Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Prosperity Partnering Can Make Growing Your Business Easy

Joint ventures and strategic partnering are common marketing strategies. Many entrepreneurs have extended their reach, impact, and profits by joining with others to reap the benefits of business synergy. Prosperity Partners are above and beyond the JV mindset; its about finding people you connect with at a deeper level and allowing that connection to be the foundation of a shared prosperity goal.

Finding a Prosperity Partner may be easier than you think. First you have to be in the stream of life rather than sitting on the bank watching the beautiful sailboats go by. Too often people wont jump in because they are waiting for all their ducks to line up they never do; they are waiting for life to slow down it never does; they are waiting for the approval or cooperation of others which isnt likely to come any time soon.

If you have a list of reasons why you are not going for your passion or playing full-out, you may be feeling uninspired or burdened by your own dreams to be, to do, to have. Prosperity Partnering is a powerful tool for keeping yourself enthused and on track. The only thing required to attract powerful and amazing Prosperity Partners is you showing up in your own life as powerful and amazing which you are. Trust me on that one. You are brilliant, resourceful, creative, and you can bring all that forward right now. If you mistakenly believe that you cant get started until you have all the answers and you have to know all the ins and outs before you can embrace your passion, I invite you to change the belief right now. Another deterrent could be if you are addicted to self-improvement and you are stuck in a cycle of learning one more thing before you feel confident in what you already know.

There could be many reasons why you are not moving forward with confidence. Use this EFT Choices Style Affirmation to help release you from this psychological form of bondage; Even though I dont have all the answers right now, I choose to move forward with confidence and ease. When you stop stopping yourself, selling yourself short, you will begin to attract people who see your inner brilliance and respect you for it. Your gifts and talents are so second nature to you and they may seem so ordinary to you that you take them for granted. Someone on the outside, a potential Prosperity Partner, may see these very qualities as star qualities that would be a great compliment to their own strengths.

As you move forward, you will observe that there are people who naturally resonate with you and others who do not. You will become skilled at forming new positive relationships and support networks and from those connections you can set an intention to attract your team of Prosperity Partners. A Prosperity Partnership is not a legal contractual agreement, its a soul agreement. It carries more weight that the human law can enforce because this kind of partnership is consciously leveraging Universal Laws. Prosperity Partners understand the implications of the Law of Attraction in how they conduct their personal lives and their business. Integrity and ethics are part of their core and this is not to say you should not sign legal contracts to guide your business interactions, its just a reminder that a contract wont assure you that you are in a Prosperity Partnership.

It may take you a few misses before you get it right. That certainly was my experience. I think the shift came for me when I realized I could be successful without depending on others and thats when I was able to attract Prosperity Partners who were operating from an equal position. Co-dependency is not a basis for any viable partnership and it certainly has no place in a Prosperity Partnership. Its about interdependence and synergy at its best; like a great marriage. Prosperity Partners wont have the same strengths or weaknesses, but they will have strengths and unique perspectives that are perfect to compliment one another. They add value to each others offering and they support and encourage personal success outside of the business context. This is a very powerful relationship. If you want a Prosperity Partner, step into the stream, ignite your passion and set an intention to attract the perfect Prosperity Partners with confidence and ease.

Robin Harris is a DesignerLife Coach and the owner of and co-founder of which offer complimentary resources for those who want to embrace ease as a way of creating more happiness, prosperity, and success in life and in business. You can also connect with Robin through her Lens at

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