THROUGH STRENGTH, simply is either in denial or woefully ignorant of the biblical King of Kings and Lord of Lords who will soon reign on Earth from Jerusalem with TOUGH LOVE!

You're talking Old Testament.

I'm talking the Law and the Prophets that Yeshua upheld and will enforce when He reigns perfectly from Jerusalem with TOUGH LOVE, giving different strokes for different folks.

Notice that God hasn't ordered the execution of anyone since Jesus walked the earth.

Yes, He has, time and again through the Law and the Prophets that haven't been made null and void by the tender mercies of our God, the Sermon on the Mount, except for those who are truly repentant as we can best determine with the help of God. Why do you think it is written about the ministers of State: "He bears not the SWORD in vain?" And that such ministers of state are to enforce the Law of God, serving as the vengeance of God? Romans 13 shows God has ordered the execution and other forms of punishment upon lawbreakers since Christ, since His Word remains true and hasn't changed or been altered to accommodate fickle men and fleeting societies.

Jesus never told us to establish any form of government on earth. He clearly taught that His kingdom was not of this earth. If He wanted a government here now, He would have made one here, now. We, as disciples, are not called to rule here or even govern here.

Now you sound like the traditional Worldwide Church of God and those groups who have forsaken it in droves since the Great Apostasy after the death of Herbert W. Armstrong, concerning avoiding politics, shirking your responsibilities, your civic DUTIES, failing to render to Caesar what is Caesar's and to God what is God's, and by such woeful neglect and sinful negligence, have forfeited the reigns of government to the wicked and then cry about how awful things are! "All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing." I submit they're not such good men or they would do something!

Yeshua revealed HIS Kingdom of God-Beings, the ruling Kingdom-Family of God administering the Law of God, is yet future, that's true, of which He will be the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. However, as the I AM, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, He has established an earthly kingdom called Israel and Judah today, our family of nations - the Anglo-Saxon and white peoples of Northwestern Europe with our Jewish brethren. And to us, which includes those called to be Christians now: "REMEMBER THE LAW OF MOSES MY SERVANT WITH THE STATUTES AND JUDGMENTS" (Malachi 4:4).

God calls upon our Israelite family of nations to RESTORE HIS LAW AND ORDER, and we'll receive blessing to the degree we love and obey and He will bless our NATIONAL EFFORTS that reflect national repentance, learning to go by God's Word as LAW, trusting in His wisdom, rather than leaning to our own understanding with all our different political parties of men. We must recognize we are suffering national curses for national disobedience and repent and avert further national disasters (Daniel 9:11). God will draw near to us as we draw near to Him. God's Kingdom on Earth has always been through the physical descendants of Jacob-Israel, and we're to be a TYPE of the future Kingdom of God-Beings that will reign over us as we reign over other nations.

We are called to be Christ on earth. To show others by our example, who He is. Would Jesus have advocated war? How about slaughter?

Yes, we are called to reflect Christ on Earth, and our NATION is called to reflect GOD on Earth, as a "Light to all nations," a MODEL NATION for others to follow, seeing our sound mindedness and wisdom, peace and prosperity from following God's heavenly law here on Earth.

Christ would certainly advocate war, if and whenever necessary, without hesitation, as revealed in the Law and the Prophets, the Law of Moses that our peoples and professing Christians have forgotten to our confusion and shame! Onward Christian Soldiers!

This is where groups like the KKK confuse the heck out of me. They obviously don't know Christ. If they did, they'd know that He'd never treat another human the way they do.

I don't know a single member of the KKK and from personal experience know how a group's beliefs can be misrepresented by hysterical mobs. If the KKK is biblical on this or that, I support them on this or that. Where they're not biblical, I would say so and not offer support but call upon them to change.

The racist NAACP obviously doesn't know Christ or they wouldn't judge everything falsely by the color of someone's skin rather than the content of character (while ignoring national issues that are biblically based on ethnicity), and they wouldn't hold people down and under and back so they can keep their self-important positions they've prostituted themselves for at the expense of their own people whom they've sold down the river, listening to the siren calls of the race hucksters like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, both of whom should move to Africa and lead the way and create opportunities for others to follow. I would support them expressing such creativity in action instead of always cursing the real or imagined darkness rather than lighting a candle.

So many people claim to be followers of Jesus, then turn right around and go against His teachings. Jesus taught us to turn the cheek, love our enemy, bring peace and love to the sick and hurting. Deliver others of demons and heal the sick. I see none of this in our government body and I see very, very little of this in the corporate church body.

God's one government has two branches. Jesus was talking to individuals (Sermon the Mount) and He was talking to the NATION (10 Commandments/Law of Moses) when He revealed how we are to live. So many people claim to be followers of Jesus, then turn right around and go against His teachings. He said to expel sworn enemies from our Land; to execute various criminals and cleanse the Land, to wage war, if and whenever necessary, and not to show the mercy of fools to nations or individuals who hate our guts and would slit our throats their first opportunity. We're to love our neighbor as ourselves, not more than ourselves.

Yeshua said to be "wise as serpents and innocent as doves." He was referring to an ATTITUDE, a willingness to go the extra mile, out of our way, but not indefinitely! If we take all of Yeshua's teaching on any given subject, rather than twist His teachings into some hippy pacifism, you'll see there's a time and a place, which is why He could act so violent and knock over tables and chairs and drive both men and animals from the Temple with a WHIP IN HIS HAND!

