Thursday, August 27, 2009

Unleash to Freedom - Expand Your Awareness and Consciousness - Part 1

The majority of individuals find it difficult to step out of the mind, because they seem to only focus on the power of the mind and on their external drama games within their reality. To step outside the box is to realize that the mind is very limited to how it perceives things and it only defines what it understands. The 'mind doesn't know beyond what it knows' so it can only interpret and perceive words, statements, events and scenarios to your level of consciousness, your level of worth and that is, how you see and treat yourself.

There are 3 aspects about human consciousness:

1. Understanding Consciousness
2. Expanding Your Consciousness Changes Your Reality
3. The Outcome of Expanding Your Consciousness is Different

Let's take a look at each individual category:

1. Understanding Consciousness - Consciousness is your level of awareness, understanding, acceptance and wisdom - it is your level of truth based on your past experiences brought together and expressed in the now. Human consciousness can be either high or low and reflects the level of evolutionary growth a person is at. As your consciousness expands and grows, you see yourself and your life through different eyes and the meaning or defining of words and events also expands.

2. Expanding Your Consciousness Changes Your Reality - As your self-awareness develops your interpretations, perceptions and belief system will change, therefore your wisdom, acceptance and understanding of the words and events used and the understanding and perception about the experience will expand. As you raise your consciousness level, you will act and react differently to certain situations. The drama games that you once may have negatively reacted to, do not have to affect you now and in doing so you will attract different scenarios to you.

3. The Outcome of Expanding Your Consciousness is Different -When you take on the drama games of mass consciousness, you act out that game, you play that masquerade story game until you are finished playing with it in your sand pit - when you say 'enough is enough'. This means you will stop playing that game of who you think you are.

When you choose to release that story of defining certain event and how you perceive situations, when you choose to unleash old wounds and set these stuck energies free that is when you will grow and expand in consciousness. That is when you will come to understand that every experience that you have had, has served you and you will be able to see the beauty, the gift and the joy in giving yourself that experience. It is by having these experiences that you have developed the wisdom, understanding, acceptance and compassion that inspires and expands your consciousness. When you have gained the wisdom from an experience you will be able to look back to see the overall 'boxed-in' belief system and overlays that you have been caught up in. You will realize that the overall collective majority of humanities consciousness is not at the same level of awareness as you and you will begin to disconnect from getting caught up in their drama games of suffering and bliss.

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