Saturday, May 16, 2009

Keeping Safety Up As Well As Quality in DIY Projects

Do-it-yourself projects would only be successful if you keep the safety level up. In reality, thousands of things could go wrong. For example, installing wooden fences can be a health hazard if you do not know how to handle a power auger correctly.

You can cut your hand with the sharp edges of bathroom tiles during cutting and installation. Making tile mosaics could also turn bloody if you don't wear gloves. All these small considerations contribute to the success of a DIY project.

Safety measures

Some safety measures should be implemented during DIY projects. For example, if you are installing woodworks such as walls, panels and windows, wear protective goggles. Protective goggles should be wear resistant, durable and tough.

Good protective goggles should also be extremely resistant to projectiles or flying objects. Shards of glass, splinters of wood and pieces of tiles can harm the eyes and render the DIY worker blind.

Reading manuals and safety instructions of power tools are also important. Never think that you know more about your tools than the manufacturers themselves. Seemingly simple tools like power drills and power augers are built differently per manufacturer.

If you have new tools, devote ten to fifteen minutes of your time perusing the user's manual, the list of "don'ts" and the list of precautions. Pay attention to instructions regarding voltage and what not to do.

Tips in DIY projects

If you're completely prepared to handle your tools and materials, here are some tips to make your DIY weekend projects that much more fun and successful:

1. When painting walls, you can utilize straight vertical lines. These vertical lines should run from the floor level straight up to the ceiling. The purpose of these lines is to create the illusion of height, width and size.

Space the lines congruently and make sure they run parallel to each other. Skewed lines create the impression of chaos and compactness.

2. If you want a room to appear larger and wider than it really is, you can utilize horizontal lines instead of vertical lines. Horizontal lines create the illusion of dynamic size and allow the eyes to travel from one corner of the room to another.

The lines would also cut through the lighter background color, creating the illusion of a horizon.

3. The illusion of receding walls (or walls that seem to shrink) can be done with pale colors. Pale colors can easily be made by mixing the color of your choice and white paint. Find the right balance, and aim for a creamy hue before application.

Now, if you want a room that seems to move inward, creating the illusion of a smaller room, you can use darker paints. Inversely, darker hues can easily be created by mixing black and the color of your choice. Use only small amounts and mix well.

Pale colors require a creamy texture, darker colors require a glossy appearance. Dark colors that are creamy will result in a dull appearance upon application. This is especially true for the color red.

If you want colors that would be relaxing to the eyes, try marigold, green and light pink. Blue reacts with natural sunlight and creates the illusion of a brighter room.

The author of this article is Benedict Yossarian. Benedict recommends Roof Bond Foam Roof Insulation and Dekorbeton Concrete Stamping for your DIY needs

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