Thursday, August 27, 2009

Meditation - What is It?

Meditation is defined as contemplation, reflection or spiritual introspection. However, the term has come to encompass a wide range of definitions. It is used to identify the practices that assist in achieving an altered state of mind. Such practices may include concentration techniques, multi-layered contemplation and deep relaxation. Meditation can also be used to identify the state of mind that is achieved from such techniques. As well, it may be used to define the state of being that this meditative state of mind helps facilitate.

Meditation may be as simple as stopping what you are doing and becoming aware of everything around you without thinking about it. In fact, conscious non-thinking awareness expansion is one of my favorite practices. By non-thinking I'm specifically referring to the internal voice. Being able to control the inner voice and shut it off at will is one of the goals of meditation.

Our thoughts are constantly in motion. We are raised to live in our heads. We have endless thought loops churning around and driving our movements. When we can shift our awareness to allow ourselves to observe these thought patterns impartially we can then begin to take mastery over our own minds. When you gain mastery over your own mind then life becomes your meditation.

So what is meditation? The definition of meditation is up to the person that is using it. For one person, it could be the hour they spend quietly alone. For another, it may be every moment that they can maintain an awareness of their awareness. Whatever your chosen definition is, the time spent on meditation will be rewarding.

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