Saturday, September 5, 2009

Article Writing Can Be Ruined by Keywords

With Internet marketing you hear a lot about keywords. It does not matter if you are new to writing online or if you have been doing it for some time. The fact is, you will deal with keywords. Did you know, though, that the time and money invested in keywords can kill articles?

The fact is, you can easily over do it so much so that you find yourself struggling to make the articles work on your website. One question to ask is, "If an investor came to this website, would they be impressed with the quality of the articles enough to invest in it?" If not, consider a few tips.

Choose keywords that are directly related to your website. In article writing, keywords should be used that actually make sense to use there. There is little benefit to words with bad correlation.

Next, consider how many times you use those keywords. If you pack them in, at five percent density, will it be very difficult to read? Will those who come to your site see keywords or content?

Placement is important. Choose locations like the title, first sentence and last paragraph for the keywords. Do not forget to use them in places like the meta descriptions, too.

There is very little benefit getting lots of traffic to a website that is so built up on keywords and gives very little information. It is very easy for individuals to close down that website and choose another resource with more information instead. Make wise decisions when it comes to article writing.

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Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.

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