Do you find the world full of people, who are bad, selfish, corrupt, and immoral? How often do you find people doing the wrong and evil deeds? Do you hate the people around you? Are you the one who agrees with the common perception that the world is moving in the wrong direction? Are you the one who finds it difficult to find good people but easy to find bad people in the world.
To most people, the world seems to be full of selfish people who are all set to destroy the world for their selfish gain. There is terror, crime, inequality, injustice all around. Overall the world seems to be totally different than the ideals of the society and scriptures.
Yet it is nothing less than a miracle that people have not lost faith in God who is believed to be the Supreme Power of the Universe and the creator of this world. God is still considered to be omnipotent, omnipresent and eternal who is full of love, justice and compassion.
How can the contraction be resolved? The creations of an ideal Being can not be so bad or away from the ideals. How can God be good but the world that He created be so bad? This means either our understanding of God is not correct or our understanding of the world is not correct? How can a good God can create an evil world or evil people.
Or we simple scared to accept the truth. After all who want to question God (unless one is willing to go to Hell)?
Perhaps it is easy to blame a man, more so the poor and incapable man as he can not hit back. He also can not argue as he does not have the knowledge which comes from education for which he has no access. It may be suicidal to challenge the King or the State. Are we choosing the easy path and blaming the weak and poor by calling them bad or evil?
This is not a new question as all thinking people always asked these questions from the very day the man developed the understanding of God. However, no clear answer seems to be forthcoming. This dichotomy between the Creator and the Creation is the major reason why many people lost faith in God or at least the way Scriptures described God. Even those who call themselves atheist, fail to understand how a perfect God can create such an Imperfect Creation.
The Myth of Ideals
Man in the course of the evolution of the civilization has developed many ideals which promises a man an ideal world or paradise. If only every single person start following the ideals created by man, it was visualized that the world would become heaven and an ideal place to live. Yet, few people know that these ideals are designed not for the benefit of all but only for a chosen few.
These ideals are nothing but the concept which have an hidden agenda invisible to most people. They are all developed by highly intelligent people who masked the reality in the concoction of the words and phrases only to cheat the majority for the sake of a few.
Consider the ideal of equality. It is nice to hear that every one is born equal in this world and possess the same rights and privileges. The ideals of equality was never devised to really bring equality in the making but only to ensure that people are treated equal before the law, which itself was designed to favour the more privileged. When you ask a hungry person to run a race with a well fed person, there can be no equality. It is a fact that democracies which boasts to have the ideal of equality are also the countries which actually promotes inequality of the highest order. The difference between the richest and the poorest person in a democratic country is far more than any other country.
When scriptures were written, they said that everyone is the child of God and all are equal in the religion. Yet the same scriptures made special class of popes and priests, who had been given privileges and powers unequal to ordinary followers. It is this class which prosecuted Jesus Christ, calling him irreligious and charging him for blasphemy.
The law of inheritance, which we all take for granted is itself the largest cause of inequality. If everyone is born equal, how can one justify one person born from a billionaire parents to inherit billions while a poor man's son inherit poverty.
One can take all manmade ideals one by one and see that in reality the goal of each of them to do just the opposite in the guise of the ideal. The ideal of non-stealing serve not the poor who have nothing that can be stolen but serve the riches who have accumulated disproportionate wealth. The law of no-murder helps not the law-abiding, God fearing person but to the powerful, who can kill the weak without facing the risk of life. A close scrutiny of each and every law of the civilized world tells the same story. So, if you does not belong to the chosen few, you either suffer for your entire life or revolt against the system and face the stigma of being called a criminal.
Manmade Laws and Crime
Most people make the distinction of good and bad not on the basis of the facts and circumstance but on the basis of the acts of the person with regards to the compliance of the law. If the crime is same as what they themselves are committing, then they have a justification for it, else the person is simply called evil or criminal. The people who follows the law are called good citizens. The definition of good and evil is based on the basis of law which itself is the product of human mind and framed by the most powerful people of the country, for themselves.