Certainly doesn't fit the traditional false image, does it? His harsh words against the religious leaders of His day certainly weren't smooth and pleasant to listen to, especially if you were on the receiving end of His verbal attacks! And when He reigns, He will rule with a ROD OF IRON and rebuke some nations, punish others and even destroy some.

Folks would do well to not try to tell the REAL JESUS about His teachings or to remember His Sermon on the Mount! Jesus will perfectly exercise the Law of Moses tempered by the Sermon on the Mount, as divine wisdom calls for, and we're called to whatever extent we're offered in this life to do the same, whether it's in the home, office, pulpit or political position. That's why our kings, our rulers, are commanded by God to read and study His Word daily that it may be the LAW OF THE LAND, and they can be humbled by realizing they're merely human instruments of God's grace, God's rod and staff.

David Ben-Ariel, a Christian-Zionist writer and author of Beyond Babylon: Europe's Rise and Fall, shares a special focus on the Middle East, reflected in hard-hitting articles that help others improve their understanding of that troubled region. Check out the Beyond Babylon blog.

Subfloor Joist Reinforcing

What Does the Bible Say About Love?

We celebrate Valentine's Day each year on February 14th. This is a day that we appreciate the one we love. We give them cards and gifts and go out of our way to show how much we love them. Love is a very powerful emotion. And can be a great motivator in our lives. But the bible teaches us that love is not an emotion that can come or go, but a decision that we make. Some of us feel that we are in love one day and out of love the next. If our loved one doesn't do something right or be who we want them to be, we don't love them anymore. But that's not true love. 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 says, "Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always preserves." When we choose a mate, these are traits to look for and traits that we should also possess.

It can be easy to fall in love, but ask yourself these questions to see if it's true love? Is this person a christian believer in Christ Jesus. Are they saved and have put God first in their life? And are they willing to put you first, before all others, only second to God? Genesis 2:24 says, "For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh." This scripture indicates that in marriage we become as one person and no other, including parents, should come before our mate. And we should also give the time and effort to make our marriages last a lifetime, so perhaps the divorce rates can diminish. For 1 Corinthians states, "Nobody should seek his own good, but the good of others."

But what does the bible say about love? 1 John 2:5-6 says, "But if anyone obeys his word, God's love is truly made complete in him. This is how we know we are in him. Whoever claims to live in him must walk as Jesus did." Jesus is an example of true love. He wants us to show our love for each other in action and truth and not just by words alone. (1 John 3:18) If we want to know what true love is, we just need to follow God and his example. The path and definition of love is found in 1 John 4:7-12, "Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love. This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him. This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins. Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us and his love is made complete in us." Now that we know God's definition of love, it is important to determine whether we are just following emotions or following God's will. If God's will is done first, then true love will always last.

Wanda is a wife, mother, public speaker of "1 Minute With Wanda" and contributing author of She has been writing about God and spirituality for over 20 years and has researched the bible and its history. Wanda also specializes in christian poetry and children books and believes and teaches that regardless of a person's background or their mistakes of the past, God has a place for them. She currently resides in Chino, California.

She is the publisher and bestselling author of "Kids Ask The Darndest Things About God And The Beginning- Answers From The First Five Books Of The Bible" available at

Visit Ball Publications Christian Books at and sign up for our FREE "The Knowledge" monthly Newsletter. Gain Knowledge and Power with articles, discussions, tips and special offers that will be provided from time to time. Take advantage of up and coming books and events, radio broadcasts and recommended products of interest for you and your family!

Roof Fascia Section Repair

Should a New Energy Efficient Plasma TV Be in Your Future?

In increasing numbers, consumers shopping for a new television have the question of whether they should choose an LCD or plasma as their primary concern. Certainly, both plasma and LCD technologies offer excellent high definition viewing with respectable viewing angles and good color saturation and brightness. While plasma has the advantage in low light situations, LCD displays excel in rooms with brighter ambient light due to better protection against glare. The two television technologies also experience equivalent longevity making them dependable for many years. Both offer the same slim profile making them aesthetically appealing, modern, and unobtrusive within any living space.

However, plasma TV has lagged a bit with consumers in recent years despite its price advantage over LCD. This hesitancy on the part of consumers appears to be due to plasma's early history of problems with burn in. This is unwarranted however, as the risk of burn in is very minimal since the technology for plasma has matured and such issues are essentially resolved.

There is however the lingering issue of excessive power consumption associated with plasma screens over the somewhat more energy conscious LCD displays. Plasma TV in fact, can be said to contribute unnecessarily to CO2 emissions based on their demanding energy needs. This powerful appetite can also eat away at a user's pocketbook through their monthly energy bill. Recent developments however may put the reputation of power junkie behind for plasma TV and tilt the advantage back toward plasma.

Panasonic has developed a more energy efficient prototype plasma display which was introduced at the 2008 Consumer Electronics Show. Through the development of new phosphors and cell design technology, their new display boasts doubled energy efficiency. By reducing energy consumption in half, plasma will be on at least an equal footing with LCD displays in this respect as well. Aside from the positive environmental impact and the monthly energy savings for individual consumers, the new plasma technology will provide additional advantages.

With their new technology, Panasonic is now demonstrating ultra-thin display profiles which are less than one inch deep, screens which are increasingly larger; 105 inches+, and displays which are capable of brighter images and higher definition despite lower power consumption. In addition to the improvements in the already outstanding picture quality, Panasonic will be able to offer wireless HD which will allow installation minus the wires.

