It is important for each of us to know how to raise awareness of the dangers of solar window blinds. Each year, many children are rushed to local emergency rooms due to injuries sustained when playing with the cords, or pulling on the cords that are part of window blinds. Pets have also been known to suffer from injuries due to these same types of cords.
Unfortunately, several children and pets alike have died as a result of these cords. As a parent, I feel that it is absolutely necessary to raise awareness to other parents and pet owners regarding this type of danger lurking in the home. Here, you will be taught how to raise awareness of the dangers of solar window blinds.
The very first step that you can take when it comes to alerting others to the dangers of window blinds is to take the proper precautions in your own home. First, go through the home and make sure that all cords attached to solar window blinds are tied up highly. Not only will this help to avoid trips and potential falls, but it will distract children and animals from playing and pulling on the cords.
By integrating this safety measure in your own home, visitors to your home will see that you take the subject very seriously and may start to make the same changes and precautions in their home too.
The next thing that you can do to raise awareness about the dangers of cords on solar window blinds is to alert your local government. You should write letters to legislators that are considered to be local and those that work over your entire state. You will want to urge these individuals to make laws for daycare and educational facilities that require them to eliminate cords on blinds.
In stating your case, it is important to offer additional alternatives for covering windows. This may include standard window treatments. To be honest, one of the last things that these officials have on their mind is safety with window blind cords. However, your letter will put this consideration out there.
If you have a knack for research, and can come up with some pretty strong evidence that solar window blinds pose potential dangers, you may elect to contact news reporters. You can choose those that work for local papers, or those that work on television. These individuals have the ability to get the word out quickly.
They are always looking for a great news story, and something like blind cords that seems to be no danger at all, but prove to be a danger can make for some bold headlines! Now, you know how to raise awareness of the dangers of solar window blinds!
Daryl Plaza is a regular contributor to a website with information and resources on blinds and shutters
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