In India for example, just a decade back, it was one of the most heinous crime to import even a single piece of gold and the punishment was upto 7 years. These people were called smugglers and detested by people. Yet now government has now allowed free import of gold on payment of nominal duty and the same act is no more a crime but a sign of pride.
In many countries it is a heinous crime to have relationship with more than one partner, while in many other countries it is allowed legally. Extramarital affairs are acceptable in many societies but punishable to death in others.
However, there has to be some laws which are eternal and not dependent on the society and time. These laws do exist and we may call them the laws of nature or the laws of God.
Laws of God
Every single law that man has created in a civilized society seems to contradict the laws of the nature(the laws of God). The contradiction is not in words but in deeds. The words are same but the meaning is different and often opposite. Cleaver people always find ways and means to manipulate every law to take advantage for self and their progenies. Thus the conflict between the man-made law and the God-made law is eternal in this world.
All God-made laws treat every person equally. The laws of gravity are same for every person or for every animal. The rain and winter does not distinguish rich and poor. Every one is born and every one has to die after living almost same span of life on this world. Everyone breathe in the same air and have the same water to drink. The pain and pleasure are also same for every person. The height and weight of children are almost similar and every human being has been bestowed with similar intelligence.
Yet few men have found a way to corner maximum benefit for the self and the family leaving little for most members of the society. However, every single attempt to bring equality and implement the law of the Lord is met with the resistance from the State and the society and such people are easily termed as evil or criminal.
The Real Knowledge of the World
If it is true that God is good, the world can't be bad or evil. Only the perception of evil is created due to the limitation of our vision as we have accustomed to see the world only from our point of view, or what is written in law or scriptures. We hardly make any effort to know the spirit of the laws and the purpose of laws. Hence the words which are merely the means to attain the divine goal become the end in itself.
Crimes have an interesting dichotomy in every society. While all blue collar crimes are done by the under-privilege section of the society, the privileged members f the society commit much bigger frauds through white collar crime. A thief is created in the society because society does not treat these people fairly. Yet people expect the underprivileged to respect the laws that are laid down by the privileged members of the society.
There is a purpose in the design of every aspect of this world. It is our limitation that we can't understand the design. Every act has a purpose and a goal. Further, nature has created everyone different by design. Symbolically, if world can be compared with a body then every person can be compared with a cell of the body. Thus every cell performs different functions in way that sustain the body. The function of the bone cell is different than that of the function of the skin or heart cell. Therefore, instead of viewing the differences with suspicion, one has to understand the holistic design of the world and then one can notice how every one fits into the grand design of the Lord.
There is a reason why God has made man and woman different from each other. There is a reason for the people to commit crime so that society can awaken with the injustice done to the others members of the societies. Even terrorism is due to the reason of the injustices caused by powerful societies against the powerless societies. It is the weapon of the weak. Drug addiction is mirror of the society which has become so competitive that it has left no place for less fortunate people.
Loving is Knowing
The only method, one can stop hating people is by developing proper understanding of the world using his insight and commonsense. Even if you do not believe in God, yet hating the world is only due to your limited vision which prevents you in seeing the whole Truth. The judgments based on the knowledge of partial truth alone are the reason of the hatred that is engulfing the world. The roots of evil in individual man lie in the evil that is perpetuated by the society in the name of idealism and good.
The ultimate test of the right knowledge is that a person who has the True knowledge would automatically love the world. A famous Sufi poet Kabir has expressed this thought in the following words
People died reading scripture,
Yet none could become wise,
But one who understand the meaning of love
Is the only man be wise
Dr. Awdhesh K Singh is an Engineer by education and philosopher by passion. He holds his PhD degree in the area of E-Governance. He has published several papers in International Journals and Conferences on the subject of E-governance and the application of Artificial Intelligence tools like Fuzzy Logic (FL) and Expert Systems (ES) for E-governance.
He has keen interest in the study and application of Religion, Spirituality and Philosophies for solving the real-life problems of the modern world.
Many of his articles are published on the website of Aatmic Science Forum and Science of Soul.
He can be contacted on the email aksinghirs [a]
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