Certainly, the television viewing choices for viewers continue to improve. With new technologies such as FED and OLED on the horizon those choices are expected to continue to expand. However, some of the more standard technologies, such as plasma, continue to evolve and will probably be viable contenders for a long time to come if Panasonic's newer plasma TV models are on the market as expected within the next 1 to 2 years.

The author invites readers to learn more about any type of television by taking advantage of information which can be found at her home electronics store,

Porch Rafter Beam Damage

Black Homeowners Guide To Going Green and Saving Greenbacks!

We'll have to wean Ourselves from wasting things, By thinking more efficiently we can save money effectively Yes, that's the key to thinking green. -- Primm

What does it mean to go green? Unless you live on the planet Mars you hear it everywhere. On the news, on college campuses, from government officials, even in car commercials. I even heard a rap song about going green.

The Going Green Movement has spawned a whole new language with words like Greenhouse Gases, Closed Loop Recycling and everyone's favorite Global Warming. Plus a host of other terms too many to mention here.

What does it all mean? The Going Green movement, popularized by former Vice President Al Gore, is performing actions that work to save the environment. For example, recycling, using low-energy appliances, conserving water and a host of other actions people can take.

Yes, Eco- friendly homes are the new trend today, whether you're a home builder or a home buyer. Because it not only works to help save the planet but it's a dependable way to save money. The U.S government is even paying people who own homes to go greener in the form of tax breaks and tax credits.

In this week's newsletter I'll give you simple but effective tips to helping your household go green. But most important show not only how to go green but how to save some green ... as in money.

Here are 5 Tips To Help Your Home Go Green and Save Some Green.

1. Install Low Energy Light Bulbs.

A quick and easy way to start turning your home green and saving the green is by installing energy efficient light bulbs in your home.

Energy efficient light bulbs technical name is Compact Fluorescent lights or CFL's for short. These light bulbs use one-third the electrical energy of old fashion incandescent light bulbs. In addition, they can last up to 10 times longer. This is instant money savings. Can you say Ka-ching?

2. Trade Thirsty Plants and Landscaping for Drought or Low Maintenance Plants.

Low maintenance plants and landscaping will not only save your home energy cost; it can also save your energy.

Imaging having beautiful landscaping without the hassle of watering, weeding and pampering it on your precious days off. All it takes is a little thought and a little planning.

For example, use plants that are native to your area of the country. Why? Because they're easier to grow and maintain - plus they'll use less water.

Pick landscaping that adapts with the climate and soil conditions in your area. The best way to do this is to consult with your local nurseries.

3. Use More Natural Products to Decorate Your Home Instead of Manufactured Products.

When decorating your home think water saving shower heads, toilets and faucets.

When decorating think natural woods like bamboo, teak and other woods that grow fast.

For example, think African Decor. Because many of the woods used come from trees that grow fast and plentiful.

4. Let Your Uncle Sam Pay You To Go Green.

You can receive Home Energy Efficiency Improvement Tax Credits. According to the U.S Department of Energy, consumers who purchase and install specific products, such as energy-efficient windows, insulation, doors, roofs, and heating and cooling equipment in the home can receive a tax credit of up to $500 beginning in January 2006.

The EPACT (The Energy Policy Act of 2005).

This Federal law provides a credit equal to 30% of qualifying expenditures. For purchase of qualified photo voltaic property and for solar water heating property used exclusively for purposes other than heating swimming pools and hot tubs.

The credit shall not exceed $2000.

Improvements must be installed in or on the taxpayer's principal residence in the United States. Home improvement tax credits apply for improvements made between January 1, 2006 and December 31, 2007. -U.S Department of Energy

5. Decorate With More Plants Instead of Plastics.

EPA studies confirm indoor air pollution affects more people than outdoor pollutions. Because of low air circulation indoors and the number of manufactured products such as plastics, glues and paint located inside homes, indoor air pollutions continue as a growing threat. Especially to the many African Americans who suffer from respiratory ailments such as asthma, sinus problems and other allergies.

Natural plants not only work to beautify your decor they have also proven to fight indoor air pollutants. Certain plants help to clear pollutants such as dust, chemicals and allergens from the air. For more details on this subject Click Here!

Yes, thinking green can save you green in and around your home. I encourage you to continue to educate yourself on how you can think green. It's easy once you start the habit of thinking green. You'll suddenly see how you're saving money, saving your time and saving the environment so our children can enjoy it too.

Roy Primm Founder and Publisher of the largest source of information for black homeowners. Subscribe to free newsletter and receive the latest home value increasing tips, free government grants benefiting homeowners. Get free ebook 99 Ways To Live Better On Less Money at

Spaced Sheathing Damage

Building a Green Home - Six Ways to Save Energy (and Money)

There are many areas where you can experience significant energy savings when you are building a green home.By working with an architect in the early design stages, many of these areas can be addressed in the design of your energy efficient home, helping you to save money in the future and enjoy a healthier home:

1)Footprint:Reduce the size of your home.Your home design should be limited to only as much space as your family needs.This will keep your energy usage to a minimum right from the start.

2) Windows:Windows are a break in the thermal insulating barrier of your home.The higher quality window you choose the better performance the entire home will achieve.

3)Insulation:Even if you do nothing else, by choosing a superior building envelope for your home like structural insulated panels (SIPs panels) and/or an insulated concrete form foundation system (ICF), you will enjoy huge savings in heating and cooling your home (up to 50%-60% over a home without SIPs).

