If one looks closely, there might very well be a slight sliver of a silver lining to the global financial meltdown. News reports seem to indicate that people all over the world are banding together and teaming up to deal collectively with their economic problems. There seems to be almost a bunker mentality that is bringing people together to solve a common problem.
Unlike the booming 80s where it was every man for himself and when greed and avarice ruled the day, the first decade of the new millennium would appear to be infused with a new sense of community. Certainly, society has found it easy to identify common villains. The corporate chieftains in their lavish jets, the cocky and arrogant millionaires on Wall Street, investment advisers running multibillion-dollar scandals, and sleazy politicians selling jobs have all provided a common focus for our frustrations.
But more importantly, the growing sense of charity is what is bringing us together. For example, Bill Gates, who spent the 70s and 80s working hard to become the world's richest man, now spends the bulk of his time distributing his wealth to those who need it. In doing so, he is setting the example for all of us to follow. As Gates chased his fortune, it was easy to label him as a greedy, self-centered person. But seeing how he is now selflessly redistributing his wealth indicates that he's been called to a higher purpose.
There is a lesson here for all of us - the more you give, the more you will get. One of the benefits of a successful career is the financial and material abundance that comes into your life. But as many successful people can tell you, money isn't everything. The person who creates massive wealth and then locks it in the closet for himself or herself to enjoy alone leads a very empty life indeed.
On the other hand, the person who chooses to spread that wealth around gets back much more than he or she gives. The feelings of personal accomplishment, and the great satisfaction derived from helping others to live a more fruitful and abundant life adds an entirely new dimension to a person's life as well. This can provide tremendous motivation to an individual who feels as though their career has plateaued. Many people rationalize that they have all that they need and therefore choose not to work any harder toward success. But if it becomes their life's mission to give back and help others, the career becomes the key to unlocking happiness for everybody.
Scot Poole and his team have helped entrepreneurs build online empires.
He shares powerful tips, ideas and secrets about achieving success and building massive wealth as he and his team assist lawyers, nurses, firemen and teachers build multiple 6 figure incomes from the comfort of their homes. For more info and to contact Scot, visit:
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