Laying ceramic tile is a simple process. Get the basics right and the project will be a success. Now there are quite a few tricks that you need to know for the project to turn out right. Overlook these few things and you may have problems. Actually some of the most important steps are before you lay the first tile.
Some tile projects fail because of the base over which the tile is set. That's because any movement of the finished tile surface will likely lead to cracks. You see a tile surface is brittle. Move the base around and the tile will crack either in the tiles themselves or in the grout. A cracked tile surface is because of movement of the base. You can easily prevent this.
Now on some surfaces you may need some bracing. But usually even if you have a bouncing mounting surface, covering the surface will solve the problem. Putting down a plywood base or a cement board base is often the solution. The cement board base is almost a standard professional first step. In any case, make sure your base is clean, smooth and solid.
Once you have a solid base, the next important step is to decide where that first tile goes. Get the first tile right and the project is well under way. You see the finished look of the tile surface depends on where the cut tiles are and how all the tile joints look. Usually most rooms aren't exactly square so it's a challenge to make the tile lines match best with the existing walls. Planning is the key to success.
You can often start a floor in the center and work out for the best look. Once you get started it's easy to keep joints even using regular tile spacers. Then you can check regularly with a carpenter square to keep all the tiles properly aligned.
Laying ceramic tile is a step by step process. No particular step is hard, but there are quite a few tricks that you need to know to have the best chance for success. Get off to the right start and you'll surely have a good looking finished project.
You can get access to video tutorials showing the professional tricks to laying ceramic tile on our tile website.
Al Bullington invites you to visit for answers to your tile questions.
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