4) Passive solar design:By incorporating sunlight for lighting and heat and natural ventilation into the basic home design, you can reduce the size of mechanical systems and lighting in the home.

5) Heating system:Consider a renewable energy system to heat and cool the space and tap water in your home (solar, wind, geothermal).

6) Ventilation:Incorporate an air-to-air exchanger, or heat recovery ventilator (HRV) system into your home. This will replace stale air with fresh outdoor air while maintaining the temperature inside the home and conserving energy.

There are many other areas of the home that can be addressed to increase energy efficiency and save money over the life of your home. In the beginning stages of the home design, your green architect will discuss your opportunities to save money while providing a healthy environment for your family.

About the Author: Jeremy Bonin, a principal partner of Bonin Architects & Associates, is an award-winning green architect and the author of TIMBER FRAMES: Designing Your Custom Home. With a special interest in sustainable design and green homes, structural insulated panels (SIPs), as well as timber frame construction, Jeremy incorporates renewable energy practices where possible, including geo-thermal, solar, radiant heat, and energy-efficient foundation systems.

Delaminating Roof Plywood

You Can Save Thousands With a Green Home

A "green" home is a home that is highly energy efficient, has excellent indoor environment, and is built to exceed local building code. Considering this, doesn't this mean that a green home costs more to build than a person could save on energy costs? Absolutely not! A green home is affordable to build and can save a homeowner thousands in energy costs annually. And there are thousands in tax incentives to take advantage of.

First, planned right and built well, a green home can be built for no more than regular construction, and has greater market value when it is completed. It is important to have a builder that has built green homes before, not just one that has added green features onto existing construction. The latter has no experience with the type of building techniques that lower building costs. An experienced green home builder will know that getting LEED's engineers involved in the process and restructuring the process of building to reduce waste and energy are key to starting the project off right. In addition, an experienced green home builder will be able to make valuable suggestions to the potential homeowner about trade-offs in costs and energy efficiency and apply his practical experience to estimates of energy savings.

Energy efficiency savings can be substantial. Using the weather and energy costs in Illinois as an example, and comparing an affordable green home to conventional home with forced air heating and central air-conditioning, a green home can save you around 75% on electricity, by using a combination of solar panels, landscaping, and Energy Star rated appliances and water heater and substituting central air with geothermal applications, over 90% on natural gas by using alternative heating methods, and 60% on water/sewer by implementing grey water recapture. Typical annual bills of nearly $3,000 per year could be lowered to $700 or less - a savings of $2,100 per year. Of course, these figures are for illustrative purposes only. Your actual savings depends on your electricity usage, the size of the home, the number of people you have living in your home, the number of solar panels you use, and the precise options you select for your green home.

And green homes look like regular homes inside and out, are maintenance friendly, and fun to own.

With tax incentives in the thousands, energy savings worth thousands, and greater market value, building and living in a green home is an affordable option for everyone.

Kim Ward is Marketing Director for Green Earth Energy Homes at

Green Earth Energy Homes offer affordable, practical, LEED and Energy Star certified homes. Save thousands on energy costs and qualify for thousands in government tax incentives and benefits. Contact Kim for more information about our green homes or to view our model.

Damaged Vent Screen

To Reuse Or to Recycle?

Recycling comes with hidden costs. Sometimes those costs are higher than you think. On nearly every level of government from the federal all the way down to local, there is usually some form of recycling law or mandate. Several states, in fact, have gone as far as to require home recycling. But, as people become more educated with our collective impact on the environment, are we continuing to put an undue emphasis on recycling at the detriment of the other two modern recycling rudiments? Are we recycling when we should instead be reducing or simply reusing?

It would be foolish to claim that recycling is not an important part of the collective good that is conservation. Without the established recycling infrastructure, millions of tons of otherwise reusable materials would end up being buried in landfills or incinerated away to ash. If that number, millions of tons, sounds a little large, here's a smaller sample for you. In the 2005-2006 school year (the most recent available) Tufts University recycled 737 tons of cardboard and paper and 132 tons of bottles and cans. The reduction from one university is a good means to show how recycling collectively can have a dramatic reduction in the total amount of waste. Not too shabby.

Or is it? Yes, millions of tons of what would otherwise be refuse have been diverted from landfills around the nation. And judging from a quick walk down the paper isle of your local office supply store, a fair share of materials are making their way back to the market. And the use of recycled materials helps qualify somewhat for that second environmental pillar, "reuse." Somewhat, but perhaps not enough.

Let's take a look at the recycling process for your average aluminum can. After your can is picked up from either your curbside bin or the local disposal center, that can is handed off down a supply chain that varies in length based on bidders and geographical conditions. At some point, last night's can is ground up or shredded into chips. Those chips and grinds are then smelted down into molten metal and then formed into either bars or ingots that can be resold. Frequently these materials come back to us in the form of new parts of larger devices or new soda cans.

As you can see, the process from old aluminum can to new aluminum can involves a great deal of transportation and processing. While the volume of materials being transported at once can reduce the overall carbon burden of the process, the sheer act of recycling can have an unforeseen negative impact on the environment like increasing the dependence on ethanol has on the price of food. This causes one to think of the environmental savings of using an item constructed with post-production content not only in the initial resources it saved, but also in the energy and carbon that were otherwise expended to save the resources.

