Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Build Awesome Self Confidence

Are you lacking the self confidence that it takes to build a successful business? Do you feel frustrated, limited and like you are being left behind? Do you know that you were likely pre-programmed to fail in life even before you were old enough to read? All of this "programming" is buried deep in your subconscious mind. If you would like to know how you can "deprogram" yourself for failure and set yourself on the track of success kindly read on.

Most people who lack confidence or self confidence find themselves engaging many avoidant behaviors such as procrastination, self distraction, addictions of various sorts, over planning, and plain self sabotage. They often also feel inadequate, indecisive, anxious, tend to obsess over little things when having to make a decision, unmotivated, small, weak, vulnerable, and also lack self esteem and self worth to name a few. These feelings and behaviors are driven by deep seated negative beliefs they have about themselves and that are rooted in early negative memories.

Beliefs such as:

1. I am not deserving of success.
2. I am not good enough.
3. I don't have what it takes.
4. If I succeed I will be taking away someone else's success.
5. I am bad.
6. I am useless.

And so on.

As I said such beliefs are rooted in early negative memories. What is not so well known is that in spite of many professional coaches promoting the idea of changing one's belief systems in order to succeed such an approach takes work and is inherently self limited in what it can achieve.

The reason for this is that although you may be consciously trying to "install" an new belief the old negative one will always be there acting more powerfully at the subconscious level. What's more the meaning of "subconscious" implies that you are not aware of its presence or when it is going to strike and undermine you.

So how empowered does that make you feel? Hardly at all, I'm sure.

In my experience helping individuals become truly empowered and thus create true and solid self confidence I have learned that one must release the root of the problem. That root lies at the subconscious level. The process that effects this out of necessity must permanently extract or erase the negative beliefs and the memories that generate them.

If you would like to learn about erasing negative beliefs and memories kindly visit the web link below where you can also request a free introductory telephone consultation.

Nick Arrizza MD is the developer of the Mind Resonance Process (MRP) that powerfully and permanently erases negative memories.

To learn more about MRP, experience a free 1 hour telephone consultation or to listen to a pre-recorded internet radio program on it visit the web links below.

He is a former Psychiatrist and Medical Doctor is an International Life, Executive, Organizational Tele-Coach, Author, Keynote Speaker, Trainer and Facilitator who lives in Toronto, Canada. He is also on Faculty at Akamai University in Hawaii. He is the CEO and Founder of Arrizza Performance Coaching Inc.

Web Site: or contact me at:

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