So what defines a "great day"? Everyone has their own personal definition so allow me to share how I define a great day.
For some a great day is when:
You come into a large sum of money
You finally got the person's attention you were longing for
Your partner said "yes" to marry you
You finally got pregnant
You or some one you love recovers from an illness
You finally paid off your mortgage or car loan
You won an all expense paid trip
You met your fat loss goal
Your funds are on the up swing with a good return
Those are a handful of what we would label a great day, because something good happened to us or someone we're connected to. Though each of those events are warranted to be labeled a "great day", they do not (in my opinion) really convey the true essence of the greatness of that day.
Shouldn't a great day be defined not by the events of what occurred, but by how you handle yourself throughout the day?
Someone cuts you off while driving and you hold your cool; you receive less than excellent customer service care and you don't flip out, you find yourself at peace as you go about your day even though all your life's events aren't lining up exactly the way to want it to just yet. The cheque you were expecting is a bit delayed, and your personal bill payments are coming due in 5 - 10 days, but you are still unflustered and at peace knowing that it will all work out.
If my great days are based only on the successful outcome of the events of my day, then I could very well be in for a rough miserable day or days. This means that every time something doesn't go my way it erodes the potential of me having a great day. Now when we look at it that way, doesn't that sucks big time?
It's a great day -when you're at peace, where there's no urgency to rush, to get up tight, to struggle and fuss. A day regardless of the events good or bad, you're at peace, content, resting in knowing that you have full control of chartering the course of your emotions, and when events do manifests in ways you're expecting that would be an added boost to your already great day.
I am the music, the song, and the dance. My life is the whatever expression I choose to give it. I decide how fulfilled or not I'm going to be; my faith or lack thereof, the positive or negative attitude I decide on embracing or rejecting. I am given "today" to live, so I'm going to give it my all and live the best I can for today.
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