When small, easy to break down items like cans and newspapers are recycled and the materials are reused, the energy and carbon expenditures are relatively small due to the sheer volume of the materials. But what about larger items like computers, refrigerators, or cars? The resources required in collecting, moving, and breaking these devices down into raw materials that can be smelted and then reused is both intensive and costly, so much so that it's rarely done.

Thankfully, this is one instance where probability wins out. When an aluminum can is empty, the point of failure is obvious. When a fridge or car is considered junk, failure isn't always so certain. Large, complex devices have a multitude of parts, any number of which could have been the reason for failure. What didn't cause the failure, however, is likely to still be usable. As these large devices are built on the Ford concept of interchangeable parts, there is likely a built-in market for that part. What's more, these parts are premade, so once they are cleaned up and quality inspected, they are essentially ready to be resold, all without the resource and energy expenditures required to return these items to refined materials and then remanufacture them.

The lesson seems to be that going green is not as simple as the phrase "Reduce, Reuse, Recycle" makes it out to be. Recycling has its own inherent costs, and what makes sense for cans does not necessarily make sense for cars. Sometimes, it's reuse before recycle.

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Saturday, May 30, 2009

How Much Does Solar Power Cost?

The economy is in the dumpster and global warming threatens our very existence add to this the cost of a gallon of milk is nearly four dollars and it is enough to drive you crazy! However not to worry there is technology going to market that may just be able to tame the insanity.

Solar energy is becoming a commodity that is available to everyone everywhere. No matter where you live or what your needs are there is a solar system for you and at a price you can stand. How much does solar power cost?

Portable Solar Power Cost

Portable units are something you might take on a camping trip or similar outing. From a small compact version that is good for cell phone or Ipod charging to slightly larger systems that will allow you to run a small television or radio on your "camping" trip. These little systems will start out at about $120 for the smallest up to $1,000 for more power.

Solar Heated Pools

Heating a swimming pool for the summer can cost you as much as heating your home all year! That is a significant amount of money especially these days. Developers have come up with a couple of solar options for pool owners. A solar pool cover is the simplest and can be used together with solar pool pump. The cost of one of these beauties will set you back between two and four thousand dollars. This cost will be more than offset by the savings every year on your electric or gas bill. Plus, who wouldn't love the extra few weeks of pool use you will get every season?

Solar Hot Water

Solar water heaters use the sun's rays to pre-heat your water before it goes into your normal water heater. By heating the water to about 80 degrees Fahrenheit, it greatly reduces the amount of energy your typical heater uses. A closed loop solar water heater will run around $4600 and this price is constantly decreasing.

Off Grid Solar Power

If you have a lovely cabin in the woods or just want to cut all ties with your local electric provider, you can choose an off grid solar power system. These systems operate independently of any utility and are optimal for remote areas that have no utilities available. The solar power cost for one of these units starts at $1500 and can go as high as $5000 dollars.

Grid Tied Systems

This is the choice of most homeowners today. With it, you will remain connected to your local power company's grid. This will be beneficial for two reasons you will never be without power due to prolonged periods of reduced sunlight and your power company must purchase any excess electricity you produce. Save on your electric bill and possibly get a check, how great is that? Hopefully, good enough to fork out around $20,000 for a professionally installed complete unit.

Make Your Own Solar Power System

Most "experts" want to make you believe that solar power costs a ton of money for the average person. The truth is you can spend a weekend and build a solar power system that can reduce your electricity bill by 80% or more...and you can build it for less than $200!!! It's so easy that anyone can do it in just a few days. If you want to save hundreds of dollars each month on power just Click Here> Solar Power For Homes

Bottom Of Wall Damaged From Water

The Green Computer Motherboard

Computers these days are now being left ON running 24 hours 7 days, 365 days a year, imagine the power consumption being used by a modern developed city with thousands of computers . Even a little or tiny drop in an individual computer's power consumption let say on a company that uses 50 computers, with each computer contributing to a reduction of 10% is significant. With computers are now one of the most used electronics at home and office. Lets have a look at the GIGABYTE GA-EG31MF-S2 computer mainboard green system.

The GIGABYTE GA-EG31MF-S2 computer mainboard green system is built using GIGABYTE's Dynamic Energy Saving (DES) technology. DES uses a specification in Intel's 45nm Core 2 processors called VRM 11.1, which allows communication between the computer's CPU and the motherboard, telling the motherboard when it's safe to lower power levels to the CPU, and thus save energy. The DES-compatible motherboards do this by shutting off power phases using the Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) controller, tasked with providing appropriate levels to the components. It's more efficient than just doing nothing if the phases are not being used when the system isn't under load, as just powering the phases wastes energy.

Gigabyte has tied up this somewhat complex message into a simple software package for the supported computer motherboards. A gear analogy is used in the software, with the gears(phases) being turned off or disengaged when the power they provide isn't required. The GA-EG31MF-S2 has a four phase design, and can drop back to one or two phases when idle.

Super Computer Services located at for your computing needs and computer repair in Sydney, Australia.

Dust Clogging Bath Fan Vent

Go Green in the City Part 1 - Eco-Friendly Remodeling For Residential and Commercial Real Estate

As gas prices increase more homebuyers are moving closer to the city, their jobs and hubs of activity to decrease travel costs for themselves and the whole family. As more people embrace urban environments green building and eco-friendly renovations that work for existing houses, town homes, condos and apartments are in higher demand. Whether you have a large budget or almost no budget, there are ways to reduce your carbon footprint and energy costs. Green home remodeling can benefit you, the environment and the future of our entire world.

