Articles packed with good information naturally increase your perceived expert status.
Here are a few mistakes writers usually make when trying to show that they are an expert.
3 Common Mistakes
Mistake #1 - Believing you have to tell people you are an expert - If you have to tell people you are an expert, you are not communicating well and actually may not be an expert.
Mistake #2 - Mentioning accomplishments in your article - Who cares? To paraphrase a popular quote, readers will not care about how much you know until they know how much you care.
Mistake #3 - Using your resource box as an ego wall - The resource box in not about you. You should use it as a way to invite readers into your world.
Expert Status with a 7 Tips Article
1) 7 chunks of information in a small space - Anyone can blather out decent information in a 2500 word article. You have to really know what you are talking about to condense your expertise into seven short tips. The reader may not be thinking this out loud, but it comes across.
2) The "To Dos" are right there to use - Each tip is just that - a tip. When you give your reader some ideas about what to do next, you are seen as a helpful and useful expert.
3) You set yourself apart - Most articles and books are heavy on explanation and light on what to do next. A 7 tips article is full of what to do next.
Use these tips to increase your expert-ability when writing articles.
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From Jeff Herring - The Article Guy
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