The Truth About Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs

There is a lot of controversy these days about the green value of compact fluorescent light bulbs, better known as those spiral light bulbs that only use a small percentage of the wattage traditional light bulbs. As a positive, these light bulbs do not use nearly as much electricity as traditional bulbs and often last for years at a time. Then it was reported that if these bulbs are broken a small amount of mercury is released. Despite the harmful impact mercury has on the environment the positives of these bulbs outweigh the negatives. Although these bulbs contain a small amount of mercury the amount of electricity they save greatly reduces the amount of mercury released by electrical plants. When using compact fluorescent bulbs take extra care not to break them and dispose of them carefully. Recycling of compact fluorescents has started in various parts of the US. If possible find a recycling center near you

Make the Most Out of Your Surge Protectors and Power Strips

Many appliances, including computer equipment, stereos, TVs and cell phone chargers all draw electrical energy even when turned off. If they sit plugged in all the time electricity is wasted. In order to avoid this waste purchase surge protector power strips for various areas and plug multiple items into the strips. Make sure the power strips are easy to reach and when printers, speakers, computers, radios, cell phone chargers, toasters, coffee makers, etc are not in use unplug the power strip and electricity will be conserved. This may seem like a simple tactic, but imagine if everyone became aware of this small electrical drain and took action. Our carbon footprint as a country would decrease dramatically. When it comes to energy conservation every lit bit counts.

The Best Ways to Heat Your Water

If you own your condo, apartment or home in the city one of the best ways to save energy and money is to purchase a tankless water heater. Energy efficient water heaters save thousands of dollars during the first three to five years. This kind of feature will also work as an excellent incentive for buyers if you sell in the future. If a new water heater isn't in the budget consider turning off your water heater when you are out of town or purchase and install a timer. Most often even older water heaters maintain hot water for approximately 24-48 hours after they have been turned off. Why pay for hot water when you are not using it? Another simple idea is to lower the temperature on your existing water heater. Many older water heaters are set at a scalding 140 degrees. Lowering the thermostat will conserve energy and its totally free.

Low Flow Toilets and Tricks to Conserve Water

Leaky toilets and the water waste caused by older toilets is common in existing homes and commercial properties. Older toilets often use between 3 and 5 gallons per flush. To check and see if your toilet is leaking place food coloring in the back of the tank, after an hour without flushing if the bowl turns color you have found a leak. If you have the money a low flow toilet is your best bet. Made specifically for energy efficiency, low flow toilets are another excellent selling point. If you have a small budget or no budget consider this well-known trick. Take any weighted, solid object, like a glass jar, and place it in your toilet tank. This object will take up space so your tank fills with less water than usual. Instead of 3 to 5 gallons each flush you will now use less.

Stay tuned for Green in the City Part 2 for more great green tips on how to conserve energy and save money.

Elaine VonCannon is an award winning REALTOR with RE/Max Capital in Williamsburg, Virginia. She specializes in retirement and relocation in the Williamsburg, South Eastern Virginia area and in Virginia Estate properties. To learn more visit or

Wood Post And Beam Connection

A Review of Catholic Gifts

As someone who has been a devout practitioner of Catholicism for as long as I've been breathing, it stands to reason that many of my family and friends are Catholics as well. People always gravitated to those who share similar values. This is comforting on many levels, and helps reinforce my faith all the more.

In addition, these are the people that I really care about and cherish in my life and I know what they hold dear. For the most part, because I know them so well, I can be sure that they'll appreciate receiving Catholic gifts on special occasions. It's becoming increasingly difficult for me to find stores in my area that carry Catholic gifts in their inventory, but because of the marvels of the Internet, I'm always able to find quality items. These days, there are numerous websites that are dedicated solely to selling Catholic gifts, which is great if you are shopping for baptisms, first communions, confirmations, Christmas. Whenever one of these occasions comes up for someone in my circle of family and friends, I always go online because I know there will be a plethora of high-quality and affordable Catholic gifts to choose from.

Are you curious to know what types of Catholic as I can purchase online? Well for starters anything you can buy at a regular store you can buy on the Internet. For example, there are many websites that offer reading materials such as inspirational books, faith-based living guides, Bibles, and more. There are books that are written for all ages from 3 to 93, so right there alone is a huge treasure trove of appropriate gift ideas.

Jewelry is another category of Catholic gifts that is always popular and always appreciated. Probably the most popular next to artwork. Again, there is a huge collection of choices, ranging from the very basic to the very exquisite. Necklaces in the form of gold or silver crosses, crucifixes, and medals are appropriate for both men and women, which really opens up the gift giving universe. Other jewelry products that make for fantastic Catholic gifts include chastity rings, prayer bracelets, and rosaries. Most of these items can be personalized with an inscription of your choice to truly make them a meaningful keepsake.

There are also Catholic gifts that would make wonderful decorations for the home. I'm talking about items such as wall hangings, framed prints, statues, figurines, plaques, and even holy water fonts. You can get all these products online and have them conveniently shift right to your door. This and that a lot better then jumping in the car and driving all over the place not nine if you can find anything to your satisfaction?

The next time the thought of giving Catholic gifts comes to mind, he did not advise and check out the World Wide Web. You might be surprised at all the terrific and affordable products that you can order right there at your fingertips!

Morgan Hamilton offers his findings and insights regarding religion. You can get interesting and informative information here at Catholic Gifts.

Feeling Alive Teenage Problems

The Stand

If cold is nothing more than the absence of heat, and darkness is the absence of light, then fear is the simply the absence of courageous faith.

Today a doctor told a man that he has lung cancer and a spot has been found on his liver. Family members have gathered to comfort him as they weep concerning the dismal news. It was not long ago they were gathered together to mourn the death of his wife. Tears flow and whiskey is poured in a vain attempt to drown the sorrow of the moment.

It is at a time such as this that people need to know what whiskey can never reveal; God still heals the sick today as He did in times past Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever (Hebrews 13:8 NIV). I've known people to remain sick, even after asking God to heal them according to the scriptures. Our bible teaches us, "Is any one of you sick? He should call the elders of the church to pray over him and anoint him with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise him up. If he has sinned, he will be forgiven. Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective." (James 5:14-16 NIV)

Some today say it is God's Will to heal everyone of everything in every situation. If that statement was true, none of us would need to use corrective lenses to read the scripture we just finished quoting. Let's face it; there are times, for reasons unbeknownst to us, when God, in His infinite wisdom, decides to say, "No." We don't have to agree with it. We don't even have to like it. But, we must accept it and trust that He knows exactly what we need at that precise moment in every situation. He knows the end from the beginning (Acts 15:18). He can see what lies ahead of me in a way that I cannot. I must place my total trust in Him in every situation regardless of the outcome and in spite of all circumstances.

We need the tenacity of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego when they faced certain death in a fiery furnace after refusing to bow down to the idols of Nebuchadnezzar. They said, "O Nebuchadnezzar, we do not need to defend ourselves before you in this matter. If we are thrown into the blazing furnace, the God we serve is able to save us from it, and he will rescue us from your hand, O king. But even if he does not, we want you to know, O king, that we will not serve your gods or worship the image of gold you have set up." (Daniel 3:16-18 NIV) Jesus taught us how to pray a prayer of faith when He said, "Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours." (Matthew 11:24) God calls things that are not as though they were. For the miraculous to occur we must have faith in that fact. But, we have to possess an equal amount of faith to believe that He can even if He doesn't.

Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. (Ephesians 6:10-13 NIV, emphasis added.)

Have an "even if He doesn't" kind of faith. Do what you can then stand! Father knows best.

Author's Bio: Born in 1973, raised in Southwest Louisiana, Joshua Olmsted is a divorced father of four, raising his children while serving his local assembly, Jesus Worship Center of Jennings, LA (Rev. Clifton J. LeJeune, Sr. Pastor). His professional career involves Offshore Natural Gas & Petroleum Facility Operations in which he has become a senior operator/supervisor over the past 10 years of service to the industry. He is a former Deputy-Sheriff of the Jefferson Davis Parish Sheriff's Department, a former locally-licensed minister of the U.P.C.I. and, served his country as a U.S. Marine. He is a frequent freelance writer and contributor to many publications, including; The Pentecostal Herald magazine, The Louisiana Challenger magazine, Apostolic Information Services, Indiana Bible College Perspectives Magazine,, Jennings Daily Newspaper of Jennings LA, and more

Can One Person Make Big Changes

Religious Fundamentalism Can Create Problems

Religious groups can easily justify their actions by using religious text to benefit and promote their beliefs. The Muslims can sling quotes out of the Quran to justify their treatment towards women as second-class or even third class citizens in society, often removing certain rights from them because they weren't born men.

Shouldn't these women be treated equally. This is where religious fundamentalism evolves into religious fanaticism.

Christians can often use the same tactics to justify their beliefs and Christianity. This list goes on and on and has created hardships in the past on some people in our civilizations and will continue to do so in the future. As long as people continue to turn a blind eye to evil religious and government leaders, atrocities will take place and some of them will even be supported by those who eventually will become accused are victims of their own wrongdoings.

Does anyone remember the Ku Klux Klan? If you live in the south eastern part of the United States, there is a very good chance that you have heard of them or even know someone who belongs to this organization. The Ku Klux Klan was responsible for hanging African Americans throughout the early 1900s to prove that the white race was superior to the race of black people. Their religious beliefs fueled them with righteousness.

If this going on anywhere in the world today, may be issues about abortion or gay marriage. It seems like an oxymoron, if we allow gay people to get married, we won't have to worry about the abortion issue.

Some Christians, but most Americans look at this as a shameful part of our American heritage. It's not something that most Americans would ever support today. I would like to point something out about the Ku Klux Klan, they started out as a Christian organization and made examples out of other white people who weren't conforming to their ideal Christian society.

There are stories of people that abused their wives and the Ku Klux Klan set them straight, one way or another. If it required beating the crap out of them or killing them, something needed to be done and they are morally obligated to perform the task as Christians. These people took their Christian beliefs to an extreme.

When are we as a country and the world going to start fighting religious fundamentalism at its core and stop the atrocities that are going on today, using religion to justify their wrongdoings.

Create Personal Power

You are free to copy this article to your site as long as you include the following resource information with an active link to my site:

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development.

Greg is currently working on a self help library filled with great subjects on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion.

Let God Handle It
Do You Lose Or Win In Christiani

A Two Year Old Prophecy Over My Life That I Cherish

It was Juliette who wanted to write tonight, but it is I who want to speak to you and your heart. So I am the One who is choosing to speak to you. I have told Juliette that she is not to be the one to write and that she is to shut down her mind and allow Me to say exactly what I want to say to you without changing My words or allowing herself to cut in when she feels that I couldn't possibly be wanting to say these things to you.

There are times when I look at you with wonder and think about why you continue to be so hard on yourself. You have much to give, yet you let your own ideas dominate over the ones that I have for your life. You freely give My words to people, yet fail to see that I have words that I want to freely give to you.

Yes, My heart grieves at the lack of commitment from those who know Me and yes there is much anger I carry in My heart for the injustice of this world and I allow you to feel these things to enable you to see that I am the One who cares about those who you see around you.

You have continued to be faithful to Me and have reached into the lives of many. You do not understand why I use you and you do not understand why I give you wisdom. You cannot see why I continue to take you into the night and speak into the lives of people who dont know you and at times dont want to know you. But I have a plan and purpose for your life that goes way beyond what you will ever be able to understand.

The times that you struggle are the periods in your life that will bring you growth. The times when you feel darkness around you, are the times I need you to reach out to Me the most, for it is My strength which will sustain you through these moments.

I have taken you and called you to Myself. You say that you never asked for what you have now, yet you asked to serve Me, you asked to reach into the lives of people and to show them Me. Now you carry your burden and there are times when you want to run away. You escape into sleep and cannot see that it is I who is trying to shine a light into your life that will cause you to lift from the moment of despair that you find yourself in.

When you wrote your web site did you think it was just a foolish notion or do you believe it was something that I planted within your heart? When you wrote the words that spoke into the lives of those that sought answers from you did I not give them to you because you were happy to serve Me and bring My love into peoples lives. My ways are not your ways. My ways are infinitely greater and always will be.

Those that fear Me know what it is to serve an awesome God. A God who created the Heavens and the earth and who set the stars in the sky as a reminder to all who gaze upon them.

My love for you goes beyond what you will ever understand and your worth is found in Me. You are worthy because I say youre worthy and there should be no better reason than that. I am who I say I am and you look at these words and believe them. Can you then not also believe that when I say you are worthy, you are!

I have spoken over your life words that see you moving beyond this nation and now is a time of testing and refining. I will use these moments to create within you a new heart and will create within you a new mind. Your eyes will see infinitely more than they do now. Your ears will hear more wisdom than youve already heard and there will be fresh revelation of who I am and what My ways are.

Over and over I will show you what it is to know Me in great intimacy. You see before you your friend Jesus who has traveled this road with you and who has loved you despite all your circumstances. I also love you and want you to see that as much as Jesus loves you, Jesus also loves all those around you. His heart breaks for those that dont know Him and His heart bleeds for those who turn away.

My word does not lie and there will be times of judgment when I pour out My wrath upon this earth. You know that in your heart to be true. There will be moments in time when My anger will come down in such a way that countless lives are wiped out in an instant. Does this mean I do not care about my people? Does this mean I dont long to save everyone?

I have tempered my anger with great love and it is I who decide those who should die and those who should live. It is before Me that people will stand in judgment, it is before Me that they will have to give account of all that theyve done. It is before Me that they will need to explain why they made the decisions they did.

I want you to see that you are special to Me and that I have just as many words for you as I have for those around you. I want you to see that what you pour out I will pour back in. I want you to see that what you freely give will be freely given back to you.

Keep running child, keep fighting.

I am outworking My will in your life and I am changing you from glory to glory. No more will people be able to say about you that you dont belong. You belong to Me, youre Mine. I own you, youre marked by Me. My Son carries His stripes for you, my Son carries the marks in His hands for you. My Son who walks with you and who you know so well.

Do you see the weight of my words for you? When you spread your wings, you are going to soar because you will soar with Me, but now is not yet the time to spread your wings. Theres more I need for you to learn. Theres more I need to teach you. Theres more I have to give you before I send you out amongst the nations. Theres more that you need to learn to see through My eyes.

Everyday will bring with it new challenges. Everyday will bring with it new lessons. Everyday will see you experiencing something different. I desire for you to see in those experiences the depth of My love not only for you, but for all people.

Dont let go of Me My son, hold my hand. Place your hand in Mine and let Me hold you close and comfort you, especially now. Let Me pour in great refreshing. Let me do a new work in you. Let Me be the one who causes you to grow. Such love I have for you.

When the moon is in the sky and the stars shine, do you see the blessings I have for your life? Each star represents a blessing that I want to give just to you. Each light represents a part of Me that you still dont understand.

Your worth to Me outweighs the treasures of this world. Your worth to Me outweighs the wall you have seen standing here in Heaven. Your worth to Me goes beyond what your mind can conceive. Dont try to understand it, just accept it!

Try to see that I will have My way, no matter what happens. My little friend, so open to Me, so wanting to please and serve Me. Such beauty I see in you, such pleasure.

When you read this it is My heart you will see. When you read it again, it is my wisdom you will fathom. When you read it once more it will be My words that sear across your mind.

Take these things I say to you and burn them on your heart, remember that it is I who love you and it is I who will have My way. Just be obedient to Me and let Me order your footsteps according to My plan for your life and you will see that the plans you commit to Me will succeed.

With love from your Father in Heaven.

Have you ever wanted to see a clairvoyant but the Bible forbids it? Did you know that there are people in churches with a gift of prophecy that can get a message off God for you? You can ask questions of them and they can take the questions to God for you. Eighty percent of the church don't use these people as they don't think the gift of prophecy exists anymore but the people that do use them get tremendously blessed.If you are not a Christian just say that in your email and the prophet will be more sensitive to you. Come and request a free personal prophecy today at

Enjoy Your Life Its The Only One